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Messages - potato21

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Technical | How To / Like 200i mirrors flopping around
« on: September 17, 2022, 05:41:23 AM »
New to the forum so please excuse if I make any etiquette mistakes. I recently purchased a used 2020 Like 200i and so far have enjoyed it, mostly. I say mostly because my mirrors are basically useless to me. Anytime I hit a speed above like 15mph they fly back towards me / fold in, which renders them useless. I fix them at every stop but it’s basically pointless as they move again almost immediately. I’m assuming maybe it’s some type of loose bolts or something? I am NOT the diy or handyman type at all and am scared of screwing this up so figured I’d get some advice before trying to mess with it. I want to replace the mirrors with something larger anyway as mine are oddly shaped (like bat wings kind of) and I feel this really limits visibility. Can anyone recommend a replacement I can buy online? I’m really not sure where to start. Thanks for any help! I greatly appreciate it.

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