Scooters - 125 to 300 => People GT 300i => Topic started by: doxbike on December 16, 2014, 02:57:02 AM

Title: warranty
Post by: doxbike on December 16, 2014, 02:57:02 AM
So my NTM 2012 300i shows it initially sold 2014, since there's a 2 year warranty it should be still covered, right?  Local Kymco doesn't think it applies to subsequent owners.  Will Kymco transfer the warranty even if I don't know the original owner's name? or am I outa luck?
Title: Re: warranty
Post by: BettinANDlosing on December 16, 2014, 03:28:17 AM
So my NTM 2012 300i shows it initially sold 2014, since there's a 2 year warranty it should be still covered, right?  Local Kymco doesn't think it applies to subsequent owners.  Will Kymco transfer the warranty even if I don't know the original owner's name? or am I outa luck?

The warranty is transferable, but its somewhat up to the discretion of the individual dealer, I'm not condoning this just stating fact. Several members here have posted contact into for Kymco USA, and they have a questions contact somewhere on their page. If Kymco responds yes to you just show that email to the dealer. Kymco pays a low hourly rate for warranty so it does not provide very good incentive for the dealer to help. Stig ran into this hard core, but finally got it resolved. Keep in mind that the electrical is only 1yr warranty, the remainder of the 2yr is engine only.
Title: Re: warranty
Post by: Stig / Major Tom on December 16, 2014, 09:21:14 PM
The warranty is transferable, but its somewhat up to the discretion of the individual dealer, I'm not condoning this just stating fact. Several members here have posted contact into for Kymco USA, and they have a questions contact somewhere on their page. If Kymco responds yes to you just show that email to the dealer. Kymco pays a low hourly rate for warranty so it does not provide very good incentive for the dealer to help. Stig ran into this hard core, but finally got it resolved. Keep in mind that the electrical is only 1yr warranty, the remainder of the 2yr is engine only.
Well, look again at all that paperwork that came with your scooter.
Some emissions stuff has one warranty (5 yrs /18Km) ; bumper to bumper is 365 days ; engine & electrical parts 540 days; engine 730 days.
(in other words - 1 yr, 1.5 yr, 2 yr)
And the warranty is absolutely transferable!! The dealer cannot opt out of honoring the warranty according to my customer service guy at Kymco USA.
To transfer the warranty to the new owner you contact Kymco USA."The 24 month warranty period starts from the date of original retail purchase from an authorized Kymco dealer."
Racing and rentals are excluded - racing a rental might be fun but is also not warranteed.
Title: Re: warranty
Post by: souzamoto on December 16, 2014, 11:24:52 PM
B&L says:
"Kymco pays a low hourly rate for warranty so it does not provide very good incentive for the dealer to help. "

FYI, Kymco pays your posted labor rate according to a couple of dealers I work with.

Title: Re: warranty
Post by: souzamoto on December 16, 2014, 11:28:36 PM
Also, Any dealer can do the transfer. It's electronic and is done through the Kymco Dealer Only Website.
Show a valid registration or a bill of sale to the dealer.
Title: Re: warranty
Post by: BettinANDlosing on December 17, 2014, 02:25:12 AM
B&L says:
"Kymco pays a low hourly rate for warranty so it does not provide very good incentive for the dealer to help. "

FYI, Kymco pays your posted labor rate according to a couple of dealers I work with.


Kymco warranty pays out $60 \hr. Like i said not justifying dealers being shady, but kymco does not exactly motivate dealers to go above and beyond.
Title: Re: warranty
Post by: doxbike on December 17, 2014, 03:14:36 AM
Got an email from Kymco verifying the 2 year warranty and explaining how to transfer the warranty.  They included a copy of the warranty for me and gave me the put in service date and original owner's name.  I'll get that handled.  Hopefully, won't need to use it
Title: Re: warranty
Post by: souzamoto on December 17, 2014, 06:13:19 AM
Kymco warranty pays out $60 \hr. Like i said not justifying dealers being shady, but kymco does not exactly motivate dealers to go above and beyond.

Is that your posted labor rate? $60.00?
Title: Re: warranty
Post by: Stig / Major Tom on December 17, 2014, 02:12:04 PM
Got an email from Kymco verifying the 2 year warranty and explaining how to transfer the warranty.  They included a copy of the warranty for me and gave me the put in service date and original owner's name.  I'll get that handled.  Hopefully, won't need to use it
Kymco has a pretty good was a selling point for me.
Dealers may not care for some of the policies of Kymco USA.....but the owners can feel good about having their backup in a lot of circumstances.
Honda has a one year warranty.
The dealership may or may not feel very cooperative regarding any warranty issues you might have - but my experience has been that Kymco USA is going to come down on your side. They seem to be that concerned with their reputation for a quality the USA.
Title: Re: warranty
Post by: BettinANDlosing on December 17, 2014, 02:13:32 PM

Is that your posted labor rate? $60.00?

$75/ hr and were on the cheap end of it in Portland some shops are $100\ hr
Title: Re: warranty
Post by: doxbike on December 25, 2014, 02:45:51 PM
Well, stopped by the local Kymco dealer today just to introduce myself.  I let him know that Kymco had OK'd the warranty transfer, asked him about having him servicing the scoot, etc.  He started off by saying he wouldn't do any warranty work unless he originally sold it and then only for the original buyer!  Guess who won't be doing any service work either?
Title: Re: warranty
Post by: zombie on December 25, 2014, 05:32:47 PM
I like your style...

I repair boats for a living (glass/paint/gell coat/engines ect...), and I do as much free work as I do paid work.
If a fella has a minor issue I will 99% of the time do the work for free, and ask them to keep me in mind when they have bigger issues.

Treating customers like friends, and putting their needs before the all-mighty dollar goes a LONG way.
Your making the right choice in skipping that "dealer". He won't be there long anyway.
Title: Re: warranty
Post by: BettinANDlosing on December 25, 2014, 05:35:59 PM
Well, stopped by the local Kymco dealer today just to introduce myself.  I let him know that Kymco had OK'd the warranty transfer, asked him about having him servicing the scoot, etc.  He started off by saying he wouldn't do any warranty work unless he originally sold it and then only for the original buyer!  Guess who won't be doing any service work either?

They were open on Christmas? Lol no wonder he was in a bad mood. That's what I was talking about up there^^^^^ dealers don't get paid enough from Kymco to go out of the way. Who the hell is open on Christmas tho, poor employee.
Title: Re: warranty
Post by: zombie on December 25, 2014, 05:43:53 PM
I'll bet the fella (dealer) is married to a gal that was married before. He obviously has no wish to honor her service needs either.

Maybe he'd make a better lawyer.

Merry X-mass guys! :-*
Title: Re: warranty
Post by: doxbike on December 26, 2014, 02:22:00 AM
OK, so flame me-I stopped by on Christmas Eve! no Christmas day. ::)
Title: Re: warranty
Post by: zombie on December 26, 2014, 05:35:37 AM
Not you Bro! Were f'n w/ the dealer...

We all have to love a brother/Sister (BlueSin) that stops by on Christmas.

Flamers live a short life here.            Happy New Year!!! :-*
Title: Re: warranty
Post by: souzamoto on December 31, 2014, 06:11:34 AM
B&L, you need to send Kymco a new warranty labor rate increase request form.  Request 75.00 hour and include a photo of your posted labor rate.
Title: Re: warranty
Post by: doxbike on January 06, 2015, 03:39:39 AM
Local dealer has responded-will do the warranty work as long as kymco is good with it.  Appears all is well, now just hope I never need any warranty work ::)
Title: Re: warranty
Post by: zombie on January 06, 2015, 04:24:48 AM
It's the small battles that win wars. Good for you sir!