Scooters - 125 to 300 => LIKE 200i => Topic started by: kriden on July 21, 2012, 11:05:18 PM
This one was a little tricky but was still very possible. Obviously for US regulations the “standard†turn signals on these scoots have to be augmented with DOT certified units. Sometimes manufactures just add the DOT lights and leave the stock units intact (wiring and bulbs simply disconnected) I think the Buddy scoots are like this but I know my Kymco Agility was. In the case of my Agility 125, I just re-hooked the wires to make the lights work all the time as marker lights. Just as the Like’s have the side marker lights below the inactive turn signals.
With the Like, however, this was not the case. There is no wiring or bulbs. They replace the bulb socket with a dummy “plug†and re-wire the DOT lights with existing wires. Wires will need to be run back to this area.
So here’s what I did (having trouble with the uploading of pics-will try to submit separately)
1. Removed the access plate inside the glovebox - PIC 1
2. Removed the plug that was in the socket for the existing turn signal
3. Purchased two replacement bulb sockets at local auto parts store (Pep Boys). These were about $7 dollars/each (US dollars). The socket is made out of rubber (which is easy to work with)
a. Part # 84803 SKU: 8637732 -Dorman – Conduct-Tite 2-Wire Import Sidemarker 17mm Socket
4. Using grinding wheel (file can be used, but will take more time) I decreased the diameter by simply grinding away the “flange†part of the socket unit it was able to fit inside the dummy plug. Remove a little bit at a time being careful to make sure the modified socket would fit into the dummy plug snuggly. - PIC 2
5. Using step drill (but any drill bit will work), I drilled out the back of the dummy plug to allow the wires to pass thru. - PIC 3
6. Inserted the new socket into the dummy plug to create new socket that now fit into the signal housing.
7. Soldered wire to the new socket.
8. Removed the screws to access the wiring underneath the speedo (four total) then VERY carefully separated the back half of the body cover from the front. These pieces are snap fitted together. If you rush or are too forceful you can break the tabs on the front piece.
9. Traced the turn-signal wires to the harness. Tapped into the existing connection to power the new turn signal bulbs.
10. Reassembled in reverse order- PIC 4
You have to leave the DOT lights hooked up or your scoot may not pass inspection. Plus the more light the better. Every little bit helps these days with the cell phone obsessed drivers out there. I did this mainly for cosmetic reasons, but the added indicators may help a bit. (at least I would hope so…but I think even with indicators as bright as the sun it would still not get a distracted driver’s attention)
Sorry I didn’t have more pics of the headstock body/connection. Good luck and be safe!
kriden, this is really awesome info, thanks for posting the details! I'm modding a Like 50 but I think the idea is pretty much the same.
Use LEDs.. ;)
Hi, kriden. You have given very informative and helpful post about Re-Activating Front Fairing Turn Signals. I want more information about whole process of Re-Activating Front Fairing Turn Signals. Thanks in advance.