General => General Discussion => Topic started by: 08087 on August 16, 2012, 07:56:33 PM
Anyone ever use Fix-A-Flat or some other product like it to keep on board in case of a flat tire?
yes with no joy. used twice now not worked. and some tyre places refuse to change your tyre if you have used it. but that way when it first came out on the market. lots of car companys put it in now in the boot insted of a spair tyre so must be better now
Not really Skippy, its still the same story here too. If you pump that into the tyre then it will get you home but you will need a new tyre cos no tyre shop i know of would repair it. My neighbour got a flat on her new car laat year so pulled over to change the wheel but couldnt find her spare. Shes my wifes friend so called her and i ended up going along to help her out. All ahe had was a can of that stuff and no spare was given from the factory, just that sh**. I told her to leave it and i would go get a pump but she said not to bother and just to use that stuff "it must be ok cos it came with the car". It wasnt ok, a 2 month old tyre was trash and she was £79 down for a newtyre.
I would never use it. Unless there was a zombie apocalypse and i was stranded at the side of the road alone at midnight with no gun lr bat ;D
..dont kill zombies!!!
...i think i've seen on some of those cans that it shouldn't be used onn a motorbike anyhow...
..dont kill zombies!!!
Nah. Not our Zombie. I mean the other non-scooter ridin zombies.
Our one can be killed anyway, he's indestructable :)
Just my opinion... I'd never use that fix a flat stuff. First it's not a permanent fix and second that stuff is nasty. The entire inside of the wheel gets coated with it and is almost impossible to get back out. It gets in the valve stem. It's just no good.
I'd just carry a plug kit and walk it to a gas station and hope they have compressed air. Or you could get a bicycle tire pump. You could find a way to mount it under the floor panel. I just came up with that ;D. Might like to do it myself
..i have a 12vdc adapter wired into my battery terminals..
..stashes nicely inside the s9 center hatch...they make compact 12vdc pumps with the "cigarette lighter" connector...
..already carry a plug kit, thatsa MUST HAVE!!...
Do you think the pump would run off these tiny batteries? Maybe with the scooter running :-\
..i think it would, yeah with the scoot running..
..probably need to look at the amp draw of the pump before i could say for sure tho..
..i just charge my phone, gps etc with it from time to time...
When I was a kid I had a big can that help compressed air (my uncle handed it down to me) in case I got a flat while on the road. I'd put in a plug and pump it up. If you ran out of air in the tank you could even take some air out of the 3 good tires and partly fill the tank so you could then ride with 4 semi filled tiers to a gas station.
So does anyone know of a small compressed air tank that you could use (even as a 1 shot deal) on a scoot? not that I want one, will go for the air pump myself, just wondering out loud.
..well, i be damned...
...080 is baaack!!!
..where the hell you been??
..we ALL missed you..been talking about you like mad!!
..a can of air would be a good deal, if even a one-shot...
..somebody google it!!
That is a good idea
I was away on vacation but didn't want to announce it in advance, Vivo can track you down (as we've seen) and I ddin't want a bunch of scooter geeks squatting in my house when we came back. ;D
Thanks for missing me, just went to the shore house for a short stay with the girls,and some day trips. I'm back pretty steady now until my next vacation (Which I haven't picked yet.) .
Cheap and very small. Also has three different ways to connect it. (
- planned vacation...carrabelle...fell through this year...
..i miss the beach......
Is this thing on fire??? Get the hose! But seriously, it really does smoke after you run it for a while. Then after the smoke started rising, it quit working! I picked it up off the ground and it started running again, and then stopped, and then started running again. This went on for a while... :) Then I sent it back and purchased a VIAIR 85P and now all is good. If you...
...that was one review of this
Excellent portal inflator.
I have only used this thing about three times in the few months I have had it. It has performed as well as expected. I take it with me in my motorcycle tank bag on longer trips, and having that extra security is great. I already have a battery tender connection hanging off my bike and that works great for this also. I think it is a smart buy for anyone in the market.
...aaannd another...
Now residing in Las Vegas, NV I always knew I should have one of these on hand when riding solo out of town, but kind of procrastinated for way too long. Sure enough, soon after receiving this unit and while on a ride, the need arose for inflating my rear tire after plugging a nail hole. This compressor kit is the bomb and worked exactly as described. In no time, I was back on the road and can now tell you from experience that you should NEVER ride without this kit. I highly recommend this product!!
..think i might check it out!!
I saw that :D
Amazon has an awesome return policy. They pay for return shipping if a product is defective. And it happens even with brand name products.
that green slim stuff works good as the wheels turn it helps to balance out the wheels.
washes out good with soap and water............ I have road a scoot for 3 or more months with it in my tire befor replaceing the tire. its not a good thing to keep in a tire to long . when weather gets cold its best to have a fresh tire.slim well freeze................
I use Ride-On tire balancer- sealant in all my scooters and bikes. It's made for bikes and it self balances the tire. This stuff has sealed about 6 out of seven tires that had nails and screws in them. The only one it didn't because the stew ripped out. When you get a nail- screw you warm the tire by riding and then you stop and pull or unscrew the screw than ride for around 10 miles. You only loose. Few PSI's and you fill it up and your done. I have used the slime portable air compressors from Wallmart and they last for about 10 Fills for $10.00.