Scooters - 125 to 300 => People 250 => Topic started by: TeeMon on October 23, 2012, 12:53:09 AM
After hitting a dead end in trying to find a taller wind screen for my S 250, I remembered that I had Laminar Lip devices for my now sold Silverwing and one for my current Burg 400.
I climbed up to the garage storage racks and found the box containing the L.L.'s and got them out.
Unfortunately, the one for the Silverwing was way too big - no way would it ever work on the S 250's wind screen.
The LL for the Burg was a much closer fit but still will not quite work - darn!
I checked the Laminar Lip website and they do not offer one for any Kymco scooter except the Xciting 500 - darn again!
I'm thinking that it might be worth while to call them this week to see if one of the LL's for a different bike might just fit the S 250. Wish me luck!
I recently ordered the windshield for my people s250 from the following link. The windshield looks pretty big. I'm hoping it'll reduce all the wind noise on my helmet. I'll share my opinion after installation in 2 weeks. (
mmaxima, hope that it works for you. Yes, please write a review once you've had it for a couple of weeks.
The style of that screen looks similar to the Givi. Unfortunately, for me, it is too large. I had a Givi on the SH150i that I had, and I had it cut down but I could not do anything about the built in hand deflectors.
The screen that I almost bought is taller and wider than stock but had no protection for the hands which was fine with me. In the USA, it is sold by a scooter store in Oregon.
I have this windshield when I bought my people s 250. It's tall enough to block wind on you chest but not on the helmet. You do feel tired after 30 minutes of riding with the helmet noise. I hope the new windshield is tall enough to get rid of the helmet wind noise. I'm 6'1". (
mmaxima, are you saying that you had (or have) the wind screen that is sold by Columbia Scooters? That's the one that I almost ordered for my S 250.
But then I learned that the two little hooks on the back of the lower panel have to be removed so that the screen will fit flush. I did not want to do that because I thought that it might make the screen flex too much or weaken the attachment points.
So does you scooter have those little hooks removed or not? I prefer to have a screen that I can look over and not through it - that's why the Givi type screens don't work for me. Too bad, because Givi makes very good products.
I didn't order mine on columbia scooter. It came with the bike when I bought it from the original owner. It looks really similar to the one columbia scooter sell. Mine doesn't require any modification.
I contacted the company that produces the Laminar Lip systems. They told me that they do not produce anything for the People S 250. And they said that without having the scooter there for them to check, they cannot tell me if one of the Laminar Lips for a different bike might fit the S 250.
They said that if I rode down to their part of the state (Orange County), they could check my scooter and see what might work. I think I'll pass on making the ride down there - especially with the uncomfortable seat on my S 250!
I installed the wind shield I order by today. It's a lot taller than the one I have. I'm 6'1" and it's as tall as my head. I am looking through the wind shield when I ride now. All the wind noise are gone now. My complain is the engine noise now but it's much better than the wind noise.
I didn't have to make any modification to install the new wind shield. The US people s 250 version has turn signal on the side. The wind shield does touch the turn signal but it's not a big deal to me.