General => General Discussion => Topic started by: Stig / Major Tom on July 29, 2018, 04:16:53 PM

Title: Is the X-Town300 hard to find?
Post by: Stig / Major Tom on July 29, 2018, 04:16:53 PM
Are they hard to find in your area?
Have read that they are sold out at many dealers due to their many attributes and low price. ABS and impressive  build quality for the price are mentioned frequently.
My dealer doesn't have any of the new Kymcos.

Title: Re: Is the X-Town300 hard to find?
Post by: LidoCA on July 29, 2018, 05:37:00 PM
 I have never seen one in any of the Kymco places i have been in locally. I saw one at a light in downtown L.A., the rider was rockin out to the music coming from the car next to him. His license plate frame was from a dealer I have not been to.
Title: Re: Is the X-Town300 hard to find?
Post by: ccemn1 on July 30, 2018, 01:26:53 PM
I recently bought a 2018 from Ft. Lauderdale Vespa, here in FL. it's a bit heavy, coming from my Super 8, 150, but I Love the bike.
A good analogy between the Super 8 and XTown 300-I, would be an MG Midget and a Cadillac.
At first, they couldn't find an XTown anywhere in the country, and I was told I'd have to wait a few months to get the new model year. Apparently they are/were a very popular bike.
They finally found one at another dealer that wasn't coming up on the computer.
Title: Re: Is the X-Town300 hard to find?
Post by: MJR on July 30, 2018, 02:00:20 PM
I've seen a couple at dealers here and there.
Title: Re: Is the X-Town300 hard to find?
Post by: EvilTessmacher on July 31, 2018, 04:47:05 PM
My dealer had two of them. Tried to sell me one of them when I went in to ask about the 400i, but I told him I needed something bigger than the X-Town. Lovely bikes, and I consider them the little sister of the Xciting. They have a very strong resemblance to each other.
Title: Re: Is the X-Town300 hard to find?
Post by: AMAC1680 on July 31, 2018, 06:34:52 PM
My dealer, who stocks everything, didn’t bring one in until......
They sold the last DT300. They knew side by side the Xtown would win the price war.

Rode one and it’s nice. Too bad it doesn’t have the same punch as the DT300 did.

Title: Re: Is the X-Town300 hard to find?
Post by: Tromper on August 04, 2018, 10:03:04 AM
No issues in Seattle.
The local dealer's sold a couple & keeps one in stock. 
He initially got the 400 by mistake, but since that sold too he ordered another of those too.