General => General Discussion => Topic started by: Drbeastmaster on February 17, 2012, 06:03:01 AM
So about four days my headlights didnt turn on when i started my scoot, its a kymco people 125s, i thought the bulbs died, i bout new halogen bulbs hooked them up turned on the scoot and nothing, :( ..turned the scoot off , fiddled with it turned it back on and for a brief second both lights came on !! then died and havnt came on since then, i looked at all the connections i even took apart the horn /blinker / light mech to look inside, look good , everything else still works both blinkers ,break lights, and horn . So im at a loss i have no idea what to do and cant aforrd to take it some were , any , and all suggestions would be great thanks
Check the output side of the stator. It is what powers your lights on an AC circuit. The service manual has the schematic/test values
The headlights are DC powered. The alternator isn't suspect if the other key electrical functions (like starter motor, instrument panel and brake/turn/tail lights) work.
The headlight controller on the People S is prone to failure. A common failure mode is intermittent loss of main (hi-beam and normal) headlights, but the other lights (including the smaller white 'pilot' lights near the headlights) work. Keep in mind that the headlight controller senses engine speed, and turns off the main bulbs at low RPM to save battery. So the main headlights _should_ be off at idle, but on when underway.
Hope this helps.
Im haveing the same isue with my agilty with my blinkers but im sure its just a burned out bulb sometimes if one bulb is bad it makes the others go nuts. did you check your fuse.
im looking for a any fuse box that could be in there , the only fuses i no of are the two by the battery, iv found a new mech unit for the head lights i wonder if this would work , link here (
what gets me is it turns on fine, horn works and the blinkers work , there all connected with the same wires up to the mech unit. any idea were the other fuses could be ??
check and see what kind of shape the light switch is in.
"The headlight controller on the People S is prone to failure."
Good call. Forgot about the Peop.
"The headlight controller on the People S is prone to failure."
Good call. Forgot about the Peop.
man iv completely removed everything , and the controller , im gona go ahead and buy the new controller , and im praying that's the issue so i can keep driving at night , if not i dont no what to do
I have a older scoot that the front light went out And I could not fix it. So I wired up a new wire right to the battery with a on and off switch.workes great. I just turn it on when rideing at night.
I have a older scoot that the front light went out And I could not fix it. So I wired up a new wire right to the battery with a on and off switch.workes great. I just turn it on when rideing at night.
lol thats good to no , i just bought the Handlebar Switches replacement part so thats my last resort , if that doesn't work its good to no i could all ways do that,quetion were did you buy a on of switch at??, did you have to do the pos and neg or did u only wire it to the positive?? thanks
well i fixed my lights and found out what the prob was, the switch the u move up and down for the lights was not getting a good connection ans there for no light signal, i ordered the part and cant wait to get back to riding
lol thats good to no , i just bought the Handlebar Switches replacement part so thats my last resort , if that doesn't work its good to no i could all ways do that,quetion were did you buy a on of switch at??, did you have to do the pos and neg or did u only wire it to the positive?? thanks
hooked it right to the pos and neg .got the switch from harbor freight.
thanks for the replay blue, im basically pissed at this point, i got the new headlight switch and installed it ,it worked great i drove it around , no probs, the next day i started driving it and i got nothing, no lights! then it just turned on and stared working again!!!!, 5 min later i had turned it off , when i started it again DEAD ... WTF and they wont come back on since then , holy sh** im gona run it into a wall !!! any ideas??
It is definitely in the wiring then. I have found MANY harnesses that have bare spots inside the insulator. Try jumping from the battery to the switch. That will by pass your harness. You can test it and rewire the leads if needed. Check both positive, and Gnd.
Also like I suggested in the first reply test your stator. It may be intermittent. Even tho it sounds like a wiring problem you are better off starting at the beginning. If you get NO water from the garden hose you don't buy a new hose. You check the spigot first.
I would just rewire right to the can use the sam wires that are going to the light now just add a few pieces to make it long enough to reach.when you get to the possstive wire you can always hook up a fuse of your own. but works great with out.