General => General Discussion => Topic started by: Vivo on June 06, 2012, 08:28:21 AM

Title: Legal Adult Age
Post by: Vivo on June 06, 2012, 08:28:21 AM
Who started this? Why is the legal age 18? Other countries followed the "standard" without even knowing why or if it is applicable to them. Why not 17? or 19?
Title: Re: Legal Adult Age
Post by: ts1 on June 06, 2012, 09:02:00 AM
Depends on the country. Some have (or at least had) 21.

The reason for Germany to lower from 21 to 18 was:
The best age to harvest cannon fudder. Physical strong, influenceable, dutiful.
Prior puberty, afterwards expensive education (university).
And this people shouldn't officially be child soldiers.
Title: Re: Legal Adult Age
Post by: Vivo on June 06, 2012, 09:10:15 AM
Depends on the country. Some have (or at least had) 21.

The reason for Germany to lower from 21 to 18 was:
The best age to harvest cannon fudder. Physical strong, influenceable, dutiful.
Prior puberty, afterwards expensive education (university).
And this people shouldn't officially be child soldiers.

Yes, I can understand the lowering, but why 18? What's with the age 18? What about 19?
Title: Re: Legal Adult Age
Post by: streido on June 06, 2012, 09:20:01 AM
Yes, I can understand the lowering, but why 18? What's with the age 18? What about 19?

In Scotland at 16 you are classed as an adult, 16yr olds will be treated as adults in the courts.

Funny thing is you can join the Army at 16, have sex at 16, and even marry legally at 16, you cannot however buy cigarettes or alcohol ot vote in elections till 18 ??? Also you can ride a 50cc moped at 16 but cannot drive a car or bigger cc bike till 17 ??? Makes no sense ??? If i can be treated as an adult in court at 16 then i must be entitled to ALL adult privillages at 16.
Title: Re: Legal Adult Age
Post by: Vivo on June 06, 2012, 09:29:28 AM
Young criminals here carry a copy of their birth certificates when committing crimes. When caught by the police, they just show proof of their age and the cops turn them over to the social worker for counseling. Something is definitely not right here. A 16 year old gun for hire will be counseled and not even spanked!!!
Title: Re: Legal Adult Age
Post by: 08087 on June 06, 2012, 07:11:53 PM
In the US the age varies as stated above. Many times a crime with be punnishable under "adult" laws depending on the nature of the crime and criminals background.

18 for the military as they want to get you young  and dumb, by 25 you know how to say "NO".

Vote @ 18 drink @ 21. As a kid I didn't understand the rules but as an adult I see the logic behind it.
Title: Re: Legal Adult Age
Post by: zombie on June 07, 2012, 12:25:05 AM
If my daughter were to join the Services... Ship over seas to fight... You bet your ass I would be arrested for taking her out for a drink before she left.
So your kids can Kill/Die but not have a beer. WTF?????????????????
Title: Re: Legal Adult Age
Post by: Vivo on June 07, 2012, 01:35:49 AM
If my daughter were to join the Services... Ship over seas to fight... You bet your ass I would be arrested for taking her out for a drink before she left.
So your kids can Kill/Die but not have a beer. WTF?????????????????

Bad logic!  This is a good example of how politicians think...
Title: Re: Legal Adult Age
Post by: Peters on June 07, 2012, 02:04:55 AM
Illegal to buy alcohol under 21?


Illegal to buy alcohol for minors?


Illegal to drink alcohol under 21?

Give me a break!
Title: Re: Legal Adult Age
Post by: zombie on June 07, 2012, 05:05:38 AM
I kinda think you should be "emancipated" after college. 21ish. Mommy/Daddy are most likely still supporting you, and I really don't know of many kids that have a good idea about life at 18. I SURE didn't. I thought I would die in my neighborhood. I never thought all this was out there.
Title: Re: Legal Adult Age
Post by: axy on June 07, 2012, 06:07:28 PM
I cannot remember any other state where drinking alcohol is illegal until 21 except USA.
Usually it's 18.
Title: Re: Legal Adult Age
Post by: 08087 on June 07, 2012, 07:32:01 PM
I cannot remember any other state where drinking alcohol is illegal until 21 except USA.
Usually it's 18.

It use to be 18, I got in under the belt and I think that Jan. it went up to 21. That would have been 1980 when it kicked in. I'm not a drinker, but I tried it our as a passing of rights so to speak.

It does save lives as many 18,19,20 yr olds don't know how to drink responsibly or like an adult should. But If I can die for my country and be put in prison for a crime I should be able to have a beer or wine when ever the hell I want.

Many places the children have wine with dinner instead of milk, water, soda or juice.
Title: Re: Legal Adult Age
Post by: streido on June 07, 2012, 10:26:00 PM
Many adults here are just as bad with alcohol as teenagers. I rarely drink much these days either, you cant ride or drive after a drink anyway.

Also like you say, in Europe many kids have a glass of wine at meals with no problem. Actually it probably makes them more responsible drinkers later in life since they see it as an enjoyment to accompany food or relax not a sunstance used to get off your face on.
Title: Re: Legal Adult Age
Post by: zombie on June 07, 2012, 11:28:04 PM
Many adults here are just as bad with alcohol as teenagers. I rarely drink much these days either, you cant ride or drive after a drink anyway.

Also like you say, in Europe many kids have a glass of wine at meals with no problem. Actually it probably makes them more responsible drinkers later in life since they see it as an enjoyment to accompany food or relax not a sunstance used to get off your face on.

In my Irish/US family we had those little white clay pipes, and wooden boxes of tobacco. Uncle Charlie would sit out back with the kids after dinner, and we all had our own pipe, and glass of hootch. I remember how grown I felt at 7. Still smoking at 53.
Some thing are not as innocent as one would think.
Title: Re: Legal Adult Age
Post by: Vivo on June 08, 2012, 01:28:52 AM
Here, the legal age is also 18.

You cannot buy alcohol and tobacco but you can drink and smoke.

But you can buy alcohol and tobacco from a corner store and not in big supermarkets or liquor stores.
Title: Re: Legal Adult Age
Post by: streido on June 08, 2012, 07:40:03 AM
In my Irish/US family we had those little white clay pipes, and wooden boxes of tobacco. Uncle Charlie would sit out back with the kids after dinner, and we all had our own pipe, and glass of hootch. I remember how grown I felt at 7. Still smoking at 53.
Some thing are not as innocent as one would think.

Never did that, my mum used to let us have a vodka and orange or something at new years tho. Ended up when i did begin drinking, prob about 14-15, i did buy cheap Vodka.

Also smoked on and off since 15. My mum came home from work early one day when i was a teen to find me puffing on a fat cigar. Tried to hide it and pretended the smell was from burnt toast  :D , she didnt buy it  :P
Title: Re: Legal Adult Age
Post by: Vivo on June 08, 2012, 07:46:40 AM
My father was a scotch drinker, I became a scotch drinker.  When my friends and I went out for drinks, they order beer and pizza, I order scotch and some nuts!  ;)

I started smoking at 13 but not in the house. Not illegal. Smoked for almost 20 years then stopped...just like that.
Title: Re: Legal Adult Age
Post by: streido on June 08, 2012, 07:54:15 AM
Yeah well im stopping on Monday.

Again  :D
Title: Re: Legal Adult Age
Post by: Vivo on June 09, 2012, 06:23:03 AM
Congress is passing a bill here increasing taxes on smokes and booze. Deter smokers and drinkers or increase government funds...? Hmmm...
Title: Re: Legal Adult Age
Post by: 08087 on June 09, 2012, 07:31:38 PM
Congress is passing a bill here increasing taxes on smokes and booze. Deter smokers and drinkers or increase government funds...? Hmmm...

We've had great spending campaigns here in the USA against tobacco. The big tobacco companies all got sued and the gov. placed taxes on them which doubled the price of a pack to about $8.00 now. I'm sure a bunch of that money is going back into politicians pockets (as they are all corrupt) and maybe even some going back to the corp.’s themselves (as that's just how I think).

But they advertise on national/local media about the health hazards of smoking and even 2nd hand smoke. Smoking has been banned in all public places, restaurants, bars, clubs cafe's even parks and beaches in some states.

I'd say it has worked, I don't think many people smoke here in the States like they used to. And for the first time I can remember more young people admitted to smoking pot then cigarettes.

Being a none smoker and hating to try and enjoy dinner out with someone puffing away next to me I’m all for the law and taxes. One thing of note was that casino’s got a loop hole built into the law so you can still smoke in the casino’s. Follow the money folks, follow the money.

On a constitutional level though I think the gov is crossing a line into smokers’ rights or at least getting real close to crossing that line. There is talk in some places (NYC) to ban smoking in apartments with adjoining walls because the smoke smell goes through the walls and into the apt next-door. Getting dicey!
Title: Re: Legal Adult Age
Post by: wordslinger on June 10, 2012, 03:38:48 AM
Yeah well im stopping on Monday.


Title: Re: Legal Adult Age
Post by: streido on June 10, 2012, 12:01:27 PM
Yeah well im stopping on Monday.


..........................................or maybe next week  :-\
Title: Re: Legal Adult Age
Post by: Vivo on June 11, 2012, 01:31:18 AM
Electronic cigarettes....

Title: Re: Legal Adult Age
Post by: streido on June 11, 2012, 06:42:07 PM
Wife has one of those electronic numbers, even lets you blow out "real" smoke, pretty good.

Like i said, maybe next week   :D
Title: Re: Legal Adult Age
Post by: Vivo on July 14, 2012, 06:39:35 AM
Yeah well im stopping on Monday.


Title: Re: Legal Adult Age
Post by: streido on July 14, 2012, 12:13:54 PM


I gave those type of cigarettes up years ago............i roll my own these days, if you know what i mean  ;)
Title: Re: Legal Adult Age
Post by: baddi on July 16, 2012, 01:06:16 AM
It's a little like that in Denmark too, but opposite to America, we like the kids to know how to control alcohol before they get to learn how to drive:  8)

Age 12: Start drinking, not legal to buy, but still easy to obtain.
Age 13: You can buy alcohol from 1/3 of the cashiers in the supermarkets. It is all up to their morale. It is now legal to work and earn your own money, but your parents can still control them.
Age 14: Alcohol is no probs to obtain. For a year 2010-11 this was legal age for going to prison, but it was raised in late 2011.
Age 15: Have sex, get to prison (special one for young). Only the newest cashiers wont sell you alcohol at this age, and the more adapt cashiers will now ask for your ID, so the cameras will think you are old enough. Cigarrets will also become obtainable at this age. Also, your parents will now have to ask you before they remove money from your bank account.  :D
Age 16: Legally buy alkohol, so you wont remember the day you went from 15 to 16 (just upped 16+% to 18 years). This was until 4 years ago the legal age for buying cigarrets. With a cheap and fast to get license, you can drive 49cc scooters at 30 km/h. One of the latest points to choose if you want to be educated or a handyman in some field.
Age 17: Not much, bro. Many people will guess you 18, and you will be selling you cigs.
Age 18: Legally legal, finally and for your birthday party, you will be forced to drink 18 shots. You can move out from home, buy cigarrets and all kind of alcohol, even that which are served in pubs and clubs. With a car license you can drive a 49cc scooter at 45 km/h or a car. With a "little mc" license you can drive the 45-scooter or a motorcycle with less than 25 kW and under 1,6 kW per kg. You will now be recruited for the army (if you are a man in shape).
Age 19: Still a teenager, but also an adult. Nothing new has happened this year, so just pretend, that you are still 18 and have just gotten the right to get drunk at bars.
Age 20: You will be forced to take 20 shots at your birthday. As when you went 18, they all have to be taken with at least 4 at a time and with no more than 3 seconds break in between the sessions of 4, so get ready to see your dinner again. :-X
Age 21: The very last point, where you get to do new things: You can now ride a motorcycle with the amount of power and engine size you like. But insurance for the mc is still an ass, when you are this age! :P

Edit: needed some smileys ;D
Title: Re: Legal Adult Age
Post by: zombie on July 16, 2012, 01:12:47 AM
 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
That enough smilies?
Title: Re: Legal Adult Age
Post by: baddi on July 16, 2012, 01:15:34 AM
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
That enough smilies?

Just one more, and i think that we've got until the next post ;D
Title: Re: Legal Adult Age
Post by: Peters on July 16, 2012, 01:24:47 AM
The culture is different here. As much as we'd like it to be that way when we're young, it just wouldn't work over here. Great timeline baddi  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D Enough? One more  ;D
Title: Re: Legal Adult Age
Post by: Vivo on July 16, 2012, 01:27:30 AM
Yeah, in the U.S., a young student can't bring mouthwash to school because it contains alcohol!!! WTF!!
Title: Re: Legal Adult Age
Post by: baddi on July 16, 2012, 01:28:29 AM
The culture is different here. As much as we'd like it to be that way when we're young, it just wouldn't work over here. Great timeline baddi  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D Enough? One more  ;D

I would just wish that i could get a motorcycle now :p
I'm 17 and i think there should be a possibility to get to take the license after some time of driving a scooter, as i cant wait untill i wont have to be afraid of the police anymore. ;D;D;D;D;D

Driving illegally sucks. But driving 30 km/h sucks even more! ;D;D;D;D;D
Title: Re: Legal Adult Age
Post by: baddi on July 16, 2012, 01:31:03 AM
Yeah, in the U.S., a young student can't bring mouthwash to school because it contains alcohol!!! WTF!!

I can't believe that the americans are so scared of alcohol. Yeah, its a bad idea, but when the law say that you can take responsability for your actions as 14-15 years old, you should be clever enough not to get drunk at school. ;D
The playground is a much better location for that kind of activity! ;D;D;D;D
Title: Re: Legal Adult Age
Post by: Vivo on July 16, 2012, 01:36:54 AM
The playground is a much better location for that kind of activity! Grin;D;D;D

In Japan, land is very scarce and playgrounds are likewise scarce. This is the reason why a lot of well to do Japanese go to our country just to play golf. They don't also have race tracks, thus, the drifting on mountains. Lack of playgrounds is also the reason why they developed video games. To make children busy at home.
Title: Re: Legal Adult Age
Post by: Peters on July 16, 2012, 01:44:38 AM
Scared?  :D

Who's scuurd?  ;)

Kids here are f'in wild. I know I was one of them not too long ago  ;D

Believe me, Americans are not scared of alcohol. Completely opposite. The young way of thinking is drugs are bad and illegal but alcohol is legal and mom and dad drink so it must be ok. Marijuana is a narcotic but the parents liquor cabinet is so easy to access. The laws here are stupid. We also have the mentality that bigger and more is better. It is dangerous. I love to drink but damn, I had to learn to drink responsibly. I've had plenty of troubles with alcohol and authority. Maybe younger exposure is better, but I'm tellin you at this point for us there's no going back.
Title: Re: Legal Adult Age
Post by: baddi on July 16, 2012, 01:49:54 AM
Scared?  :D

Who's scuurd?  ;)

Kids here are f'in wild. I know I was one of them not too long ago  ;D

Believe me, Americans are not scared of alcohol. Completely opposite. The young way of thinking is drugs are bad and illegal but alcohol is legal and mom and dad drink so it must be ok. Marijuana is a narcotic but the parents liquor cabinet is so easy to access. The laws here are stupid. We also have the mentality that bigger and more is better. It is dangerous. I love to drink but damn, I had to learn to drink responsibly. I've had plenty of troubles with alcohol and authority. Maybe younger exposure is better, but I'm tellin you at this point for us there's no going back.

I'm not thinking that the young americans are scared, but the majority of the legal adults must be, as it is these people who vote. ;)
Or perhaps they just don't trust young people?  ???
Title: Re: Legal Adult Age
Post by: Vivo on July 16, 2012, 01:50:26 AM
Scared?  :D

Who's scuurd?  ;)

Kids here are f'in wild. I know I was one of them not too long ago  ;D

Believe me, Americans are not scared of alcohol. Completely opposite. The young way of thinking is drugs are bad and illegal but alcohol is legal and mom and dad drink so it must be ok. Marijuana is a narcotic but the parents liquor cabinet is so easy to access. The laws here are stupid. We also have the mentality that bigger and more is better. It is dangerous. I love to drink but damn, I had to learn to drink responsibly. I've had plenty of troubles with alcohol and authority. Maybe younger exposure is better, but I'm tellin you at this point for us there's no going back.

I think baddi was not referring to the American kids as "scared" but those law makers who are very stiff on making laws on alcohol.  It's even illegal to drink while driving in the U.S., it's not illegal here and there are very few cases of alcohol related accidents.  Even cops are check points are sometimes intoxicated.  
Title: Re: Legal Adult Age
Post by: blue on July 16, 2012, 01:51:03 AM
Way back when I was in school we could carry up to a 3 inch pocket knife to school . Now if a student has a plastic knife its jail time. and for scoots we could drive one at 14 then when ya became 16 with a drivers license you are all good.
Title: Re: Legal Adult Age
Post by: blue on July 16, 2012, 01:53:46 AM
I beleave that if you can be old enough to fight for are country you are old enough for a things......thats all things........
Title: Re: Legal Adult Age
Post by: Vivo on July 16, 2012, 01:59:46 AM
I started driving at 11....  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Legal Adult Age
Post by: Peters on July 16, 2012, 02:04:23 AM
I beleave that if you can be old enough to fight for are country you are old enough for a things......thats all things........

You are absolutely right blue

The way our democracy is set up citizens have no control over things like that. There was never a vote to make the legal drinking age 21.

As far as drunk driving. If it's not illegal there are likely no statistics. You don't know how many deaths are caused by it. In the US it is a problem. I always thought I was a good drunk driver. And I probably still am  ;D. But I don't f'in do it anymore. When I was 18 and 19 I drove drunk every night. Not buzzed but DRUNK. I never hit anybody, I never killed anybody. But I did drive way too fast. The fact is drunk driving does kill people, whether you want to believe it or not. The sad thing is a lot of the time it's good kids with bright futures that just decided to ride with some dumb ass who thought his/her car could round a corner at 95 mph.

When I was younger I was following two friends of friends down a road near Southport NC. I was drunk they were more drunk. Fortunately my close friend was with me and told me about the corner coming up. I watch both, not one but both cars, drive right of the road into the woods. The spot they both went in just happened to be saplings. Had it been an oak tree somebody would have likely been seriously injured or killed. After we realized they were ok we laughed, but damn kids are idiots.
Title: Re: Legal Adult Age
Post by: Peters on July 16, 2012, 02:19:32 AM

I'm 24 and in no way am I scared of alcohol. I certainly respect it a lot more now. I am scared of dumb kids that drink and drive cars.

I can think of one time I was trashed with 4 people in my car not including me. I raced down a twisty road I knew very well and definitely hit speeds of 110 mph+ in my little SE-R Nissan(a pretty quick little 4cyl). When I think about it now it makes me sick. I couldn't live with myself if I killed somebody.
Title: Re: Legal Adult Age
Post by: Vivo on July 16, 2012, 02:24:04 AM
SE-R Nissan ....  you're damn right about that one!!  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Legal Adult Age
Post by: Peters on July 16, 2012, 02:29:03 AM
Oh I loved that little car. Had to get rid of it though  :'(
Title: Re: Legal Adult Age
Post by: blue on July 16, 2012, 02:44:00 AM
I started driving at 11....  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
you started late I was 9.5 driveing the farm tracktor.
Title: Re: Legal Adult Age
Post by: Peters on July 16, 2012, 02:49:51 AM
I think starting driving small things when you're young is great. The younger the better. It comes natural later in life if you start young. I was riding tractors, go karts, mini bikes when I was real young. In my early teens I was really into dirt bikes and 4 wheelers. I actually got my first car when I was about 13(89 Isuzu Trooper). Of course I had no license and the car had no tags. But I still drove it up and down the street(sometimes a little further  ;D), took it off road too.
Title: Re: Legal Adult Age
Post by: baddi on July 16, 2012, 03:06:00 AM

The way our democracy is set up citizens have no control over things like that. There was never a vote to make the legal drinking age 21.

As far as drunk driving.


There were no vote, but if you can prove that there should be one, you can get one. If someone collects more than x signatures (problably varies from country to country), any law shall be voted for by the entire country.

But here in Denmark, there are made several thousand laws and law adjustments every year, and it is so much, that we've hired some people called politicians to spend all their day reading rapports and choosing laws, so we can be at work instead of the voting booth for our entire life. ;)

And you know the best part are? We've chosen those politicians ourself, and opposite from usa, we've got many parties to choose from, and many politicians from every party, so practically we have kinda fair control over what laws are passed.
Example: 2010-11 we had a law, that 14 year olds could go to jail. Despite that the law were only used 4 times during the year it was active, the danish citizens hated the law so much, that it have been changed back to 15 and since then, we've got a new government, where the party that wanted the criminal age down at 14 are not in anymore, due to lack of votes. ;D

Democracy from the socialistic scandinavia!
Title: Re: Legal Adult Age
Post by: Peters on July 16, 2012, 03:15:14 AM
Wish it was that way here baddi. What you describe is the same as US but is also very different. Politicians are the lawmakers. And we do elect them. But the similarities end there.  :). Believe me, it's not changing any time soon either.

Most US lawmakers actually have immunities to DUI/DWI laws as well as other traffic laws. The US government is F'ed up. Most US politicians are oblivious to what it's like for everyday hard working Americans. A lot are corrupt too.
Title: Re: Legal Adult Age
Post by: baddi on July 16, 2012, 03:18:13 AM
Wish it was that way here baddi  :). But believe me, it's not changing any time soon

Most US lawmakers actually have immunities to DUI/DWI laws as well as other traffic laws. The US government is F'ed up. Most US politicians are oblivious to what it's like for everyday hard working Americans. A lot are corrupt too.

As if that surpriced anyone :p
Title: Re: Legal Adult Age
Post by: Peters on July 16, 2012, 03:21:42 AM
Not trying to surprise anyone. It's all out there. Just telling the way it is