Scooters - 50cc => People 50 => Topic started by: Oly on October 11, 2020, 09:13:50 AM

Title: Kymco People one 125 I from 2015
Post by: Oly on October 11, 2020, 09:13:50 AM
Hi I have flashing ignition light on my Scooter
Started after 18000 km so I guess it's a oil service indication.
Going to a dealer isn't an option, too far away.
The Dashboard is without any buttons so can't reset in that way, also tried to disconnect battery
Without any luck ! Any experiences with this particular model in how to reset it ?
Or should I just ignore it ? BTW it drives perfect !

Title: Re: Kymco People one 125 I from 2015
Post by: CROSSBOLT on October 11, 2020, 05:58:01 PM
Do you have an owner's manual? I tried to find one on manualslib app and not there. Even a google search shows every 125 from way back but not  People One.
Every model with an oil light symbol has buttons to reset and select. But with no owner's manual I am as stumped as much as you are because I cannot SEE what is there. Can you take a picture of the instrument display?
I found a manual but it is in Dutch and won't change to English. However, I was able to determine your "ignition light" is probably the CELP symbol check engine light. It flashes with long and short flashes to tell what trouble code the ECU is displaying.
Title: Re: Kymco People one 125 I from 2015
Post by: Oly on October 17, 2020, 05:08:46 AM
Sorry for late response, I will snap a picture of the dashboard tomorrow when I home return
And sadly no owners manual. One of my colleagues who is mechanical said I should try to give it a little additive to clean the system it might be worth to try !
Title: Re: Kymco People one 125 I from 2015
Post by: CROSSBOLT on October 17, 2020, 02:30:01 PM
The CELP symbol usually flashes short and long (reletively long) flashes to tell you the trouble code. And it repeats until you torn the ignition switch off. Try to count the flashes and tell us.
Title: Re: Kymco People one 125 I from 2015
Post by: Oly on October 26, 2020, 07:35:16 AM
Solved it was a tired battery !
It did flash 3 times 7 times 13 times and so many times that I was tired of counting.
Talked telephone with a friendly technician from Kymco, who advised me to get a new battery.
BTW he also said this model can only be reset with a tester !
Thanks everyone 👍