General => General Discussion => Topic started by: Stig / Major Tom on February 23, 2025, 09:52:29 PM
I'd set this as some sort of a home screen years ago - and today it popped up when our wifi went down!
I took this quick screen-grab.
This was taken early morning years ago of my 2014 Honda Forza NSS 300.....down at the local state park's marina.
Anyway - was happy to see it again!
Also, found this one on my Dell taken the same visit to the marina.....
when conditions outdoors don't permit riding - I like to look at old photos....
I usually use my hardwire connections, only way to take advantage of the minimum speeds they make you pay for, my provider has been reliable, once in 30 years I've had to call them to replace the modem for hot weather issues, they showed up in a couple hours, normally, they call me to upgrade my modem. Quick service is a benefit of being a business account rather than residential
"Popped up"? It's a sign Stig, you need a new red scoot!