I did a lot to roller testing today.
All testing done with Malossi Multivar and 85 main jet with stock exhaust.
6gr Dr. Pulley sliders - Good takeoff, dead in the mids and 30 mph top speed.
7gr Dr. Pulley sliders - Good takeoff, dead in the mids and 32 mph top speed.
7gr. rollers - Good takeoff, OK in the mids and 33 mph top speed.
8.5 gr. stock rollers - OK takeoff, OK in the mids and 38 mph top speed.
9 gr. Malossi rollers - Ok takeoff, OK in the mids and 40 mph top speed.
The best overall ride and feel for me was the Malossi 9gr rollers. I was hoping to find more top speed but the scoot just will not make anymore rpms with that tall of a final drive. I can not see move up to 10gram weights going any faster.