General => General Discussion => Topic started by: Stig / Major Tom on September 22, 2021, 01:13:32 PM
How many of us bought a scooter, because if we'd tried to buy a motorcycle - at our age - our family would have freaked ?! :)
Stig not because of family but did it on my own. I still have a half dozen motorcycles but tend to ride the scooters more and more.
To me the scooters ride like a proverbial Buick with a comfortable seating position along with good wind/weatber protection. To get the same on a motorcycle you need to go to a touring model which is considerably heavier.
Then add in value, I can pick up used scooters for very little money.
Wife would freak. And may happen in the future if I go back to a motorcycle.
But part of the equation for me was also that a scoot makes sense in terms of design, economy and functionality. Then again, there lies the rub: it's not exactly xciting...
My family had nothing to do with it. I had been riding motorcycles for nearly 30 years when I decided to buy my first scooter because I thought it would be a fun and practical way to commute and ride around town. 12 years later and I have two scooters and two Motorcycles. They are all fun but I ride the scooters more than my motorcycles. I don't see anything changing anytime soon but I can see giving up motorcycles and only owning a scooter or two maybe when I'm around 85.
I gave up my Harley back in 2010 ( 66 years old). I sold it because the weight was too much at my age. Then I bought my first scooter (People 150). Fun little scooter, but not quite enough speed for the interstate. Sold it and got a GTI300. Perfect! Had that for 4 years and sold it. I'm 77 now, and decided to buy another. Just took delivery of a X-Town300i ABS. Don't know how much longer I'll ride, but I'll enjoy the heck out of it till I do.
and don't ever let them know that scooters are almost (equally?) as dangerous as motorcycles! The family might be upset.
and don't ever let them know that scooters are almost (equally?) as dangerous as motorcycles! The family might be upset.
It will be our little secret, unless the family read the forum. ;)
and don't ever let them know that scooters are almost (equally?) as dangerous as motorcycles! The family might be upset.
I'd imagine any scooter @150cc's & under is more dangerous to ride in today's American traffic...having neither the power nor the presence to compete.
And Liberty owners who say they can and do ride this scooter WOT at its max of @60MPH on the freeway are.....
Well, it's none of my business, but I hope the pillion rider has enough sense to jump off on the entrance ramp.....
My family had nothing to do with it. I had been riding motorcycles for nearly 30 years when I decided to buy my first scooter because I thought it would be a fun and practical way to commute and ride around town. 12 years later and I have two scooters and two Motorcycles. They are all fun but I ride the scooters more than my motorcycles. I don't see anything changing anytime soon but I can see giving up motorcycles and only owning a scooter or two maybe when I'm around 85.
Klav, you said it all for me! My story mirrors yours except for the time on scooters as I only "saw the light" about 5 years ago. I wish I'd swallowed my prejudices years before that as the scooters have been so damned practical. Yes I still ride my Triumph, but much less than the Kymco and like you, I'm toying with trading the bike in for a slightly bigger cc scooter to become a scooter-only rider!
Klav, you said it all for me! My story mirrors yours except for the time on scooters as I only "saw the light" about 5 years ago. I wish I'd swallowed my prejudices years before that as the scooters have been so damned practical. Yes I still ride my Triumph, but much less than the Kymco and like you, I'm toying with trading the bike in for a slightly bigger cc scooter to become a scooter-only rider!
I never had an anti scooter prejudice. Back in the late 80s I rented a scooter for a couple of days in Hawaii and had an absolute blast on it.
After that I thought it would be cool to own a scooter but I just didn't see where one would be practical for me. It wasn't until I moved to Huntsville that I felt a small scooter would be practical. Of course once I bought my first scooter I was hooked.
I never had an anti scooter prejudice. Back in the late 80s I rented a scooter for a couple of days in Hawaii and had an absolute blast on it.
After that I thought it would be cool to own a scooter but I just didn't see where one would be practical for me. It wasn't until I moved to Huntsville that I felt a small scooter would be practical. Of course once I bought my first scooter I was hooked.
Is that the ocean out there?!
Looks more like Rio!
But, I think there is a smidge of Alabama that touches the gulf?
Is that the ocean out there?!
Looks more like Rio!
But, I think there is a smidge of Alabama that touches the gulf?
That's Diamond Head in the background.
We do have some waterfront here in Alabama and I got some pics of it tonight along with one of my motorcycles.
Nice shots again Klav!