General => General Discussion => Topic started by: Ruffus on August 31, 2024, 12:30:59 PM
Good to live close to a City where scooters have priority....!🛴👍 Cordiali saluti da Italia??.
It would be Ruffus, but our current Government seems to hate cars & bikes with a passion ULEZ’s all over the place, low traffic density zones and now a hike in petrol tax. Misery is living here now. George Orwell was out 40 years on his prediction for dystopia!
Here in SW Ohio I get inordinately happy whenever I see a scooter.
Recently it happened when I passed one of Honda's new Trail Cubs, and in the proper Honda red.....then I discovered it belongs to a nearby neighbor!!
Just waiting for him to leave his garage open - all the invitation I need to stop for a visit!
Photos of French, Spanish and Italian streets filled with parked scooters just too much to comprehend!
Thanks for the photo Ruffus!
So many big wheel scooters. So few without big wheels!
thanks for sharing the picture, Ruffus, that type of scene is completely foreign to us here in the states!
How much does gasoline cost in Italy, Ruffus?
Great picture!
Gas (benzina verde) from €1.77 to €2.20 per liter
(ca.1/4 US gal).
Depends which region and company. Autostrada fuelstations are most expensive.
Gas (benzina verde) from €1.77 to €2.20 per liter
(ca.1/4 US gal).
Depends which region and company. Autostrada fuelstations are most expensive.
Got you beaten there Ruffus, currently £1.47 Diesel & £1.42 Petrol (Gasoline) per litre. 200 miles costs me about £15 on the DTX360
Got you beaten there Ruffus, currently £1.47 Diesel & £1.42 Petrol (Gasoline) per litre. 200 miles costs me about £15 on the DTX360
$0.459 US gallon.
2020...something to do with Covid demand/supply.
My grocery card knocked $1.00 off the normal price of $1.459.
@$3.00 / gallon here now.
Stig, its not the relative high fuel price which burdens us here in Europe, its just the imminent pressure of our gvts to push green without caring about individual traffic and needs. Like Neil rightly wrote, we are simply hated to drive individually.
2020...something to do with Covid demand/supply.
My grocery card knocked $1.00 off the normal price of $1.459.
@$3.00 / gallon here now.
Understandable to discourage driving solo in 4 wheel vehicles. But not so on two wheels, that should be encouraged.
Was surprised to learn that the USA is the world's largest producer of oil....and is sitting on more reserves than even Russia.
Still, California will stop sales of new gas powered cars in 11 years.