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Messages - burningsnow

Pages: [1]
People 150 / Re: Stalling out 2009 People 150 at slow speeds
« on: July 09, 2011, 02:00:06 PM »
Hey JMS -
Any luck figuring this problem out? I have a 2009 Kymco People 150 with 7k km and I am having the same problem. Mine runs fine some days and other days it sputters and dies at low speeds AND high speeds. This has been happening here and there for 30 days but last night it died 5 times on 15 mile drive. After it dies it take several tries to restart (sometimes 10 minutes of trying). Needless to say, that 15 mile drive took me almost an hour!

The Kymco is not parked in my garage and I'm back to my gas guzzling truck for now. Let me know if you found anything out. I'm on here looking for ideas of where to start on my repairs.


People 150 / Re: New owner in Arizona - service help
« on: June 22, 2011, 04:06:32 AM »
Thanks for the suggestions guys. I'll look up the Phoenix Scarab Scooter Club.

- -  Burningsnow

People 150 / New owner in Arizona - service help
« on: June 10, 2011, 05:51:44 AM »
Hey all - I recently bought a 2009 Kymco People 150. I was wondering if anyone out there is from Arizona (Phoenix area) and could recommend a good local shop for repairs and questions. I plan on doing my own routine service but I would feel better if I had a shop for the tougher stuff.

Second question: Is there a guide anywhere online that outlines suggested service/maintenance over the life of the scooter? I want to take good care of my new ride but I am a first time owner so I have no clue what should be done and when.

Thanks in advance.

People 150 / Re: New Rider - First Post
« on: April 07, 2011, 01:35:59 PM »
Thanks for replying. I did notice the smell again yesterday and it is definitely coming from the exhaust pipe. No smoke... just really hot. I'll give it a thorough cleaning and keep my eye on it.  Thanks again guys!

People 150 / New Rider - First Post
« on: April 05, 2011, 06:13:12 PM »
I just purchased a 2009 People 150. It has 4300km. I am extremely impressed so far. The pick up is great and the top speed is ideal for commuting. Yesterday I took my longest ride yet (approximately 12 miles averaging 50mph). When I got home i noticed kind of a burning or "over-heating" type smell. It wasn't really strong but it still bothered me so I thought I'd join the forum and throw out my first question. Is this smell normal after ride like this? I have gone on several short rides (less than 5 miles) without noticing anything.

I am headed out on another ride... hopefully it was a one time occurance but I will check after this ride. Any input would be great.


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