General => General Discussion => Topic started by: Kansas kymco on June 24, 2020, 01:57:34 PM
Just got back yesterday from a trip down to Texas to pick up a couple of Kymco's. I bought a 2009 Xicting with 1610 miles that I talked about earlier (Crossbolt posted a picture). Picked up the scooter from a x Kymco dealer that forgot about it in a warehouse, dead battery and stale fuel.
The second bike a Kymco Grandvista with 3943 miles was found on Craigslist . Dead battery but fired right up with the battery I robbed out of the other Grandvista. It was a one owner that belonged to a lady that passed from cancer and her husband just wanted it gone.
Today I will change the oil and gear oil and put in iridium spark plugs. Will have to take the Xicting floor off to get the stale fuel out of the tank.
I think I surpassed my local Kymco dealer on stock of Kymco's, LOL
Trying to decide what to do with the Kymco Grandvista I bought for the engine to put in the People 250S. The parts Grandvista only has apx 5500 miles and just needs a seat latch cable and a broke mirror replaced. Runs great but has a different engine then the People S. The People S 250 engine looks like it has similar parts to the 300cc Kymco's . I might see if the 300 jug and piston will interchange since I might rebuild the motor.
Someone has a busy winter of projects lined up...
Yes, he will be busy! Hey, KK! You have to be the best stocked dealer within four states! Har, har!
You may have begun a new approach to a "niche" business! Whether you want to or not! By the way, I checked Nashville and Memphis craigslist for Kymcos and found NONE!
Yes, he will be busy! Hey, KK! You have to be the best stocked dealer within four states! Har, har!
You may have begun a new approach to a "niche" business! Whether you want to or not! By the way, I checked Nashville and Memphis craigslist for Kymcos and found NONE!
They disappear quick, especially if reasonably priced. Found a people 150 in Dallas while I was down there for $200. Didn't have time to go buy and look but was gone later that same day. The GrandVista I bought had a chance to make $200 and not even see the bike.
Funny you should say that about niche market. When I was at the insurance agent today insuring the newly purchased GV the agent gave me the name and number of a person who wanted my Lambretta Uno 150.
I bet I had another 20 calls when I had my People 150 for sale with people wanting a 50cc that didn't require a licence. I gave them the number of Dan's Cycle in Heston.
Yesterday there was a newer Kymco 200i listed in the Wichita Craiglist for a couple of hours for $1400. I was in Texas
Try a peek at these guys in Indiana! They are on facebook with stunning pictures!
Is something off about this listing? Looked like a decent deal if it was either of the 2. (
Try a peek at these guys in Indiana! They are on facebook with stunning pictures!
Now I know where all the little Hondas have gone. I don't think they looked near that good brand new.