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Messages - darkarchon729

Pages: [1]
People 50 / Re: 2007 People 50 cdi help
« on: July 10, 2010, 05:10:43 PM »
yeah there isn't any wire coming from the bottom of my cdi. there is a green wire along with other wires coming from the top but i ruled that one out because i cut it and i had to tape it back up when it didn't start.

People 50 / Re: 2007 People 50 cdi help
« on: July 05, 2010, 02:46:28 PM »
well my people is a 2t if that changes anything but is there a difference between cutting and unplugging the green wire? i cut the green wire that went into the cdi because it seemed like i wouldnt be able to unplug it unless a few other wires came with it. when i tried to start my scoot after that though it wouldnt start up, so i just put the wire back and wrapped electrical tape around it. im assuming i got the wrong green wire?

People 50 / 2007 People 50 cdi help
« on: July 03, 2010, 06:42:45 PM »
Hello, im totally new to the forum and although ive been looking around through it, cant seem to find any specific information on the cdi box, more specifically, how to remove the rev limit in it for the 2007 people. i've seen the procedure for other kymco models, but im not entirely sure its the same process. any help would be greatly appreciated and probably not just from me, theres gotta be others who are just as noob-ish on the subject... or its just me.

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