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Messages - sailorman

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First day at Hungry Mother State Park, in western Virginia, and a Like 200i excursion over the Back of the Dragon.  An exquisitely challenging ride, crossing three mountains -- Big Walker, Brushy and Clinch -- with upward of 300 twisty turns.  Steep grades, fallen rocks, gravel, lumber trucks, sheer drops, freezing gusts at the crests, what's not to like?  Definitely a step out of my comfort zone!

LIKE 200i / Re: Screen recommendation for the LIKE200I?
« on: December 14, 2019, 12:42:50 AM »
I installed the Slipstreamer 66 last year and after spot welding the brackets which kept vibrating loose it has done very well for me.

General Discussion / Re: Making a change to winter gear
« on: November 21, 2019, 02:29:50 AM »
I like the Occulux bright yellow and black industrial jackets. Have two and they are only around $38.  They have many pockets reflective tape and are great in cold weather rain, etc.  Here:

General Discussion / Re: Quick decision I need to make, please help
« on: November 21, 2019, 02:26:49 AM »
motion activated game cameras are inexpensive.

LIKE 200i / Re: New to me 2012 - need advice
« on: March 10, 2019, 03:43:28 AM »
Failed state inspection - rear tire worn slick - no idea how.  Replaced with City Grips front and rear, $140 from Amazon, $75 for local cycle shop in Virginia to put them on.
Passed inspection.  Legal at last!
So far: $500 for bike.  Replaced brake fluid, oil, rear hub oil, set valves, new Iridium plug.  Added mirror extenders so I can see behind me.  Additional $50 or so.
Back on road, got it up to 70 and there is still throttle left I think.  But not enough courage yet to go any faster....
Ordered Scoot 66 windshield $87
Hoping to do Blue Ridge Parkway this summer.

LIKE 200i / Re: Parts Availability?
« on: February 28, 2019, 03:45:52 AM »
OK, that explains why nothing pops for a 200i CDI when I do a search for one!
 But should we not have a spare ECU then, if 200i is to be  no longer supported by manufacturer?  The mechanical parts seem to be readily available.  The electronic ones, perhaps not so much....?

LIKE 200i / Re: Parts Availability?
« on: February 27, 2019, 09:07:43 PM »
One part I think might be worth having a backup for is the CDI box. Has anyone actually installed one of the generic GY6 boxes for sale on eBay?  Do they work on the 200i?

LIKE 200i / Re: Bled The Brakes on my LIKE200i
« on: February 11, 2019, 09:42:15 PM »
OK, I just did this following above instructions and here is some feedback.
    Seems I didn't need a vacuum. Went to Walmart and bought a $3 item in their auto parts section called a "Hyper Tough Siphon Pump" (Item 36201WD).  A rubber bulb type siphon pump.  Turns out there is no valve inside the rubber bulb so it is useless for pulling a vacuum, but the generous supply of clear poly tubing included is EXACTLY the right size to fit firmly on the brake drain nipple.
     Used a paint scraper to pry rear cover off, as I did not have a pizza cutter handy.  New problem: the US turn signals do not allow the front cover to come off completely.  However a VERY careful bending allowed enough access to get the brake reservoir screws loosened and the covers off.  Removed old amber fluid (7 years old according to previous owner) with industrial syringe.  Then alternately pumped up brake, loosened nut, closed nut, added new fluid, pumped up brake, and repeat.  A scrunchy or heavy rubber band to hold brake handle down after pumping helped with the rear brake.  When clear fluid emerged in the poly tube, closed nut, filled reservoir to mark and reassembled.  Total time, one hour.  Thanks Stig for clear instructions!

LIKE 200i / Re: owners manual falling apart
« on: February 11, 2019, 09:11:26 PM »
Actually I am having to wait on a new title being issued before being able to transfer to me, register, inspect, etc. and actually ride the thing.  So I am improving the time by learning to do all my maintenance myself.  (The weather is helping too.)  These old posts are a wealth of info; thank you so much for posting so much good gouge, Stig!

LIKE 200i / Re: CR7EIX vs. CR7HIX
« on: February 11, 2019, 09:07:17 PM »
Sounds good, thanks!
I don't feel any difference I can put my finger on between the OEM and HIX plugs. But if it lasts longer, that will be a net gain as I do not like taking the plug out and putting it back in. Always afraid I will drop it down that cooling shroud!  Plan to just loosen it and then retighten it whenever I have seat off for something else, just to make sure threads do not bind.

LIKE 200i / Re: owners manual falling apart
« on: February 10, 2019, 12:25:20 AM »
Mine started falling apart so I took it to local printer and had them spiral bind it with heavier covers. Problem solved for $8!

LIKE 200i / Re: Oil strainer plug cap replacement?
« on: February 09, 2019, 02:26:29 AM »
Replaced with the GY6 cheap online plug, fits fine, no leaking, good to go.

LIKE 200i / Re: CR7EIX vs. CR7HIX
« on: February 09, 2019, 02:25:22 AM »
Thanks for the clairification Stig. I did not start engine with EIX in it. Got an HIX instead, installed, gapped valves, changed oil, gear oil, and took it out on the road. All is good.  I will wait on changing the tires until these have some wear on them.  But if they are "hard" tires, I am thinking of running them with -5 PSI for a somewhat softer ride and more contact with road.  ??

Roadcraft / Re: Have you ever come off your ride?
« on: February 09, 2019, 12:46:51 AM »
Took a Honda CB350 off the road (loose gravel on a turn) and over a cliff in the Blue Ridge mountains circa 1978.  Rider grabbed a bush on the way over but the bike got scraped up pretty bad.

LIKE 200i / CR7EIX vs. CR7HIX
« on: February 03, 2019, 02:43:43 PM »
Think I just installed the wrong plug on 2012 200i . . . installed NGK CR7EIX . . . . but on reflection, it looked significantly longer in the thread area than the stock OEM plug.  Do I need to replace this with CR7HIX?  Or am I safe?  Do not want to restart engine before being sure . . . but do not want to have to redo the job if not necessary. . . .

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