Scooters - 125 to 300 => Downtown 300 => Topic started by: theocy on May 25, 2017, 03:05:26 AM
Dear bikers,
Hello, i hope everyone is having a good day. I am a proud kymco down town 300 owner. I have purchased my scooter in 2011 and have experienced no problems with the scooter and have used it on daily basis with around 35000km. Eventhough i love my downtown i feel it is time for an upgrade. I have been looking at the new kymcodowntown 350 and i would really need some feedback. Is the 350 much better than the 300 old model? Also should i upgrade to the downtown 350 or should i also consider the xxiting 400? There are some new kymco models such as the k xct 300 and the kymco xtown 300 which in my eyes all have similar powered engines. Why is kymco releasing all these models?
Thank you in advance.
2011 downtown delivered in 2012 , 85,000 Km. 84 years old and nothing to do but ride around,.
love my scooter, here in Canada we have no access to other models, like you have , we have the frost -yager, and some small models 50 CC ,. if we want a bigger scooter it will be a berg 400 or 650,
bmw 650 , or a T max,
Dear De dee,
85000km? that's even more than what my car has on it. It sure is reliable then if it can get so many kms on the clock.
Dear De dee,
85000km? that's even more than what my car has on it. It sure is reliable then if it can get so many kms on the clock.
and it runs better than new
I still wish the Downtown was just a tad longer for us taller folks. I like the looks and performance of the bike!
Have you considered mounting highway pegs outboard and ahead of the stock foot pads.. When I first got my DT300 it was the most uncomfortable bike I'd ever ridden. With the addition of foot pegs and a back rest, I'm now riding cruiser style and loving it. I'm not really tall, at 5'8"
Have you considered mounting highway pegs outboard and ahead of the stock foot pads.. When I first got my DT300 it was the most uncomfortable bike I'd ever ridden. With the addition of foot pegs and a back rest, I'm now riding cruiser style and loving it. I'm not really tall, at 5'8"
I have thought about it but I use my scooter as my primary mode of transportation all year in all weather. The pegs just wouldn't work for me in the winter or when it rains. One of the things I like about a scooter is the weather protection. BTW I am 6ft 1 with long arms and legs. But I really, really, like the Downtown. It is frustrating.
I have thought about it but I use my scooter as my primary mode of transportation all year in all weather. The pegs just wouldn't work for me in the winter or when it rains. One of the things I like about a scooter is the weather protection. BTW I am 6ft 1 with long arms and legs. But I really, really, like the Downtown. It is frustrating.
I was 6 ft. 2 " when I was young , I rebuilt the seat for my long legs , cut the round off and installed 4 " rebond foam with more slant than before , and moved the butt stop back 5 " you can see the seat on scooter wolfs blog on his trip to Ottawa On. and you can see my spot lights too,
You could always sit on the pillion seat.
You could always sit on the pillion seat.
been there and done that , what a blast from the wind over the windshield,
You could always sit on the pillion seat.
I have done that too. The position makes it awkward to reach the bars. But it is kinda fun sometimes.
Okay, I'm 6'2" / 188cm.
Does anyone buy a used seat w/damage and take it to their favorite upholsterer and have it rebuilt with the seat bolster relocated 4" / 8cm aft ?
I realize it is Not gonna do good things for weight transfer, but might work out well enough for long-straight-a-way riding ??
Near as I can tell, it would be a monumental task to cut and extend a modern electronically controlled scooter in the step-through vicinity !
Near as I can tell, it would be a monumental task to cut and extend a modern electronically controlled scooter in the step-through vicinity !
I think it might be better for you to consider surgery to your legs? Modern bone fusion techniques and titanium plating is much more affordable and effective these days.
Have you considered mounting highway pegs outboard and ahead of the stock foot pads.. When I first got my DT300 it was the most uncomfortable bike I'd ever ridden. With the addition of foot pegs and a back rest, I'm now riding cruiser style and loving it. I'm not really tall, at 5'8"
Dear Mac,
how did you manage to install that back rest? It definitely is a must buy.
Thank you,