Scooters - 50cc => Agility 50 => Topic started by: NathanLocated on September 23, 2015, 01:18:06 PM

Title: Colder weather
Post by: NathanLocated on September 23, 2015, 01:18:06 PM
As Fall approaches I am wondering if any of you think there's any problem running our scooters in colder weather?  The temps in the morning here are falling to 45-55 but I don't want to store the scooter away yet.  As long as I let it warm up a couple minutes before I take off it should be ok right?   :)
Title: Re: Colder weather
Post by: TheAmishSasquatch on September 23, 2015, 02:37:26 PM
I've rode year round before. I was living in the mountains of NC, so there were all 4 seasons. My bike did fine. The biggest limiting factor was rider endurance of those seasons. In colder weather, I would bundle up nicely, and wear thermal underwear under my jeans, coat with a sports wind breaker under it, with a normal sport jogging jacket under that, plus whatever shirt I was wearing. Gloves are a must. I currently use Harbor Freight water resistant "insulated" work gloves. They are the blue and black ones. $11 or so. They're actually  really nice. I would also wear hiking/trail shoes/boots as they're usually water resistant and mildly insulated. Lastly, I always wear a full faced helmet. I currently have a modular Hemet and chose it as I got tired of having a to swap between a full faced helmet when it's colder and an open face during warmer months... or being stuck with a full face in July/August heat! & humidity, yuck! Carry an emergency poncho in your underseat bin JIC.
Title: Re: Colder weather
Post by: tortoise on September 23, 2015, 04:07:21 PM
let it warm up a couple minutes before I take off
Main issue is cold fuel not atomizing well . . takes a while for engine heat to warm up fuel line and carb bowl.  Delo 15W40 ( has a little more "slick stuff" (Zinc and Boron) than similar brands.  Adding 1 tablespoon (256:1 ratio) of 2-stroke oil ( per gallon of gas in the tank may also help a cold engine start a little easier, and idle better at those first few stop lights.  Installing an enricher switch ( may be another option.
Title: Re: Colder weather
Post by: TheAmishSasquatch on September 23, 2015, 07:55:04 PM
I miss read earlier, I thought you were asking about cold weather riding not operational issues. As was suggested, just let it warm up and your good to go.
Title: Re: Colder weather
Post by: blue on September 26, 2015, 12:54:08 AM
Your good to go. Just do the kymco  warm .   I ride all year .As long as I can see the road I will ride.Plus runny your scoot is good for the scoot. It helps the oil and gas going threw the motor to keep it frsh.
Title: Re: Colder weather
Post by: JJJoseph on October 23, 2015, 06:10:15 AM
No problem riding all year round, but it's sometimes slippery at night when the thermometer is around freezing, so then I'll take the bus.  But if the roads are dry, freezing weather is no problem.  Actually the worst hazard for scooters is pot-holes at night.  They're hard to spot in time; the wheels are too small to take potholes head-on.
Title: Re: Colder weather
Post by: JayAre on October 25, 2015, 03:06:11 PM
I had a friend ride his motorcycle year round once, & we get 200"s of snow! Like everyone says let it warm up. As for riding in snow what my buddy did was put sheet metal screws in the bottom of his boots so he could stand up & hold the bike back on the slippery stuff. But then he's 280#'s & overly enthusiastic biker. As for the bike, it looked like crap after a year in the salt. All the aluminum turned white & the brake pistons froze up a year later. Dress warm!
Title: Re: Colder weather
Post by: blue on November 02, 2015, 12:23:42 PM
Rideing all year is why I stick with the shorter scoots.I can balance it better and drag my feet for support if I have to.
Title: Re: Colder weather
Post by: Stig / Major Tom on November 16, 2015, 12:50:44 PM
I ride a water cooled and an air cooled scooter year around in Ohio. Let them warm up, easy on the engine when you do take off until normal engine temps reached.
I use a 2 gallon pump garden sprayer to rinse off any road salt after each day. It is a low pressure sprayer that will not attack wheel bearings, electrical parts, etc. If that is too much bother .... best take the car or public transport if avail.
Stig.   (Wearing 7 layers at hour ride out here,..27°F, but sun is coming up so will be toasty 30's going home)