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Messages - General Zod

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General Discussion / Why is it hard to find parts for KYMCO bikes?
« on: November 22, 2019, 03:59:05 AM »
Since my bike is scratched up, called my local dealer (only dealer) and he said he gets the parts from south Carolina and its not even a guarantee that they have it in stock

Its frustrating, had I'd known it would be this hard to find parts, woulda bought me a Suzuki instead

General Discussion / Re: Quick decision I need to make, please help
« on: November 19, 2019, 10:58:37 PM »
No it was Not ON THE SIDESTAND, I never use the sidestand, have no idea why it was out like it was

General Discussion / Re: Quick decision I need to make, please help
« on: November 18, 2019, 11:04:18 PM »
I never use my sidestand, It was on the centerstand because I always think its most secure. but someone pushed it over or pushed it forward. very up set about this

General Discussion / Re: Quick decision I need to make, please help
« on: November 18, 2019, 04:01:10 AM »
Stig, I don't think or know if the Bike a coolant dipstick, to my surprise no gasoline or oil leaked out of it.

General Discussion / Quick decision I need to make, please help
« on: November 18, 2019, 03:24:56 AM »
So I walked out of my apartment today to find my newly paid off 2018 X-town completely on it's side. some evil moron pushed it over, as there was no storms or winds and it was on its center stand.

I wont lie.. I cried a little bit lol

the bike it self has scratches pretty bad on one side. but what really bothered me was the green radiator fluid that was on the ground

I have no Idea if its mixed with my oil or gasoline, so im afraid to start it to find out

my question is if I get this fixed I don't want to be out another $500 for a deductible for it only to happen again

my options are #1 to move ( currently looking to buy, but the market is high )

option #2 sell it quick

option #3 pay $100 and store it in a storage unit until I find a home (My money is tight)

a guy told me over time that using car oil in your bikes will erode the engne over time because the engines are built strong like car and truck engine. I don't know about all that

General Discussion / Re: Rusty Kymco anyone?
« on: July 22, 2019, 01:46:48 AM »
When I was in the market for a bike, I went to a few dealerships and noticed the bad rusting on some of the Burgman 400s, and these bikes were 2015 and 2016 models. It did turn me off of them.

my old 2010 Xciting never had rust on it, and a drove that thing through water a few times.

General Discussion / What kind of oil do yall use in your KYMCO's?
« on: July 18, 2019, 12:57:46 AM »
I don't know what to put in my X-town, but when I had my 2010 Xciting 250cc I would use Casterol GTX and it seemed to do well on that. im debating if I should put the royal purple in there are some other synthetic oil.

what do yall use?

General Discussion / Re: How to change the oil on a X-Town?
« on: July 08, 2019, 04:07:13 AM »
I use to have a 2010 Xciting 250cc and changed the oil all the time and it had no filter, just that little cone shaped screen thing

I called my dealership and asked them and they told me the OIL Filter was $8.95 and I have tried to look up to see where I can buy one myself and cant find a oil filter to buy

If your saying there isn't one, then that is awesome. I can then change it by myself like I use too.

General Discussion / How to change the oil on a X-Town?
« on: July 06, 2019, 11:18:11 PM »
Does anyone know how difficult it is to change the oil and filter on a 2018 XTown 300?

have a dealership that's about 40 miles away that wants to charge close to $50, and that's just waaay expensive IMO

General Discussion / My new 2018 kymco X-Town
« on: June 09, 2019, 06:38:59 AM »
I finally bought mine for $2,999 with 130miles on it. It reminds me so much of my Xciting 250cc. literally the same size, the engine purs the same ect.

I love the LED in the headlights, im hoping I can get many many miles out of this. question.. since this model was made in china, would you do an immediate oil change?

General Discussion / Re: Kymco now made in China? Need advice please
« on: June 02, 2019, 06:01:17 AM »
Yes the price was too good to pass up, I opted for the X-Town. I pick it up next Saturday.

I had a 2010 Xciting 250 and that thing was bullet proof.

I called several several Kymco dealers across the US and asked them about the "made in china" thing

They all said the same thing, Its overseen by Kymco, they only have them in plants in China because of the cheaper labor but the quality is the same, and I had 2 of them tell me the engines are bulletproof on most if not all Kymcos

and even some of the smaller Kymcos are made in China

so I cant wait to pick it up next weekend. thank you guys for your advice, I look forward to being on the board

General Discussion / Re: Kymco now made in China? Need advice please
« on: June 01, 2019, 12:37:09 PM »
Yeah if it has the made in china sticker on it im pretty positive its made in china, Ive had a Chinese 150 before and it was a mess. I just dont know if I should spend $3K on this or spend an extra $2K and get a used burgman for $5K

I mean I wonder if the quality is the same or worse than the tawain made kymcos

General Discussion / Kymco now made in China? Need advice please
« on: June 01, 2019, 05:30:27 AM »
I recently visited a dealership and fell in love with a 2018 kymco x-town, with 150 miles on it for $2,999

but I noticed on the back of the bike it said "made in china" and It was a kick to the gut.

I had a 250cc kymco xcitimg before but was made in tawain.

so why are they making them in China? do any of yall think this would be a bad buy considering chinese products aren't reliable? please help

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