General => General Discussion => Topic started by: pa-outdoorsman on May 17, 2021, 01:45:45 PM

Title: Oficially Licensed
Post by: pa-outdoorsman on May 17, 2021, 01:45:45 PM
Well guys, as of Saturday morning, I am now an officially licensed motorcycle operator in Pennsylvania. You might recall that after my recent scooter purchase, I had said I was going to take one of the state motorcycle safety courses that also included a waiver of the driving test requirement at the DMV.

Well, long story shot, every single MC safety class in the state is COMPLETELY BOOKED. Seems the pandemic has made riding so popular there is a wave of new riders and not enough slots to accommodate them in the training classes. So, with the 15-hour safety class not an option, I simply made an appointment with the local DMV office to take my "motorcycle skills test" and have my permit privileges upgraded to a full motorcycle endorsement on my driver's license.

The "test" consisted of exactly two items:

1. Making three figure 8s inside a painted box without putting your foot down on the ground, and,
2. Weaving in and out of some cones, accelerating out of them and then coming to a quick stop.

It literally took me two minutes to complete the test, and within another 10 minutes, I had my update card in hand and was on my way.

Still would have been nice to get some pro training, but at this point, there isn't much incentive to take the basic course. They do offer an intermediate-level class, so perhaps after riding this season, I'll look into that for 2022 and see if there are some spaces available.

Closing this out with a gratuitous pic of my scoot. Honda did not see fit to include any body decorations on the U.S. version of the ADV 150, so I ordered some OEM Honda decals from the Thailand version and installed them this past weekend. I felt like the plain black/silver color scheme needed just a little "something" and was very pleased with how this turned out.

Title: Re: Oficially Licensed
Post by: CROSSBOLT on May 17, 2021, 01:58:30 PM
Wow! That's a 150?!
Title: Re: Oficially Licensed
Post by: pa-outdoorsman on May 17, 2021, 02:25:26 PM
Wow! That's a 150?!

Indeed. Honda has designed something pretty cool, more of less on the PCX platform (shares the same engine) but with more rugged styling and some modest "off-road" capability.

You can see full specs on the Honda website here if you're interested: (
Title: Re: Oficially Licensed
Post by: Ruffus on May 17, 2021, 06:49:14 PM
Wouww,   this decals really give it some pep..., not too loud, just right.
Title: Re: Oficially Licensed
Post by: leomagnus on May 17, 2021, 08:16:40 PM
Grats and nice scooter!

Title: Re: Oficially Licensed
Post by: pa-outdoorsman on May 17, 2021, 11:23:29 PM
Grats and nice scooter!


Thanks! I see you are from Providence, RI. I grew up in Cumberland.
Title: Re: Oficially Licensed
Post by: Beaker99 on May 18, 2021, 12:18:05 AM
That's probably the best looking 150 I've ever seen. Very nice.
Title: Re: Oficially Licensed
Post by: pa-outdoorsman on May 18, 2021, 02:10:16 AM
That's probably the best looking 150 I've ever seen. Very nice.

Wow! That's an awesome compliment, and pretty neat getting it from someone in New Zealand. Does Honda offer the ADV 150 there?
Title: Re: Oficially Licensed
Post by: Neil955i on May 18, 2021, 08:15:30 AM
Nice lookin scoot improved still further by the decals!

In all the excitement of riding it, don’t forget to book the intermediate training, you’ll not regret doing it.  I did similar here in the UK and even went on to become an instructor for a few years. One of the est biking-related things I ever did.
Title: Re: Oficially Licensed
Post by: Kansas kymco on May 18, 2021, 09:01:42 AM
Nice lookin scoot improved still further by the decals!

In all the excitement of riding it, don’t forget to book the intermediate training, you’ll not regret doing it.  I did similar here in the UK and even went on to become an instructor for a few years. One of the est biking-related things I ever did.
My cousin in Canada use to be a motorcycle safety instructor.

When a good friend's son bought a motorcycle I offered to pay for a  motorcycle safety course  for him. He took the course and declined reimbursement.
Title: Re: Oficially Licensed
Post by: Kansas kymco on May 18, 2021, 09:06:52 AM
Indeed. Honda has designed something pretty cool, more of less on the PCX platform (shares the same engine) but with more rugged styling and some modest "off-road" capability.

You can see full specs on the Honda website here if you're interested: (
If you look at a 2021 Kymco X-Town 300 and PCX -150 side view they look very similar.  Seen a picture of them both side by side on ebay.
Title: Re: Oficially Licensed
Post by: pa-outdoorsman on May 18, 2021, 01:32:51 PM
If you look at a 2021 Kymco X-Town 300 and PCX -150 side view they look very similar.  Seen a picture of them both side by side on ebay.

Yes, I can understand what you mean. Not identical, but similar. The X-Town 300 is actually a scooter that I really like. If/when I decide to move up to or add a higher displacement scoot, the X-Town is definitely a model I would consider. You can find some pretty sweet deals on used ones with low mileage if you are patient and keep your eyes on the FB Marketplace. The other scooter in this category that would interest me is the Yamaha Xmax.
Title: Re: Oficially Licensed
Post by: leomagnus on May 19, 2021, 02:04:57 AM
Weather is getting nice for rides to Newport and Narragansett beaches.

If you get back this way, its worth the travel

Title: Re: Oficially Licensed
Post by: Kansas kymco on May 19, 2021, 06:31:34 AM
Yes, I can understand what you mean. Not identical, but similar. The X-Town 300 is actually a scooter that I really like. If/when I decide to move up to or add a higher displacement scoot, the X-Town is definitely a model I would consider. You can find some pretty sweet deals on used ones with low mileage if you are patient and keep your eyes on the FB Marketplace. The other scooter in this category that would interest me is the Yamaha Xmax.
I've always liked Yamaha products, grew up riding many different Yamaha Enduro  bikes and all were reliable without issues.
Title: Re: Oficially Licensed
Post by: pa-outdoorsman on May 19, 2021, 02:48:32 PM
Weather is getting nice for rides to Newport and Narragansett beaches.

If you get back this way, its worth the travel


My folks still live in Cumberland, and my brother actually lies in Narragansett, about a mile from the beach. We do plan to make a trip up this summer, and probably will head over to Block Island for a day. We did that last summer and my kids really enjoyed it. Unfortunately, I doubt I'll bring the scooter up with me. Would have to trailer it the whole way, and then no one to ride with when I got there, since no one else in my family has a scooter or motorcycle. But yes, I can definitely see how it would be handy around the beaches in the summertime. A perfect tool for getting around to all the local hotspots during high season and never have to worry about being able to find a good parking space!
Title: Re: Oficially Licensed
Post by: leomagnus on May 24, 2021, 08:34:47 PM

If you get up to RI this summer and I am around, I would be happy to lend you my Kymco Xciting 400i for some rides around RI. I will be gone from June 28 to July 14th. But other than that, its a great bike to ride around the beach areas. Let me know. I keep my bike at St. Rita's Church garage in Oakland Beach, Warwick.

Title: Re: Oficially Licensed
Post by: pa-outdoorsman on May 24, 2021, 09:11:16 PM

If you get up to RI this summer and I am around, I would be happy to lend you my Kymco Xciting 400i for some rides around RI. I will be gone from June 28 to July 14th. But other than that, its a great bike to ride around the beach areas. Let me know. I keep my bike at St. Rita's Church garage in Oakland Beach, Warwick.


That is a very generous offer of you. I think I would be too afraid to let anything happen to your bike to actually borrow it, but I am grateful for your offer. I do plan to get up there at some point. If it wasn't such a hassle to trailer my scooter and then pay however much extra it costs to take it on the ferry, I'd bring it along and go cruise Block Island.
Title: Re: Oficially Licensed
Post by: leomagnus on May 25, 2021, 01:17:38 AM
Well, it is fully insured, so the offer is there if you change your mind. I am not worried about you crashing it. I am getting an AK550 at the end of the summer anyways

Title: Re: Oficially Licensed
Post by: Stig / Major Tom on May 25, 2021, 11:09:17 AM
(Regarding pa's brother....he lies about a mile from the beach. Does he get more & more truthful as he nears the shore?)

Stig (with Indian Monsooned Malabar coffee beans in his arteries)
Title: Re: Oficially Licensed
Post by: pa-outdoorsman on May 25, 2021, 01:32:21 PM
(Regarding pa's brother....he lies about a mile from the beach. Does he get more & more truthful as he nears the shore?)

Stig (with Indian Monsooned Malabar coffee beans in his arteries)

Har har. He lives about a mile from the beach. I suppose he could tell an u truth just about anywhere.
Title: Re: Oficially Licensed
Post by: jak51 on May 26, 2021, 07:56:55 PM
I'm a former MSF and Ohio DOT motorcycle safety instructor.  Remember that one of the long-term benefits to completing a motorcycle safety course is that your carrier offers a significant discount off your motorcycle insurance premium.  Just make sure you have a certificate of completion when you request the discount.

Title: Re: Oficially Licensed
Post by: pa-outdoorsman on May 26, 2021, 08:13:31 PM
I'm a former MSF and Ohio DOT motorcycle safety instructor.  Remember that one of the long-term benefits to completing a motorcycle safety course is that your carrier offers a significant discount off your motorcycle insurance premium.  Just make sure you have a certificate of completion when you request the discount.


Yes, that would be a motivation for taking the intermediate level course next year. However, a full year of coverage is only about $165 as it is. The basic course includes a waiver of the state skills test and an automatic addition of your motorcycle endorsement to your license. But since I no longer need that, I would think the intermediate class would be more interesting and would still get me the discount. Also interesting that the discount is only good for three years from the time you take the course. So, after three years, I guess I could go back for the advanced class.
Title: Re: Oficially Licensed
Post by: jak51 on May 27, 2021, 09:55:20 AM
All of what you said is correct.  However, for riders on bigger bikes, the yearly premium is significantly more expensive, and the discount more meaningful.  In Ohio, successful completion of the beginner's course results in a motorcycle endorsement added to your driver's license.  I was not real comfortable in holding the responsibility of issuing a motorcycle endorsement to a new rider who had minimal experience on the road.  I did it for a few years, then I "retired" and stopped teaching courses.

I always recommend that every rider should take a refresher course - whether it be the beginner's course or experienced rider's course - every couple of years.  And if you can get into an experienced rider's course at the beginning of each season, it's a great way to start off your riding season.

Title: Re: Oficially Licensed
Post by: Kansas kymco on May 27, 2021, 10:47:42 AM
Jak51- When a good friend's son wanted to get a motorcycle I offered to pay for the course. The son had absolutely zero experience on riding a motorcycle.  He took the course and wouldn't accept my reimbursement.   I grew up riding motorcycles getting my first wore out used bike at 10yo for $35.. Learned a lot through the college of hard knocks.
Title: Re: Oficially Licensed
Post by: jak51 on May 28, 2021, 01:46:20 AM
Yep, I, too, started riding young when I was a teenager in 1966.  A little Honda 50 step through.  No experience, lots of "learning opportunities."  Fortunately, never a major accident.  Finally got my endorsement riding a Honda Hawk in the early 70's well after I already had my driver's license.  Graduated to bigger bikes, especially touring bikes, and have ridden in all of the 48 contiguous states.  It's been quite a journey.

It's the college of hard knocks you refer to that I wish every new rider could avoid by taking a beginner's course prior to purchasing their first bike.  When I became an MSF certifies instructor in the 80's, training programs were starting to take off.  Hopefully, I was able to help my students avoid serious issues after course completion.  One can only hope that's the case.
