Scooters - 50cc => Super 8 => Topic started by: le ted on September 21, 2010, 02:30:36 AM

Title: Beam problem with my CDI
Post by: le ted on September 21, 2010, 02:30:36 AM
Hello, i have a problem with my Kymco Super 8 2T and i live in France. Few days before i want to de-restricted my Kymco; at first i changed the vario ( that's ok) and later i changed my CDI (GY6). But i have a problem, when i put my de-restricted CDI i have not any beam!!! (at rear all is ok) with the OE CDI all is ok ....
i don't know the failure!! Do you understand me?.Please can you help me? sorry for my bad english.
Title: Re: Beam problem with my CDI
Post by: wordslinger on September 21, 2010, 02:35:38 AM
..welcome to the forum, le ted!!

..i don't think the gy6 (4t) , and the 2t cdi's are the same... might need to use another, 2t scoot's cdi specs...

..don't worry about the englich...when it get's really tough, just post pics!!

Title: Re: Beam problem with my CDI
Post by: le ted on September 21, 2010, 02:40:34 AM
Thanks wordslinger ,
Normaly i buy 2T cdi but when i put it, i have not any light in the front of the bike. stop light ant rear light is ok. I think there is a security in the cdi
Title: Re: Beam problem with my CDI
Post by: sidthesloth on September 21, 2010, 06:30:55 AM
Maybe taken out the regulator?
Title: Re: Beam problem with my CDI
Post by: le ted on September 21, 2010, 08:34:52 AM
Hi, i don't know wy but i think the lightening is switch on by the CDI. perhaps a security of Kymco for the French bike?
Title: Re: Beam problem with my CDI
Post by: sidthesloth on September 21, 2010, 09:28:59 AM
Yes, I think you are right, I think scootergrisen found the fix for this. If you do a search, you should be able to find it. good luck.
Title: Re: Beam problem with my CDI
Post by: sidthesloth on September 21, 2010, 10:08:30 AM
I saw scootergrisens thread on this and it seems that you need an a/c signal from your cdi to your light control box to make the headlight work. does your engine run ok with the new cdi?
Title: Re: Beam problem with my CDI
Post by: le ted on September 21, 2010, 04:20:10 PM
Thanks for your answer. Yes the engine is ok but not any front lightening ...... rear ok. For me, there is a secuity system for not change CDI quickly.
I try to look for scootergrisens......
Title: Re: Beam problem with my CDI
Post by: sidthesloth on September 21, 2010, 10:09:49 PM
His thread is in this section. You might need to find the trigger wire and connect that. I tried to look at the wiring diagram for the s9, but it is not readable. Check that your headlight globe is not blown.
Title: Re: Beam problem with my CDI
Post by: le ted on September 22, 2010, 07:26:37 AM
hi, no my headlight globe is not blown , because when i put the OE Kymco CDi N° 30410-LHB3-E10 all is ok but my engine is normaly.
My investigation is not easy, i'm waiting answer of GY6.
Title: Re: Beam problem with my CDI
Post by: sidthesloth on September 22, 2010, 08:13:46 AM
How many wires to your original cdi and what colours are they?
Title: Re: Beam problem with my CDI
Post by: le ted on September 22, 2010, 08:59:07 AM
I have 6 wire
Title: Re: Beam problem with my CDI
Post by: sidthesloth on September 22, 2010, 03:38:16 PM
G'day Le Ted, I have just found a manual for the super8 and it shows as being a 4 stroke, you wouldn't have the manual for the 2 stroke would you?
The wires in your picture, going from left to right, top row then bottom row, are the colours
Blue/Yellow, green/black, green.
Bottom row
black/blue, black/purple, black/white?
Title: Re: Beam problem with my CDI
Post by: sidthesloth on September 22, 2010, 04:09:47 PM
Also Le Ted, can you find your light control box and if so, what colour wires are going to it?
Title: Re: Beam problem with my CDI
Post by: le ted on September 23, 2010, 10:53:57 AM
Salut, où est ma boîte de contrôle de la lumière in the bike please
Title: Re: Beam problem with my CDI
Post by: le ted on September 23, 2010, 08:55:08 PM
Sorry i don't translate: Hello, where's my box of light control in my byke please?
Title: Re: Beam problem with my CDI
Post by: wordslinger on September 24, 2010, 12:04:44 AM
..i think there might be a 7amp fuse beneath your front cowling....
Title: Re: Beam problem with my CDI
Post by: le ted on September 24, 2010, 05:52:59 AM
G'day Le Ted, I have just found a manual for the super8 and it shows as being a 4 stroke, you wouldn't have the manual for the 2 stroke would you?
The wires in your picture, going from left to right, top row then bottom row, are the colours
Blue/Yellow, green/black, green.
Bottom row
black/blue, black/purple, black/white?

Hi, Sorry sidthesloth my belt have broke yesterday...My kymco is in Kymco center of my town. I can't look the color of the wire(black/white?) as soon as I get my bike I will advise you of the precise color of the thread. meanwhile I hope to have information about the GY6 Cie about  Cdi for french Super 8.
If I have some  information I give it  on the site for comunoty. I'm stuck in mud with this failure....
Title: Re: Beam problem with my CDI
Post by: sidthesloth on September 24, 2010, 06:31:18 AM
Gday Le Ted, looking at the wiring diagram for the 4 t and there is a black/red wire from the cdi to the light box.
Title: Re: Beam problem with my CDI
Post by: le ted on September 25, 2010, 10:27:28 AM
Gday sidthesloth, do you think it's necessary to do a shunt?   I received my bike in 8 days, i wait the response of GY6 (perhaps it's my Derestricting CDI who have a problem!!!) thanks to speak with about my problem...
Title: Re: Beam problem with my CDI
Post by: sidthesloth on September 25, 2010, 11:01:11 AM
I thought a gy6 cai was for a four stroke engine, but, if your engine is running ok it might just be a matter of finding which wire to connect to the light control box. I cant seem to find a manual for the super 8 2 stroke.
Title: Re: Beam problem with my CDI
Post by: wordslinger on September 27, 2010, 12:03:43 AM
..anything "gy6" is for a 4-stroke...
Title: Re: Beam problem with my CDI
Post by: sidthesloth on September 27, 2010, 07:12:28 AM
I think some things are compatible, stator being one of them and I think some CDI s.
Title: Re: Beam problem with my CDI
Post by: wordslinger on September 28, 2010, 07:03:52 AM
...yup..i can interchange a LOT of parts between the ppl and the guilty...
Title: Re: Beam problem with my CDI
Post by: turbokit on October 08, 2010, 09:18:41 PM
Hey, here you got the answer!   Go to : (
Title: Re: Beam problem with my CDI
Post by: scootergrisen on October 14, 2010, 08:55:54 PM
Hi i think its because the CDI you have bought does not make a signal for the light control box.

If no signal is made the front light (long and short) will not come on. But you can still use the positioninglight so you have a little bit light on the front.
This i speciel for the Kymco Super 8 (I have the 4 stroke version) because it uses 2 front light bulb i guess they desided to use a light control box.

Anyway you can use the original CDI box and the light will work again.
Or you can make some homemade wires.
I had a picture from a guy who bought a use super 8 and there was a homemade wire so i think the light would always be on if the ignition was on. I cant find the pictures but i have aske the person if he still got them.

You see the signal on the picture is the signal from the CDI though the black/red wire to the light control box.
Title: Re: Beam problem with my CDI
Post by: scootergrisen on October 14, 2010, 09:54:49 PM
Normaly the light control box and the front light has a 7 amp fuse that they dont have to share with others.

If you do like the pictures from i think that might blow the fuse.
The current to the front light will now go through another 7 amp fuse.
This other 7 amp fuse i also being used for other electric systems... like the automatic choke, winker relay and light, starter relay, brake light, clock, fuelmeter, instrument light.

If im correct the 2 front light bulbs is using 5,8 amps alone so that only leaves 1,2 amps for the others before the fuse blow.
Brake light is 1,75 amps.
Winker light is 1,6 amps.
So if you do the wires like and turn the ignition to ON, hold the brake to active the brakelight and use the winker i think this will be able to blow the fuse.

Its difficult to read what they are talking about on but they are also writing about changing the 7 amp fuse with a 10 amp and even a 15 amp.

I would not recomend changing the fuse to bigger fuses to fix the problem. The fuses is protecting the electrical system.
Title: Re: Beam problem with my CDI
Post by: sidthesloth on October 15, 2010, 02:24:53 AM
The black/red wire, is that the one from tgpe pulrer coil?
Title: Re: Beam problem with my CDI
Post by: turbokit on October 15, 2010, 03:26:57 PM
Hey, try that's shown on the picture, I did that and it works perfect!
Title: Re: Beam problem with my CDI
Post by: scootergrisen on October 15, 2010, 06:29:34 PM
The black/red wire, is that the one from tgpe pulrer coil?
No the black/red wire goes from the CDI box to the light control box.