Scooters - 50cc => zx50 => Topic started by: R1samo on November 01, 2014, 03:24:53 PM
Hi all
I recently purchased my first scoot which is a kymco super fever II
It starts lovely and runs but after 5 mins of either idling or running it will just bog down and eventually stall. It will immediately restart but will not Rev up until after 5 mins or so then once running it will recycle the sequence of running for 5 mins then bogging
To try and fix it I have changed the plug the coil and the cdi all to no avail
Does anybody know what other failure would cause these symptoms and what to do to test if that's the cause as I'm working to a tight budget and have already wasted money on buying new parts that it seems I didn't need
Thanks in advance
Welcome to the forum, it sound like vapor lock. The gas tank needs to be vented for fuel to flow out. Drill a small hole in the gas cap, the smallest drill bit you have. I bet that'll fix it. Or maybe your scooter has Ebola not a fever;) don't get its body fluids on you!
Thanks for your reply as I'm running short of ideas
Fetched a new fuel filter this afternoon but not had chance to take the scooter out
It does seem to be better with it just ticking over though
Will drill fuel cap tomorrow and let you know what happens
Hope it's not Ebola as it's just sneezed petrol on my hands when I did the filter
You can test it it's vapor lock, next time it bogs out crack the gas cap open and see if it starts right up
Just got back from a sequence of riding and pushing 😞😞😞
When it bogged out I removed the petrol cap and fired it back up
It started but as soon as you give it some gas it just bogs down (no difference)
After a couple of minutes of bogging down and cutting out it will ride as if there's no problem for 5 minutes then back to bogging down and cutting out
Shoot i thought that was it. You said you ordered a new fuel filter? I'm not 100% on the super fever, but if the stock filter is a paper one that could be the problem. Especially on the people 50 some of them had a very bad problem with the filter doing that. Have you cleaned your carb yet? The float level could be set wrong. If it won't take more than half throttle that is for sure fuel/carb problem not ignition.
When it starts to bog it won't take any throttle at all
That's fuel starvation. Replace the stock filter, ethanol clogs them up. Also check the vacuum line going to the petcock is in good shape.