Scooters - 125 to 300 => LIKE 200i => Topic started by: sonoazure on April 13, 2014, 02:04:36 AM
Hi All, I've been lurking, soaking up all your knowledge for the past few months, waiting for the rain to break here in Seattle.
Finally got to take my bike out for a good proper ride. A far cry more peppy than my ol 70 cc Honda Passport. ;) I Definitely Like
Anyway, Hi
Hello and welcome aboard. The Like is a nice scooter.
Hey there!
Nice scoot.
Nice picture - thanks for posting.
Were the crash bars in place on the scooter as it sat on the dealer's floor - or installed after the purchase?
I think dealers would sell even more LIKE's if they would put those bars onto the scoots they display. They could add to the price, like car dealers do with accessories. But the extra bling might move them faster.
My dealer still has 5 LIKE's sitting in the show-room as of yesterday.
Again, welcome and thanks for the picture!
Ride safe out there ---
I did the install. When I ordered them they said they were ordering a couple sets to put on bikes on the floor. Only an LX in the Window had the rails installed. The 4 others (2 red 2 black) were naked. But yeah, I agree they'd probably move them faster with installed accessories. They look so much better with the shiny crash bars.
... Were the crash bars in place on the scooter as it sat on the dealer's floor - or installed after the purchase?
I think dealers would sell even more LIKE's if they would put those bars onto the scoots they display. They could add to the price, like car dealers do with accessories. But the extra bling might move them faster. ...