General => General Discussion => Topic started by: Kansas kymco on December 16, 2020, 12:13:02 AM
I have noticed a lot of people advertising 50cc scooters without a title and stating that it's not required in there state. I know a title is required in Kansas along with a moped tag. In Kansas you don't need a motorcycle driver license for a 50cc. Just curious if your state requires a title for transfer of small scooters?
Pretty sure that Ohio does, since it is considered a motorcycle requiring a motorcycle endorsement license and insurance.
No "DUI's" buying them here...
. (they just keep driving cars with a suspended license until caught a few more times)
I wager that 50's are tough to sell in Ohio. I know my Vespa dealer never stocked them. And don't recall seeing any LIKE 50's at my Kymco dealer.
Stig that's all my dealer carries is Kymco Agaility 50cc because they don't require a motorcycle license. Young people and people with a DUI seem to be the market for them. The dealer even stated that if Yamaha built a 50cc he probably wouldn't carry the Kymco's.
If this is a repeat I apologize, thought I posted this
in NY state a 50cc scooter requires a title, insurance, and a registration. it's probably why you don't see them anyplace.
I'm up in upstate NY and every time I go over to Vermont I see them all over, sad but true
If this is a repeat I apologize, thought I posted this
in NY state a 50cc scooter requires a title, insurance, and a registration. it's probably why you don't see them anyplace.
I'm up in upstate NY and every time I go over to Vermont I see them all over, sad but true
I beleive we talked about driver licenses but this question is geared towards the title for transfer of ownership.
title required in Iowa. 50cc are popular with the 14-15 yr old crowd as well as with the college students here in Iowa City.
In Tennessee...
Are scooters legal to ride on the street?
According the State of Tennessee some are and some aren't. If a scooter is under 50cc, 2 brake horsepower, has an automatic transmission and has a maximum speed of 30 mph on level ground it may be street legal if it has the proper equipment. A scooter that meets these requirements is considered a "Motorized Bicycle". A legal scooter must have a headlight capable of illuminating 200' in front of it. It must have a taillight capable of being distinguished 100' behind it. It must have at least one brake, a left side mirror and a muffler. If the scooter meets these requirements it is street legal. A scooter meeting these requirements will not have to be registered as it is considered a "Motorized Bicycle". To operate a scooter on the street a person must posses a Chauffeur or Motorcycle license. This means that anyone under 14 years old cannot legally ride a scooter on the street.
title required in Iowa. 50cc are popular with the 14-15 yr old crowd as well as with the college students here in Iowa City.
Correct. But I recently found out that a moped license is required below the age of 18. I know because I have a 27 year old son who won't be driving a car for awhile. Self inflicted problem......
Oregon requires a license registration title and insurance for a "moped" vehicle. A motorcycle endorsement is not required.
In California all gasoline powered two wheeled cycles, including mopeds need to be registered and require a motorcycle license to ride. Mopeds are defined here as two wheeled, under 50cc's with pedals. The only exceptions are converted bicycles with under 50cc engines and electric powered cycles with max of 1000 watt motors. In the 1980's mopeds under 50cc's were exempt. No longer. Registration ain't cheap either: I pay $125 yearly for each of my three scooters. My Camry wagon only costs $135. Go figure. Mopeds get a break: $21 for a permanent plate but you still need a motorcycle license to ride it. Liability insurance is required for scooters but I don't think it's needed for mopeds. You see a lot of ads for "mopeds" that aren't mopeds: no pedals, not a moped in CA.