General => General Discussion => Topic started by: Stig / Major Tom on April 18, 2021, 09:04:04 PM

Title: Honda riders are smarter than H.D. riders.
Post by: Stig / Major Tom on April 18, 2021, 09:04:04 PM
Warmish sunny Sunday afternoon taking my daughter to work at Kohls.
Just the kind of day that the HD riders come out in droves.

When was the last time you saw a Harley rider wearing a helmet?
 They seem to rely exclusively on the magic safety powers of red or blue cloth handkerchiefs from the Rural King boutique.

And, when was the last time you saw a Goldwing rider without a helmet.

I rest my case.


Seriously - IS there a Harley rider rule that bans helmets?
They wear leather jackets, or just wife-beaters......but nothing protects the head.
Title: Re: Honda riders are smarter than H.D. riders.
Post by: Iahawk on April 18, 2021, 10:03:40 PM
I passed a couple Harley riders today while out on my scooter...I was the only one wearing a helmet. I think if you want to be in their 'club' you do without safety gear, specifically a helmet. If the occasional helmet is ever worn it is one of the 1/2 open face bucket types..the kind that won't do you much good in a crash. I see some jackets, occasional gloves and almost always leather work or hiking boots.
Title: Re: Honda riders are smarter than H.D. riders.
Post by: scooter freak on April 18, 2021, 11:08:01 PM
in NY all riders have to wear helmets. a lot of HD riders buy the little beanie helmets. it's funny because I own a sportster. I consider myself a rider, not a biker.
Title: Re: Honda riders are smarter than H.D. riders.
Post by: Kansas kymco on April 18, 2021, 11:33:51 PM
I can't understand not wearing a helmet but see it all the time.  I've seen to many people who don't were helmets on all makes, but now that you mention it never have I seen a Goldwing rider without a helmet.
Title: Re: Honda riders are smarter than H.D. riders.
Post by: CROSSBOLT on April 19, 2021, 12:14:29 AM
Of course I have an opinion on this! First, I must qualify that Harley riders, road riders, ordinary people riding Harleys like a lot of the "bad boy" look but are generally decent people. They just have a tendency to imitate others in dress and some behavior. Most equate motorcycle with Harley and none other.

The real "bad boys" are completely different but set the style for a lot of people. These are either loners or gang-bangers. Don't encounter many of them any more it seems. Had a few of all types hang out at Suzie's Biker Bar in Golden, Colorado just after the turn of the century (2000) but then Suzie let anyone in the door that had money. They staged a lot of benefit rides out of there.

Most of the Harley riders out this way have negligible rider skills, ride far right ( not commanding their road space) and have terrible low speed control.
Title: Re: Honda riders are smarter than H.D. riders.
Post by: mousejunks on April 19, 2021, 01:28:06 AM
I call them S M R T
Title: Re: Honda riders are smarter than H.D. riders.
Post by: Iahawk on April 19, 2021, 02:20:00 AM
Most of the Harley riders out this way have negligible rider skills, ride far right ( not commanding their road space) and have terrible low speed control.

Funny you mention this, Karl. Before I started riding I assumed all the guys on their big Harleys were great riders and knew how to handle their bikes. Now that I'm riding I pay closer attention to them and you're right...terrible low speed skills (for many, can't generalize for them all). Watch 'em stumble at stop lights..parking lots..
Title: Re: Honda riders are smarter than H.D. riders.
Post by: Neil955i on April 19, 2021, 07:57:43 AM
Not an issue here in the UK (and EU) as it’s the law, you gotta wear a lid. That said, before it was a legal requirement, back in the day*, I still wore one. And leathers.

Title: Re: Honda riders are smarter than H.D. riders.
Post by: Kansas kymco on April 19, 2021, 09:42:11 AM
I wanted a  motorcycle and one of the stipulations Mom put on before giving her consent was I always wear a helmet. I got into the habit of always wearing a helmet when riding.  I delivered newspapers and cut yards to save money for my  first new bike along with insurance and license fees.  Made a deal with Kenny and Jenny Powers owners of the local Yamaha shop for a 1972 DT2-250 Yamaha Enduro (today called dual sport) $750. new.

A neighbor my same age owned a Suzuki  TS-185 Enduro.  We rode those bikes every day regardless of weather.
Title: Re: Honda riders are smarter than H.D. riders.
Post by: Neil955i on April 20, 2021, 07:42:53 AM

A neighbor my same age owned a Suzuki  TS-185 Enduro.  We rode those bikes every day regardless of weather.

What a rabbit hole this just sent me down!  My biking buddy when I started in 1968 rode a 100cc Yamaha twin which was easily the match for my 175cc BSA Bantam! Realised I couldn’t recall the model, but some Google research tells me it was a YL1-E.  Did you get those in the States?
Title: Re: Honda riders are smarter than H.D. riders.
Post by: Kansas kymco on April 20, 2021, 12:17:59 PM
What a rabbit hole this just sent me down!  My biking buddy when I started in 1968 rode a 100cc Yamaha twin which was easily the match for my 175cc BSA Bantam! Realised I couldn’t recall the model, but some Google research tells me it was a YL1-E.  Did you get those in the States?
Not only did we get them my second motorcycle bought used was a 1969 HS-1 90cc* Yamaha twin street bike. I bought the bike used from the son of one of Dad's  coworkers.   I sold the bike  when I bought my new 72 DT-2.  My first bike that was truly a underpowered POS was a 1965 Harley Legaro that couldn't pull itself out of a wet paper bag.

* edited to correct model and year.
Title: Re: Honda riders are smarter than H.D. riders.
Post by: Neil955i on April 21, 2021, 04:07:26 PM
My first bike that was truly a underpowered POS was a 1965 Harley Legaro that couldn't pull itself out of a wet paper bag.

Title: Re: Honda riders are smarter than H.D. riders.
Post by: NomadCF on April 23, 2021, 02:35:38 AM
Posts like this one always make me laugh. I like probably many here have owned a few bikes and or scooters throughout their life time. My self owning in my almost 40 years have owned an intruder, shadow, Vulcan 900, VTX 1800c (just sold this one last year) and a few cheap no name'ish 150 nd 250 scooters. So I'd like to think I'm not completely naïve to the ways of the world or biking. All that being said the only time I've worn a helmet was my first year riding, when it's cold and finally when required by law. It's not that I don't "believe" or whatever nonsense wording anyone would like to use. It's that I choose NOT to want to wear one. I tired full face, half, mushroom caps, etc etc and I've never cared for the weight or feel of any of them. I tolerate one when I need to. But other than no thanks.

We all choose what risks we're willing to take. Some seem mundane like jaywalking or eating junk food and others so much more. As riders we all are choosing two wheels instead of 4, some maybe not all are taking more of a risk then we to already. So why be judgmental about someone else evaluating and deciding what level of rick they're willing to take, just because you deem it more risky then them ?

Side note, I'm looking forward to receiving my Kymco AK 550. Although this wait is really killing me (It's supposedly on what seems like a slow boat from TW).

Title: Re: Honda riders are smarter than H.D. riders.
Post by: Tromper on April 23, 2021, 03:35:11 AM
Eh, I'm a fan of helmets but have ridden without one.  Particularly when I was younger and commuted on a Jawa moped.
I figger, your head your risk.
MN seems to have a decent compromise (or did when I was there) Under 18.  Mandatory helmets.  Over 18.  It's your head do as ya will.
Title: Re: Honda riders are smarter than H.D. riders.
Post by: Kansas kymco on April 23, 2021, 09:33:02 AM
Posts like this one always make me laugh. I like probably many here have owned a few bikes and or scooters throughout their life time. My self owning in my almost 40 years have owned an intruder, shadow, Vulcan 900, VTX 1800c (just sold this one last year) and a few cheap no name'ish 150 nd 250 scooters. So I'd like to think I'm not completely naïve to the ways of the world or biking. All that being said the only time I've worn a helmet was my first year riding, when it's cold and finally when required by law. It's not that I don't "believe" or whatever nonsense wording anyone would like to use. It's that I choose NOT to want to wear one. I tired full face, half, mushroom caps, etc etc and I've never cared for the weight or feel of any of them. I tolerate one when I need to. But other than no thanks.

We all choose what risks we're willing to take. Some seem mundane like jaywalking or eating junk food and others so much more. As riders we all are choosing two wheels instead of 4, some maybe not all are taking more of a risk then we to already. So why be judgmental about someone else evaluating and deciding what level of rick they're willing to take, just because you deem it more risky then them ?

Side note, I'm looking forward to receiving my Kymco AK 550. Although this wait is really killing me (It's supposedly on what seems like a slow boat from TW).

Don't disagree with you,  personal risk assessment.  My neighbor chooses not to wear a helmet when riding and I choose to wear one.