Scooters - 125 to 300 => LIKE 200i => Topic started by: Stig / Major Tom on December 16, 2020, 05:10:24 PM
And did you remember that the LIKE was actually classically styled by Italian designer Massimo Zaniboni ?
Found these old pix taken in my back yard after getting the crash bars on. (front fender bar is still in shipping at this point)
The bars were the first thing I did to the scooter, (after changing oils) - still has the original too short mirrors, and unlit topcase, and painful seat.
I still had the paper plate on my new LIKE200iLX! Scooter is less than 2 wks old here, I think.
The chrome and welds of this OEM accessory have held up perfectly - I do keep the bars clean and waxed.
Photo hosting site that I used went down and took most of my old pix - not sure how these survived.
A few years later, I shrunk the scooter.
Major Tom
I think the next modification was at 400 miles when i whipped the Kendas off for a set of Michelin City Grips. Then came mirrors.