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Messages - bgjosevski

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General Discussion / Re: Strange instability AK 550
« on: June 20, 2024, 03:26:06 PM »
No issues like that with mine. I feel there is about the same weather protection as I had on my Burgman 650. No instability at any speed either... but I've only had it up to just over 85 mph so far.
I do keep the tire psi a little higher than the manual calls for. Instead of 34F/38R I keep the psi at an indicated 37F/39R on the TPMS. I also found the TPMS display is close to 3 psi low compared to a few pencil gauges I have. Normally I  like to keep my motorcycle and super scooter tire psi at 40F/42R per the pencil gauges. I find tires do last a bit longer in my experience doing this and I feel a more solid connection to the road as well. I used to keep the recommended psi but about 20 years ago followed the advice of many riders in my riding groups.

Hey Bob,

Yes, disconnected is maybe the word i was looking:) It feels like it disconnects from the road.
Oh I’ve had it only up to 75 maybe. Not even planning to go above 80:)


General Discussion / Strange instability AK 550
« on: June 20, 2024, 02:16:26 PM »
I just replaced the oem screen with the puig screen. Wind protection is way better.
I still get turbulence of wind at lower body, and legs are super exposed. I guess it’s the motorcycle design.
After replacing the screen I noticed very strange instability around 50-60 mph. Feels like the front gets unstable from the wind. I experienced it twice yesterday.
I can’t really explain it, maybe like front wheel shaking or the wind throws you off your path for a second. Weather was nice and clear, even though you feel like it’s very windy on this bike.
Anybody else?


General Discussion / Re: What’s your MPG on the AK 550
« on: June 20, 2024, 02:07:47 PM »
My last tank average said 63.4mpg. Way off!
I refilled at exactly 150 miles, the red E started blinking, 3.2 gallons regular 87.
Average 46.8mpg


General Discussion / Re: What’s your MPG on the AK 550
« on: June 13, 2024, 09:07:45 PM »
Yeah that mileage doesn't help sell the bike as a cross country cruiser.


lol. For me the sitting position is so bad and the wind is just coming from everywhere. I can barely ride 15 miles. Cross country cruiser 😂😂😂???

General Discussion / Re: What’s your MPG on the AK 550
« on: June 12, 2024, 04:07:03 PM »
Just an update on the mpg. Last bar started blinking on 104 miles Trip A resettled on refueling. Average mpg shows 58.5.
I will ride until I get the blinking E.
As Bob mentioned it will probably get better but let’s see:)
I wouldn’t mind the low mph but refueling and getting the blinking light at 100 miles is terrible.
I need 6 gallons tank:)


Technical | How To / Re: Ak 550 Windscreen
« on: June 09, 2024, 02:48:28 AM »
Sounds good. I will definitely try the lower position for now but I would like to try the givi screen also. I usually ride in short sleeves and on this bike wind is too much.
I like the premium version windshield but I don’t know if it will fit on this model.

General Discussion / Re: What’s your MPG on the AK 550
« on: June 09, 2024, 02:44:16 AM »
As mentioned, you don't need more than 87 octane in the USA.
I used to own a CTX1300. That uses the same engine, basically, as the ST1300. The ST recommends 93 octane but the CTX recommends 87 octane. The difference is the compression ratio... and maybe a few other minor details.

Dr Pulley does make sliders and rollers that will work. Both heavier and lighter. Heavier rollers will decrease the RPM for the same speed. But why change it. The load to the rear wheel will temper any benefit in that so you might consider changing the contra spring as well. There is some information on that over on the ADV Riders forum in the Scooter sub forum. Look for the threads about the AK 550. There are a few owners who changed their rollers to 1-2 grams different to get more out of the CVT but I think I recall they also changed the contra spring. I like the way it is but that's just me as you can tell.

Perfect Bob, thanks.
I will check dr Pulley rollers. I will try first with the rollers than spring if needed. I just spent 13k for this bike:) I like the rpms to be lower and the bike quite. As for the gas, next tank will be 87.
Thanks for your advise.

Technical | How To / Re: Ak 550 Windscreen
« on: June 08, 2024, 05:30:04 PM »
What you are calling "bolts" must be just the plastic rivets that hold the windshield trim in place. You use an Allen key to give them a quarter turn to pop them out a little and then, with both the upper and lower rivets loose, you can simply lift the black plastic trim straight off. No need to totally remove those. THEN you will see the real bolts under that. The windshield brackets can be unbolted after the windshield is removed. There are 2 positions available. Upper and lower.

My previous bike was a 2013 Burgman 650 with an electrically adjusting shield. I never used that feature except twice a year. Up when the temps went down and down when the temps went up. I ride my bikes all year in central Iowa even when the temps go down below zeroF. I've set my AK shield a few times now... when the season changes. The tools that came with the stock took kit are almost enough to do most maintenance tasks, like getting to the battery or changing the shield height. I added a small socket set with a "T" handle to complete what I needed for those tasks. I also added a 3 mm Allen key to remove the bolts on each side of the top instrument cover under the shield. I actually like the stock shield. But I know a few others who don't. Givi makes a replacement that is much larger and covers the hands better. I don't need to spend anything for that though. I simply don't want a barn door in front of me and NEED to look OVER the shield (had a barn door shield once and was looking through it and I vowed never again). A bigger shield will impact mpg.

Thanks again for your reply Bob.
That makes sense, I will try. I was just spinning those plastic screws :)
I want to try the lower position because the buffeting is very bad.
As I mentioned coming from the BMW c650gt the wind protection is just terrible on this one. Especially in the legs. I guess I’ll be getting the givi windshield even though I don’t like the look, but as for now riding over 50 mph is super uncomfortable. I’m 5.11 around 200lb and I look over the screen in the higher position.


General Discussion / Re: What’s your MPG on the AK 550
« on: June 08, 2024, 05:20:30 PM »
Every new bike I've bought improved the mpg as more miles accumulated... leveling off somewhere between 6000-8000 miles.
I'm not getting over 60 mpg. I have a time or two but it's rare. I was expecting to be below 50 mpg when I pulled my Uni-Go trailer but I found that with such a light and aerodynamic trailer I was still getting between 52-57 mpg. Normally (without the trailer in tow) I get 54-58 mpg. For me the last red bar starts to flash around 145-160 miles. I figure I have about another 40 miles before the red bar goes away. But then the red "E" will start to flash for another 12-15 miles before truly empty. I have seen the flashing red "E" twice now but only once did I need 3.7 gallons to fill it. I don't normally let it get that low, not good for the fuel pump if it goes dry. But just know that there is a little bit of reserve left after the red bar stops flashing. I reset trip meter A every time I fill the tank and use that information along with what the gas gauge is showing to know when to fill up.

When I initially bought my AK and started riding it home (400 miles away) I wasn't familiar with the gas gauge so filled up earlier than I needed to. But still I saw the red bar start to flash at between 80-100 miles. It has vastly improved since then. I currently have over 15,000 miles on mine now.

BTW- DO NOT pay any attention to the computer generated mpg showing on the dash. I have yet to own any bike with that display that is anywhere close to accurate. My AK will show 66-75 mpg when the actual calculated value is 54-59 mpg. I just ignore that dash reading since it is SO far off.

Heat helps most bike engines. As the temp goes up so does the mpg.

BTW- After my last trip pulling the trailer I filled up and calculated the last leg home of that trip was 57.7 mpg. That was with the Uni-Go trailer in tow the entire tank. I rode 158.0 miles and filled up with 2.735 gallons. The red bar had JUST started to flash about a half mile before the gas station. I more recently filled the tank but didn't really need to. I only rode 103.8 miles and filled up with 1.912 gallons for 54.2 mpg. Only a few of those miles were with the trailer (I use the trailer for grocery shopping trips).

A LOT of factors come into play for what mpg anyone gets on any motorcycle/scooter. More so than with cars or SUVs. Air temps, road surfaces, riding style, type of fuel. This bike does not use premium fuel. 87 octane is what it calls for so it's a waste to pay more for any different. The manuals are confusing about that since they are showing the European or SE Asia version which is either MON or RON numbers. But in the USA we use PON (RON + MON /2)... you'll see that forumla on the pump label. 90-91 octane RON in Europe is the same as 87 PON here. Go by the label in the storage box. This is mine.

Thanks for your response Bob.
Yes, hopefully it will go up and normalize after some time.
I use 93 octane gas. I will check that label.
I use to have the BMW c650 GT for almost 10 years and 95 octane was recommended. I was always using 93 because you can’t find 95 at NYC gas stations.
I was getting 36-7 mpg with the BMW and the computer was always accurate.
That’s why i got confused a bit:))

Do you by any chance know if there are a bit heavier roller sets for the oem variatot?
I found that the weight is 17gr and I would put 19 to lower the rpms a little bit.
I know everybody tries to make them faster and more aggressive but I’m opposite:) I like smoother and comfortable ride.


General Discussion / Re: What’s your MPG on the AK 550
« on: June 08, 2024, 04:24:12 AM »
my gauge starts flashing at about 180 miles, and takes 2.8 gallons to fill = 65 mpg. Been pretty consistent and have just under 3k miles total

Wow, that’s what i was hoping:)
My gauge started blinking at 80miles and I refueled 2.4. Maybe it will improve since I only have 180 miles on it.

General Discussion / What’s your MPG on the AK 550
« on: June 07, 2024, 08:44:42 PM »
Hey Guys,

I just got the Ak 550. I have 180 miles on it and I’m on the third tank.
The computer says average of 58mpg but it looks like it’s way off.


Technical | How To / Ak 550 Windscreen
« on: June 07, 2024, 08:41:49 PM »
Hey Guys,
I just got the ak550. After owning the c650gt, I am still getting use to the Kymco:)
The windscreen is terrible, i have to replace it asap. I tried to remove the bolts to lower the position for now but they just spin in place. Any tips? They are like plastic screws and they pop out but seams like nothing is happening.
My other question is:
Does the windshield from the Premium version fits to the regular Abs i version. I’m in the US so no premium here. I like the windshield on the premium.

Anyway, thanks for your help.

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