General => General Discussion => Topic started by: Stig / Major Tom on January 15, 2021, 05:58:47 PM
Riding well before sun-rise, in the country, in the cold or the rain ---- I've noticed while riding out here in the sticks that drivers will wait at crossroads for me to pass on my scooter.
Both of my scoots resemble motorcycles from the front due to having a headlight flanked by a pair of bright running lights.
Sometimes they wait for quite a few seconds as I approach.
I've come to think that what is going on here is "curiosity" --- drivers in warm/dry cars are wondering what the deuce this motorcycle is doing out here, in this weather, at this hour?
True - I don't often pass a fellow rider out here....
I experienced it again yesterday.
So I agree and then I wonder why I am out there ::)
The county roads I ride are mainly traveled by farmers and ranchers. They just don't seem to be in a hurry like the commuters in cars racing to get to their 8 to 5 .
But still do not trust them. Stay super alert.
But still do not trust them. Stay super alert.
John any defensive rider will always ride like everyone is out to get them. Reminds me of a saying from a pilot friend, (There are old pilots and bold pilots but no old bold pilots ).
Still, it's always nice when you are extended a bit of courtesy on the road!
Still, it's always nice when you are extended a bit of courtesy on the road!
Just curious Neal if it's the same way on your side of the pond. Are drivers more aggressive in say large cities compared to rural parts of the country? I was always under the impression that the British were polite as a society.
Had some friends visit from the DWF metroplex and they had a hard time believing that drivers actually stopped for Jay walkers. Stated you would get run over trying that where they lived.
As a rule of thumb yes, you'll get less respect in the city than out in the sticks, though there will be exceptions to every rule! I do subscribe to the "they're all out to get me" school of defensive riding, so I will gratefully acknowledge each and every time I am offered acknowledgement on the road. For the most part, at junctions drivers will let you pass before pulling out, but always watch out for the 10% who don't - usually because they haven't seen you. Lost a good buddy to that some years back.
In fact in the UK there's even a widely used acronym for it "SMIDSY" or "Sorry mate, I didn't see you"!
Drivers around me are pretty courteous. If anything they are too cautious. Sometimes at a four way stop everyone will just sit there. That's in the city. Out on the country roads I prefer there just isn't much traffic.
Keep in mind that I live in a city full of Engineers and Rockets Scientists.
I live 75 miles from Manhattan 75 miles from philly and we live in the 2nd largest trucking hub in the USA with the 4th largest economy of a small metro area in the USA so we have TONS of traffic .
I like to trailer my bikes when I compete in trials events that are mostly in the country and then the wife and I go 2 up riding there . Plus riding trials gets all my crazy riding out of the way .
I live 75 miles from Manhattan 75 miles from philly and we live in the 2nd largest trucking hub in the USA with the 4th largest economy of a small metro area in the USA so we have TONS of traffic .
I like to trailer my bikes when I compete in trials events that are mostly in the country and then the wife and I go 2 up riding there . Plus riding trials gets all my crazy riding out of the way .
Always been amazed at the skill set of trials riders. I've never owned a trials bike. The closest I've been to New York City is West Point a couple of years ago, I was pulling a 35' TT. It was the day they closed the bridge because of high wind.