General => General Discussion => Topic started by: Vivo on July 05, 2012, 05:45:01 AM
Should off-shore drilling be banned? ;)
... It poses danger to the environment :'(
... but.... we need the oil.... :-\
.... is banning the answer?
.... we shout out loud in protecting the environment... but we destroy it... ???
Axy? anybody?
Drill that sh**
Should off-shore drilling be banned? ;)
Well, I do not think that this is even an option. Next frontier is Arctic, Russians have already started drilling there.
Well, I do not think that this is even an option. Next frontier is Arctic, Russians have already started drilling there.
So, I think marine life would be just collateral damage... :'(
we need the oil
Actually we dont NEED the oil but the oil corps want us all to think we do. Renewables and better energy management and conservation can easily replace oil for most of us. America and China just has to get on board and stop blocking every enviromental strategy brought up then cut down on its use. Why do most American cars do so badly on fuel economy? Its like they are stuck in the past and dont want to evolve. Most modern European hatchbacks and saloons get at least 40-50mpg and most will out perform most US gas guzzlers. We need a global agreement on a minimum mpg for all cars produced, if they dont meet it they dont get approved for road use, kinda like the emmissions tests now.
We don't need oil but we need energy. We can get energy from other sources, right?
We don't need oil but we need energy. We can get energy from other sources, right?
Right. And pretty easily. The only hard thing is stopping the oil and gas corps from greasing palms of politicians to keep the status quo.
At least we are on track. Sure we will still need oil for the short term till we can have infrastructure in place to switch but a lot of the consumption for industry etc can be switched over easily from coal, oil and gas. (
We have a huge power source hanging above us, the sun puts out enough energy in an hour to provide for all our global energy needs. We just need to invest and learn how to best harness this power.
We have a huge power source hanging above us, the sun puts out enough energy in an hour to provide for all our global energy needs. We just need to invest and learn how to best harness this power.
the gov. or who ever already knows how to do this they are just siting on it and waiting for us to pay the bill............they just need to get off the asses and do it. the know how and the man power is there its just doing it.And while there doing that sent all the oters back across the border so we can get are jobs back.
And while there doing that sent all the oters back across the border so we can get are jobs back.
Do you really want a job picking fruit and veg or doing gardening for less than minimum wage and no security? I wouldnt want it, thats why they hire mexicans, cos nobody else will do it. Anyway the US is a nation of immigrants, apart from the native Americans youre all foreigners or descendants of foreigners. I got no beef with any immigrants anywhere myself.
the gov. or who ever already knows how to do this they are just siting on it and waiting for us to pay the bill....
The gov just does what the guys with the cash tell them, thats why all the lobbyists and big corps give "donations" come election time, its all to make the money for them, they dont care as long as the cash keeps on rollin in :(
Most modern European hatchbacks and saloons get at least 40-50mpg and most will out perform most US gas guzzlers.
Out perform?
That's a joke
Remember the Deepwater Horizon oil disaster is the worst oil spill to affect the United States in all its history. It occurred in the Gulf of Mexico as a result of off shore drilling. Remember that and decide again if you are in favor of off shore drilling over renewable energy sources.
Facts on the Deepwater Horizon oil spill:
BP made a deal with the government that they would set aside $20 billion toward oil cleanup and spill victims.
16,000 total miles of coastline have been affected, including the coasts of Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida.
Even though the gushing well was capped in July 2010, oil is still washing up on shores, which might do long-term damages to humans affected.
The initial oil rig explosion killed 11 people and injured 17 others.
President Obama announced that his administration would create a $20 billion spill response fund.
Responders used 5.5 million feet of boom, a barrier placed in water, to collect and absorb oil.
Of the 400 miles of Louisiana coast, approximately 125 miles have been polluted by the oil spill.
One method of treating the oil spill is "in-situ burning" or burning oil in a contained area on the surface of the water. Oil spills are bad, but burning is also bad for the environment.
Over 1,000 animals (birds, turtles, mammals) have been reported dead, including many already on the endangered species list. Of the animals affected by the spill that are still alive only about 6% have been reported cleaned, but many biologists and other scientists predict they will die too.
The BP Oil Spill is the biggest in American history, with between 17 and 39 million gallons spilled in the Gulf of Mexico.
Over 30,000 people responded to the spill in the Gulf Coast working to collect oil, clean up beaches, taking care of animals and performing various other duties.
USA Today
Boing Boing
New York Daily News
Out perform?
That's a joke
I was specifically talking about in fuel economy there.
Most decent Euro cars would wipe the floor with the average American car tho on performance too, you may be good in a straight line race but hit a few bends and :o
You guys have sports cars with more of a dragstrip/nascar heritage, our sports cars evolved from rallying and F1. (
We're talking about engine performance not cornering ability
Do you really want a job picking fruit and veg or doing gardening for less than minimum wage and no security? I wouldnt want it, thats why they hire mexicans, cos nobody else will do it. Anyway the US is a nation of immigrants, apart from the native Americans youre all foreigners or descendants of foreigners. I got no beef with any immigrants anywhere myself.
no prolmem with the immigrants here eather. its not are falt there own country well not take care of theam. maybe they should put all the jail birds in the filds picking corn and hoeing gardens. then that way when they do get out they have some kind of cash in there pocket. and then they well learn what its like to work for a liveing.
Remember the Deepwater Horizon oil disaster is the worst oil spill to affect the United States in all its history. It occurred in the Gulf of Mexico as a result of off shore drilling. Remember that and decide again if you are in favor of off shore drilling over renewable energy sources.
Facts on the Deepwater Horizon oil spill:
BP made a deal with the government that they would set aside $20 billion toward oil cleanup and spill victims.
16,000 total miles of coastline have been affected, including the coasts of Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida.
Even though the gushing well was capped in July 2010, oil is still washing up on shores, which might do long-term damages to humans affected.
The initial oil rig explosion killed 11 people and injured 17 others.
President Obama announced that his administration would create a $20 billion spill response fund.
Responders used 5.5 million feet of boom, a barrier placed in water, to collect and absorb oil.
Of the 400 miles of Louisiana coast, approximately 125 miles have been polluted by the oil spill.
One method of treating the oil spill is "in-situ burning" or burning oil in a contained area on the surface of the water. Oil spills are bad, but burning is also bad for the environment.
Over 1,000 animals (birds, turtles, mammals) have been reported dead, including many already on the endangered species list. Of the animals affected by the spill that are still alive only about 6% have been reported cleaned, but many biologists and other scientists predict they will die too.
The BP Oil Spill is the biggest in American history, with between 17 and 39 million gallons spilled in the Gulf of Mexico.
Over 30,000 people responded to the spill in the Gulf Coast working to collect oil, clean up beaches, taking care of animals and performing various other duties.
USA Today
Boing Boing
New York Daily News
They are in the process of approving a class action suit. Everyone that has filed a claim (in the primary impact zone) is entitled to 3.5 times their claim. That means 3.5 years of pay in one check... BP is going to spend approx 72 billion in damages. This is NOT appeal-able. Most of the local "ambulance chasers" are charging 20% to represent...
Blood's in the water. Here come the sharks.
Humans are really bad.... :'(
What most do not realize is simply filing as a resident in the affected areas is automatic. You don't need a lawyer. If you are claiming lost income... You simply show your tax returns for the three years prior, and the difference is applied. Again... No lawyer. Most of the locals took the initial payment of 5g's. Some fought for more but had to sign off on BP future lawsuits. This is the future suit that will pay big time. I am part of this current suit. I actually made more money during the spill but that money is waived as "maintaining the vessel of opportunity fleet" (the boats doing the cleanup). Since I was working on those vessels, I had no time for my regular customers. So as a contractor I was enrolled automatically.
I believe BP has three years to settle on terms but the global attention has moved the date to this years end. It's pretty tite lipped right now but I do call every day for status. The Zone A parties are to be settled first. That's us here.
Maybe I'll buy the worlds most expensive 50cc/ Make it a 125cc, and waste the rest on loose women, and hard drinking. Or move next door to Vivo. I understand there is a vacant tree just up the road from his place. Either one...
Maybe I'll buy the worlds most expensive 50cc/ Make it a 125cc, and waste the rest on loose women, and hard drinking. Or move next door to Vivo. I understand there is a vacant tree just up the road from his place. Either one...
It's ready.....
Maybe I'll buy the worlds most expensive 50cc/ Make it a 125cc, and waste the rest on loose women, and hard drinking. Or move next door to Vivo. I understand there is a vacant tree just up the road from his place. Either one...
You could do this
You could do this
:D Cool 8)
talking about engine performance not cornering ability
You cant just jam a huge h.p engine in a car to make it go faster, well you can and do but thats no good unless you only drive on straight roads.
Not many American cats listed here? (
And of course they have this........ (
Not knocking US cars of old cos they had some looks and style, just the modern crap today seems a little lame to me. I am not a fan of plastic, especially cheap plastic and i like my cars to handle well.
That I can agree with :)
The Ford Explorer used to actually have a truck frame. Now it's this plastic crossover unibody suv crap. Oh how the mini van has evolved ;). The worst part is it's not even that much better on gas. I love Ford but for anything other than real trucks go Japanese. Nissan baby ;D
My mate had a Toyota Hi-Lux a while ago and that thing was indestructable. We took that everywhere, on and off road but we just couldnt kill it, no matter what we threw at it it just kept going. We ended up naming it Satan :D Eventually he sold it on to buy a new van for work but we still see it driving around now some 7-8 yrs after he sold it. That thing was amazing.
My mate had a Toyota Hi-Lux a while ago and that thing was indestructable. We took that everywhere, on and off road but we just couldnt kill it, no matter what we threw at it it just kept going. We ended up naming it Satan :D Eventually he sold it on to buy a new van for work but we still see it driving around now some 7-8 yrs after he sold it. That thing was amazing.
Remember the old red one that is a part of Top Gear (UK) scenery for some years now...
Oh yeah!
They had a newer model with big tires they took to Antarctica and beat the crap out of too.
They're called a Tacoma in North America, and yeah they are great trucks. You'll pay an arm and a leg for a good used one over here. They'll go 400,000 miles + with routine service.
Oh yeah!
They had a newer model with big tires they took to Antarctica and beat the crap out of too.
They're called a Tacoma in North America, and yeah they are great trucks. You'll pay an arm and a leg for a good used one over here. They'll go 400,000 miles + with routine service.
30.000 EUR starting price here. They have a small diesel engine (something like 2.5 turbo diesel 120 hp).
Drilling is fine if done right. Obama and BP handled the Horizon disaster about as poorly as someone could. Not capping the gusher for weeks or was it months is simply unacceptable.
Oil does flow naturally from the ocean floor and winds up on beaches, just not in the amounts that we see/will see in the decades to come.
Exxon Valdez disaster still has beaches in Alaska soaked with oil, I can't imagine what this episode will bring in time to come.
Solar, wind, tide are all way to help produce energy, I say lets follow up on those sources.
I agree, though I'm not sure the disaster's problems are connected to Obama more than BP's. The British company did a pretty sh**ty job, not only in casing the spill, but in hiding the facts and dealing with its clean up operations. Remember it was the US government that sued and won its case against BP, and even though they are now being forced to pay damage claims, the US government is still pursuing them to admit liability for the disaster: (
Maybe I'll buy the worlds most expensive 50cc/ Make it a 125cc, and waste the rest on loose women, and hard drinking. Or move next door to Vivo. I understand there is a vacant tree just up the road from his place. Either one...
It's ready.....
Perfect. Plenty of room for dogs...8-12 or so.
Would make a nice fort for a kid or two.
No kids allowed in MY fort!
No kids allowed in MY fort!
How do we get the keg up there?
The dogs will show you how. In Dog I Trust... I'm pretty sure that is a Filipino Beer Tree anyway. Just crack a branch, and suck the juice. Imagine the picture... Bunch of us burnouts sucking on a tree fort. Puke all over the ground, and dogs. Kids throwing rocks to get their fort back. I can see that!
The dogs will show you how. In Dog I Trust... I'm pretty sure that is a Filipino Beer Tree anyway. Just crack a branch, and suck the juice. Imagine the picture... Bunch of us burnouts sucking on a tree fort. Puke all over the ground, and dogs. Kids throwing rocks to get their fort back. I can see that!
.......bunch of drunken louts pissin over the side onto the kids throwing rocks and they'll soon move on ;D
How do we get the keg up there?
Gas equals horsepower. There is nothing on this planet better than oil. Corn??? nope we just make more hungry people. We had cars in the old days that got the same mileage as cars do today. I prefer gas in my scooter. The whole world on the same milage from cars???? LOL LOL LOL.
If the government is involved it will never work. Their motto is " If its not broke fix it till it is"
70% of our oil comes from Canada. 10% comes from the U.S. and 10%
The rest comes from different sources
The U.S. sells our oil overseas.
Actually Jerry...................
Prepare for another war very soon in a country near you, why do you think they hate Chavez so much? Because he has more oil than you :)
We had cars in the old days that got the same mileage as cars do today.
Did they have air bags? Power windows? Radio? More than 100 hp? Could they carry 5 people? Were they ugly as sh**?
Were they ugly as sh**?
I actually prefer old cars for looks, modern plastic boxes dont appeal to me, they all look the same :-\ Plus you can work on old cars and do almost all repairs and maintenance, with modern cars its all sensors, chips and electrics which are great for the 1st few years til they start going wrong. Guess thats why i drive a '71 beetle, 2 wires, a battery and an air-cooled engine ;D
I'm not knockin all old cars. I'm just sayin those cars(like the beetle) he was talkin about were very basic. Like you said, that can be a good thing. And I agree, I don't like plastic either. But come on, Beetles are so ugly. Sorry, just my opinion.
Beetles are so ugly.
:o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o Wash your mouth out young man!! :o :o :o :o :o :o :o
Its one of the cutest cars there is, she may not be the prettiest to everyone but she has a lot of character, no 2 ever look alike (at least to those who know them), theyre cool as fu©k, cheap to run, handles better than many modern cars (with a little tweaking/tuning), women love them, i can pull the engine in 20mins by myself using only a jack and handtools, there is a whole scene built around them which is possibly bigger than any other vehicle EVER, it was designed by Porsche, i get more looks driving that than ANY modern car otjer than a £100,000 supercar, it makes me smile everytime i drive it, parts are cheap and readily available, it has never once failed to start in the morning, hippies love em, etc, etc.......It is the peoples car ;D
Even if i were a multi-millionaire i would still own at least a few VW Beetles and Vans, and i would probably drive them a lot more than my Bugatti and Zonda. Seriously, i would.
:D :D :D
Different opinions make the world more interesting
To each his own streido... To each his own
We had a '68 Beetle before but I liked our old muscle cars better. My father had a '71 Dodge Challenger and '65 Mustang. I was practicing my driving (golf) on our lawn when the golf ball went the other way and hit the side of our '64 Impala...not even the slightest dent... if it was a Kia... ::) BTW, my uncle bought that beetle in the '70's and is still running up to now...
BTW, my uncle bought that beetle in the '70's and is still running up to now.
Beetles never die........they just evolve ;D
Beetles never die........they just evolve ;D
My favorite was the 1303 S.... ;)
My favorite was the 1303 S.... ;)
Thats not considered a "real" beetle by VW guys because of the Mcpherson strut suspension, "real" bugs have torsion beam front ends, preferably lowered down into the weeds and scraping the tarmac ;D
The 1303s is big in Germany and has become a bit of a cult beetle for those folk wanting a good cornering, Hi-po, performance VW, they call these German Look Beetles. I prefer Cal-Look myself, head down ass up, chrome, slick paint, big engine, bit of a sleeper look to fool all the Jap and German street racers off the lights. ;D
Thats not considered a "real" beetle by VW guys because of the Mcpherson strut suspension, "real" bugs have torsion beam front ends, preferably lowered down into the weeds and scraping the tarmac ;D
The 1303s is big in Germany and has become a bit of a cult beetle for those folk wanting a good cornering, Hi-po, performance VW, they call these German Look Beetles. I prefer Cal-Look myself, head down ass up, chrome, slick paint, big engine, bit of a sleeper look to fool all the Jap and German street racers off the lights. ;D
And the engine was made by the Porsche factory.... Well, I still like the 1303 with the wide 13 inch wheels...
They still cost a lot here..
VOLKSWAGEN CLUB OF THE PHILIPPINES..... Streido, when was the last time you saw 800 VWs in one venue??
Streido, when was the last time you saw 800 VWs in one venue??
Prob Santa Pod, (
We have lots of big VW shows here, usually everyone turns up in a bug or bus so there are more in the carpark than on show.
Give me a Ford Mustang any day. Most of the Euro's High performance cars are high maintenance.
I like old Beetles and old Cadillacs. I support off shore drilling. Lets burn coal.
There will never be a replacement for fossil fuels. Then again we could use our food supply to make poor fuel, after a while we won't need to worry about fuel, we all will starve to death. Give me my favorite car. A 1976 Cadillac Fleetwood with a 500ci engine. I could live in that car.