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Messages - francuz69

Pages: [1] 2
Downtown 300 / Re: Identifying noise - Does this sound bad to You ?
« on: March 04, 2021, 09:38:42 AM »
I'm not sure that i would recommend buying Chinese belt from aliexpress. Only experience i had with Chinese belts was more than 15 years ago when i used to drive Chinese scooter. Bought it brand new and the belt snapped after 2 or 3 thousand km.
Mitsuboshi should last 20K km.
My advice is: save some money and buy the real deal!

Downtown 300 / Re: How to check faulty ISC on DT300
« on: March 04, 2021, 09:29:16 AM »
i'm proud to say that i have resolved my problems.
As You know i have played a lot with my throttle body, TPS, ISC and MAP sensor. After everything checked and cleaned the bike was not stalling any more, but idle revs were around 1500 which is slightly lower than i prefer.

So, i have rebuilt transmission. Previous owner was a little cheap, so the belt was wrong, rollers were RMS (rubbish) and everything was filthy.
Changed rollers for Polini, belt Mitsuboshi, cleaned everything and lubed where it should be lubed. On inspection i saw that old belt was few mm longer and a mm narrower. Of course it was slipping on idle.
I suppose that previous owner put that belt because original/Mitsuboshi is quite expensive so he was searching for the next best thing.

When i finished everything i did one more thing. And whatever anybody thinks, this step is really important. I have removed MAP, and lubed a small rubber seal underneath it with a little drop of engine oil. Put it back and made connection to the throttle body real tight, tightened the screw like crazy.
After that everything works as a charm. Revs do not drop beneath 1600, no stalling, perfect!
Still had a 09 error on CELP, did reset procedure:
Key on, wait 10 secs, throttle wide open for 10 secs, release throttle, wait for 10 secs.
Now the CELP is silent.

Now i can ride like a man!

Thanks everybody for  help, especially Crossbolt...

Downtown 300 / Re: Identifying noise - Does this sound bad to You ?
« on: March 04, 2021, 08:50:03 AM »
Boksa, jesi li iz Srbije?
If not, let me switch to English. Me too bet on slipping belt. I have just rebuild my transmission. Disassembled and cleaned up everything, changed rubbish RMS rollers with Polini ones, and changed Bando belt with Mitsuboshi one. I had similar sound like Yours followed with "takatakatak" sound when revs were idling. Everything symptom i had was because of wrong belt. When compared new belt with the old one, old was not quite for my scooter. Really similar but not quite the same. The old one is few mm longer and one mm narrower. That's why my belt was slipping.
I recommend buying original or Mitsuboshi belt exactly for DT 300 and i am pretty sure Your "sounds" will dissapear.

Downtown 300 / Re: How to check faulty ISC on DT300
« on: March 03, 2021, 08:16:23 AM »
Still cold for a bike over here so i am not able to drive. Morning temperatures are issue, when i'm leaving to work. I think tomorrow will be a little warmer so i will probably give it a try.
Yesterday i was playing with throttle body. I have concentrated on TPS. Thought it has something to do with my idling issue. Measured it with multimeter, but everything is fine. If someone needs a procedure on how to measure TPS, here it goes:

Definitely it seems i have a problem with a MAP. Error 09 stays on on CELP. Except that and the fact that my idle revs are around 1500 instead of 1700 everything seems ok.

Downtown 300 / Re: Battery Charging: Downtown 300i
« on: February 23, 2021, 09:26:06 PM »
Nope. Just watch out for under seat light cable and external diag port when You remove the seat bucket.

Downtown 300 / Re: Battery Charging: Downtown 300i
« on: February 23, 2021, 07:44:07 AM »
By the way, all screws for seat and a bucket are 10mm, and all screws for battery cover are Phillips. So, very basic tools.
In my case for the seat, there are 2 hinge and 2 strut nuts. First undo strut, because then You can fully open the seat to undo the hinge.

Downtown 300 / Re: How to check faulty ISC on DT300
« on: February 17, 2021, 10:12:25 AM »
Some new development in this case.
Yesterday i have played with throttle body. Checked wiring connections and everything seams clean, fine and well seated. Tested ISC few times. When i turn the key to on, nothing happens, but i saw that when i turn the key to on with the throttle wide open, the clicking/buzzing sound from the ISC appears.
I pulled out ISC and gave it one more turn of the key to on to see how it pulls in and out and saw that the ISC pin is a little distorted to the side. Probably i have done that by mistake when i have pulled it out few days earlier. I have corrected it by hand and screwed it back to the throttle body.
After done that, i have started the motor, left it to warm up, drove it a little while and everything seemed ok. Revs didn't drop below 1500-1600.
But now i saw one more thing.
When turning the key to on, and waited for CELP to give me error codes on the dash, error 09 appeared.
The DT 300 manual says that error 09 should be faulty MAP sensor. Now, how to check for faulty MAP and how to test it? Also, can i clean MAP with carb cleaner spray, because manual says that the throttle body can not be cleaned with carb cleaner, cause inside of throttle body is coated with molybdenum which can be damaged with cleaner?
I saw the article on this forum where one member played with MAP position which helped him with inconsistent revs. When looking from the left side of the bike, my MAP is positioned around 1 o clock and that member said that in his case ideal position was around 11. Even in some pictures on the internet i saw that some MAPs were positioned at 9 o clock.
Any thoughts on this one? How to test is it faulty and what is the best position for it?

Downtown 300 / Re: How to check faulty ISC on DT300
« on: February 09, 2021, 07:52:09 AM »
Thank You Crossbolt for helping me out with Your advice once again!

I definitely have a problem with ISC. If You look at the YT video i have posted yesterday, You can see the exact procedure You described in step 2.
And in video You can hear buzzing/clicking sound i have described in the first post.
The problem is definitely in the fact that i don't hear that sound anymore. I've heard it before, every time i gave key contact to my DT.
Looking back, i can conclude that few days ago, when i went to service for tires change everything was fine, but when i picked up my DT, idle speed was high, about 2500 revs. It was strange to me, but that day was cold so i thought it is normal. When i came home, i have dissconected ISC and cleaned it with a soft rag, because it had some black gunk on it. Turned it back, screwed it on and plugged it back in.
Next day my symptoms began. No clicking/buzzing sound and when machine warms up, low idle/stalling problems emerge.

Since manual says that every time ISC or TPS is disconnected, You need to do the ISC/TPS reset procedure, i suspect that ECU and ISC won't "talk" anymore, so i have tried the reset procedure few times, but no luck.
Now I'm scratching my head, on how to test ISC, how to be sure that reset is 100% performed or how to repair ISC if it's dead...

I am currently on a business trip, so i will give it a go with contact cleaning and testing before anything else. Will write about it...

Downtown 300 / How to check faulty ISC on DT300
« on: February 08, 2021, 01:58:50 PM »
Hi there,
after having and resolving electric issues with rectifier and some other things, everything was working fine. Had a new set of tyres - Pirelli Diablo Rosso. Fantastic rubber...
But now i am having another issue. DT on startup works fine but after few kilometers/miles of riding it begans to stall when stoping. Normally it idles around 1600-1700 RPM but after a short ride it falls to 1000, sometimes even lower...
I can do a workaround by slightly giving a throttle when stopping but it can be very annoying.
Fuel is new, tank doesn't make a vacuum and a swoosh sound when opened, sparkplug is brand new CR7E, and i have a beautiful spark. No clogged or pinched hoses. Everything seems perfect except that stall on idle after few miles.
Which leads me to one thing. Few days ago when i turn the key to on, I've used to hear a buzzing/clicking sound which comes from ISC. Now i don't hear it anymore. Could it be that ISC died on me?
I've read all topics on stalling regarding DT300 and also read the service manual, but i can't seem to find the procedure on how to check is the ISC faulty or not. Only thing i have found is this guy's post on YT regarding ISC operation but i doesn't say how to check a faulty one:
Also, one more question regarding ISC/TPM reset procedure... How to know did i perform it well. Does some signal lights up on the dash when a reset is performed or not. I suspected that ISC maybe got "unpaired" with the scooter while i have removed it for visual inspection, but i can't be sure did the ISC/TPM procedure go well or not.
Hope someone has the answer...
Best Regards

Downtown 300 / Re: Convert DT300 to DT350
« on: January 21, 2021, 09:05:58 AM »
Sorry for my English, sometimes i can't find the right word at the moment.
Yes, Mousejunks i was talking about stroke in Piaggio.
So, if DT300 and 350 have the same stroke but different bore, maybe it would be possible to put DT350 cylinder and piston on to DT300 engine.
I guess that someone must be the first to go down to the trial/error path. Until someone tries, others won't know will it work or not.

Downtown 300 / Re: Convert DT300 to DT350
« on: January 20, 2021, 07:56:23 PM »
Don’t know about Kymco since DT300 i have recently bought is my first Kymco.
But i know how Piaggio evolved from 200 to 250 cc, so maybe this info will be something you can use.
Piaggio kept exactly the same piston regarding diameter, but crankshaft was larger in circling diameter and it’s connecting rod was longer, hence the piston is traveling more. So combustion chamber grew up from 200 to 250 cc.
Unfortunately, that does not mean that you can use piston from 200 on 250 and vice versa, because intake and exhaust ports can not function properly with camshaft from other type of engine.

Downtown 300 / Re: Wont turn off???
« on: December 29, 2020, 05:31:11 PM »
Just to let you know, it is sorted out.
Cousin came by today and we have removed beeper and all 4 blinkers button. Turned wiring back to factory defaults, reconnected beeper as it should have been at first place, and threw all 4 button in the bin.
Now everything works like a charm except charging but that will also be sorted out as soon as i get the regulator.

Have a nice day!

Downtown 300 / Re: Wont turn off???
« on: December 28, 2020, 05:01:24 PM »
Well... very interesting day i had today...
After dismantling half of plastic from the front of the DT, first i have checked ECU relay as suggested by CROSSBOLT.
It wasn’t the relay, problem remains.
Tried couple more tweaks, without success.
At one moment while trying to turn off the scoot for the 100th time, i have pressed the blinker. And it shut down.
And then it all began to make sense. Previous owner sent the DT to the “Kymco Dealer” to install LED lights, blinker beeper, and all 4 blinkers button.
When i saw how the “expert” at Kymco dealer tangled wires i was shocked. Terrible job, really sloppy...
Anyway, the “electrician” connected beeper and the button to the 1st black wire directly from the ECU. This line is supposed do give signal to the spark plug amongst other things, and also this line is responsible for turning off the engine.
When taking into consideration that this line should not be used for stupid things like blinkers, and on top of that when i see how he wired and duck taped everything with no soldering or proper connectors, it doesn’t surprise me that i have issues like this.
Luckily i have my wife’s cousin, who is real electrician, so he promised that he will stop by these days so we can untangle this mess and do everything the proper way.
What one idiot messes up, usually takes 2 normal guys and a lot of time and nerves to sort out.

Thank for help anyway...

Downtown 300 / Re: Wont turn off???
« on: December 27, 2020, 03:46:19 PM »
No, i choked it. :)
fold an old rag and press it agaist exhaust. It dies in a second or two.

Downtown 300 / Re: Wont turn off???
« on: December 27, 2020, 12:08:09 PM »
Thx very much for the constructive suggestion.
Will change regulator ASAP but unfortunately i can’t take it from the member You suggested since i am located at the other end of the planet, and shipping will cost much more than new regulator.
I have one available for the price of 90 euros which is 3 times more than the realistic price which os 30 euros. So i have ordered a new one an it will be at my hands in 15-ish days.
ECU relay sounds very probable. I saw on the diagram where it is, so i will try it out these days. I would right now but it’s winter here and today is really cold and i don’t have a garage.

Bu the way, pulling the key out does nothing.

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