General => Technical | How To => Topic started by: Don Ricks on April 07, 2015, 11:56:00 PM

Title: irregular starting
Post by: Don Ricks on April 07, 2015, 11:56:00 PM
    Am new to the forum.   I bought a used  Kymco Super 8  4T  50 cc   2009 a couple years ago.   Loved it.   Only problem is that I would have starter problems.   Sometimes it seems like the starter was working but the engine wouldn't turn over.   This happens  after I have used it for 30 km or so....but the more regular problem I have occurs when the weather is cold and/or wet and then I can have real problems starting it.   Sometimes the kick-starter solves the problem and then sometimes it doesn't matter what I try but nothing will work.      I have taken it to the dealer twice to have this problem fixed,  but they haven't solved the problem   but have instead diagnosed "other" problems that I didn't bring it in for and for which, once I paid for those problems it still didn't work.   I don't wish to return to the dealer again now,  but I do want to know what the problem is.   The weird thing is that sometimes I can not restart my scooter  for two weeks once it is has "decided"  to  not be working,  but on the other hand  if it works in the morning for me,  then it is good for the rest of the day.   I couldn't start it all winter but now that the weather has warmed up I can start it and it runs again.    Does this sound like anything someone is familiar with?   Thanks.
Title: Re: irregular starting
Post by: Jamez on May 13, 2015, 04:47:45 PM
When I first bought my Agility I had similar problems.  Some days it ran like a charm and others not at all.  The starter would do it's job, but the engine wouldn't turn over.  I too took it to the dealership 2-3 times to have it solved and each time they thought it was fixed.  Finally, they found a pinch in the fuel line way in the back.  Took it out, replaced it with a new fuel line and haven't had one problem since.  Often times it's simple issues like this that can keep it from running.  Try double checking your fuel lines for kinks.
Title: Re: irregular starting
Post by: BettinANDlosing on May 13, 2015, 04:52:58 PM
Did the dealer perform a through carb clean? 99% of the time I have customers bring in used scoots, they sat before purchase and need the carb cleaned and adjusted properly. Does the starter motor always crank, as in turn the motor? That eliminates the battery. If the dealer did not adjust the valves, that could be a cause also. Too many things to check to list here, but I would be willing to bet $10 it's the carb.
Title: Re: irregular starting
Post by: 0BARK4322 on May 17, 2015, 01:09:08 AM
Sometimes you have to open the throttle some to get it started