General => General Discussion => Topic started by: greagle on April 07, 2018, 02:46:57 AM

Title: Best helmet cameras Or GPS locator
Post by: greagle on April 07, 2018, 02:46:57 AM
So, I have been reviewing some choices for Helmet cameras (built-in and mounted). They get pricey. Do any of you guys have any experience with those? or recommendations?

My specs: I don't need to communicate to others, so a mic isn't really necessary - though recording audio would be nice. I already have a GoPro mount, but it gets mounted rarely. I have been watching a lot of videos of helmet cams recently and would like one. I know it would come in useful sometime.

Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance.
edit: I edited title because I like the GPS tracker option better.
Title: Re: Best helmet cameras
Post by: PaulF on April 07, 2018, 04:06:15 AM
This was the one I was looking at a while ago.  Still might get it yet. (
Title: Re: Best helmet cameras
Post by: greagle on April 08, 2018, 01:14:49 AM
Yea, I seen that one on Amazon ( before posting. Reading the reviews though, not sure if it is the right fit.

I just bought a GPS Locator ( that is stowed under the seat and I love that and have had it about 2 weeks. It is really neat. Though, I was thinking if I was going to buy a camera, might as well go a little bigger and better.

I seen this one also, Tachyon ( but the reviews aren't that great either, rather not that many.

Then I came across this Sena10c ( and I may save up to get this one.

If anyone has any thoughts on the last one.

Title: Re: Best helmet cameras
Post by: PaulF on April 08, 2018, 06:25:53 AM
One thing about Sena is that they make quality gear.  I just purchased the Sena 3S-W bluetooth set for my helmet to use with my gps and phone.  Very happy so far with it. (
Title: Re: Best helmet cameras
Post by: greagle on April 22, 2018, 01:56:39 AM
If you live in a high crime rate area, I have to say, I am loving the GPS tracker I bought for the scoot.

Usually when I walk the dog in the morning, I have that second before I exit the building - where I ask, is it still there?. With this thing, I get text messages when it leaves my home area. It tracks my routes and I have to say. I would fully recommend to someone that can't lock the scoot in a garage or really securely and is out in the open.

For me, the battery life on this thing would probably stretch to a 5 weeks because I am so local to every place I go, but I like to keep it above 50% so I charge it every 3 weeks at work (secure building - a lot of cameras). The support with the company is great also, although not written in the instructions, they will let you know how to get SMS messages, otherwise, it is only emails.

They have a kit to wire it to your battery, I am fine with charging it though. It seems it does (for me) an automatic ping every 6 hours when it is just sitting (unit is shut off - until movement). I check the pings and it just says 'non-movement activity'. I don't get alerted for those, but nice to know it does this.

Hands down a great piece of mind for me.
Also, they store a years worth of data, though you can only really see the last 7 days worth. Last position known, will be when the thieves find it, or where they dump it.

It does cost money though for a monthly subscription.
Title: Re: Best helmet cameras
Post by: TroutBum on April 23, 2018, 11:20:55 PM
One thing about Sena is that they make quality gear.  I just purchased the Sena 3S-W bluetooth set for my helmet to use with my gps and phone.  Very happy so far with it. (

I recently purchased their 10S. It's a nice unit, but the speakers, meh
Title: Re: Best helmet cameras Or GPS locator
Post by: TroutBum on April 23, 2018, 11:24:52 PM
My helmet camera is a GoPro. I really like it. I have not used others brands so I can't compare. So far the GoPro does everything I need it to. I have the older Hero 3 White version. It is light weight, great video capture and the GoPro editing software makes easy work of those YT uploads.
Title: Re: Best helmet cameras Or GPS locator
Post by: greagle on April 24, 2018, 01:55:59 AM
I have the Hero 1 still - still working great when I need it. The software is pretty easy to use also. What kind of mount do you use for the helmet?

I bought a mount for the scoot, but the only place to put it is on the (left) handle bar which leaves my hand about 25% off (uncomfortable).

This is the 1/2 of footage for the Hero 1. I can't keep it mounted because of safety issues. (

Robert, the other scooter, at the beginning of the video, he passed away to a scooter accident last month. RIP buddy.
Instead of the camera facing front (fixed), I would prefer it to see what I see.