Scooters - 125 to 300 => Super 8 150 => Topic started by: souzamoto on January 29, 2015, 02:04:36 AM
Any of y'all know a source for an Adjustable Jet Needle for a Super 8 150?
No thanks, I don't want to use shims.
Look on if they don't have it no one will. Btw shims are very cheap and work great, you shouldn't have to go more than .5mm up, each needle position gives you about that much.
Measure the stem end, and the total length w/ a pair of calipers.
It will be easier to match it if you have those numbers. I would call Benji from TreatLand He gets all my needles for me.
Look on if they don't have it no one will. Btw shims are very cheap and work great, you shouldn't have to go more than .5mm up, each needle position gives you about that much.
B&L, have you ever seen the fixed head of the needle break off allowing the needle to drop out of the slide?
Hmmm no never have, but i could see how that cast piece could. Did yours?
If you're asking if that happens... Yes. I posted here about a needle that lost all of the slots, and was floating between the top, and bottom stops. About 1/4" of play up, and down.
If you are stating that as a reason Not to use shims... It's valid due to the pressure from the retainer. On the other hand the Sun could explode tonight, and we will all wake up to dark. Just sayin...