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Messages - tuko

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Agility 50 / Re: My moped died and won't start ???
« on: September 11, 2018, 02:01:40 PM »
This, coming from the guy who doesn't know the difference between a scooter and a moped?  ::)
Son, please don't use passive-aggression on me.

I'm too old to be your son, so don't talk down to me!
If you had asked where I lived I would have told you I live in Sweden. If you had asked what does the transportation department call "motor bike" (I'm using that word very loosely to describe a vehicle) that have engines under 50cc, I would have told you that they call them MOPED. My registration paperwork clearly has written MOPED. My drivers licence clearly has written MOPED in the description for the letter classification and finally the insurance coverage clearly has in it's description MOPED.

Therefore with all the usages of the word "moped" I call it a moped. BTW a scooter in Sweden is classed with a motor displacement of over 50cc.

Stig your right, as I clearly wrote in the OP "few helpful tips/suggestions". That's all I was looking for, I didn't ask for someone else's apparent humor, blind correction when they don't know the facts or sarcasm.

Agility 50 / Re: My moped died and won't start ???
« on: September 10, 2018, 03:19:19 PM »
Glad you clarified that. I was afraid that Kymco had stopped making SCOOTERS and started making mere mopeds.

Do you have anything intelligent to add to this thread? 

Agility 50 / Re: My moped died and won't start ???
« on: September 05, 2018, 11:53:25 AM »
Sorry for the delay guys, been hectic around the house.

Yes to all the above questions except it does not have pedals, I had to push the thing back the 2 km to my house.  :'(

Only had a few minutes in the garage yesterday and I think that I will take the carb apart and give it a "better" inspection. What I did notice is that when I apply the throttle there was no gas entering the center chamber. There is fuel in the float chamber but it's not rising from there, so hopefully it's a plugged jet that I couldn't see earlier. Fingers crossed, we'll see on Monday when I'm back home.

Agility 50 / My moped died and won't start ???
« on: September 03, 2018, 09:13:03 AM »
It's been a very long time since I've posted here and to be honest my moped has been faultless for several years with yearly general maintenance. BUT with that said last Thursday on my way to work the moped died in an intersection and wouldn't start afterwards.

So with it home in the garage, I've 1) checked for spark, yes, 2) checked for fuel delivery, yes it has plenty with the lines and filter being clear, 3) the automatic chock checked and registers 15oms 4) removed the carb and using the compressor blew out all passages, but I have to say that the internals of the carb appeared to be perfectly clean.

Still no luck, it won't start. I've killed the battery so it's on the charger right now. I can add that I even tried with starter gas and nothing.....I have to admit defeat as I can't see why it won't start right now. There's spark, so I can't see the Cdi being a problem, there's gas to the carb and fuel bowl is full of fuel. ???

With the spark plug out the motor turns over fine with no ill sounds from any part of the engine.

Anyways I'm hoping that maybe some or one of the experts here can shed some light on this starting problem and give me a few helpful tips/suggestions.

Thanks in advance,

Agility 50 / Head Wind Speed
« on: August 22, 2012, 01:50:41 AM »
How much of a difference in road speed should I expect from my A50?  On Sunday I was out on a 70km trip and with the lee wind I was averaging over 70kph. But on the return trip and with a head wind which was nothing serious, I was bobbing around 60ish.

10 kph is a fair drop in speed with a slight head wind, is this on par for others? I'm wondering now what can be done to reduce the number?


Agility 50 / Re: Variator "Shifting"
« on: July 17, 2012, 06:16:38 PM »
My speeds above are based on my scoots speedo. I did a compare on my phone gps and found when i did exactly 50mph on my speedo the gps was saying 46mph.

That difference sounds about the same as I'm getting, my Speedo is showing 6»7 kph higher than the actual speed.

Agility 50 / Re: Variator "Shifting"
« on: July 17, 2012, 12:06:31 PM »
Ja, trying to find that right combination of springs and rollers is no easy task!  :o

I'm sure I'll be at all summer til I get it just right as I don't feel that I'm really in the right rev band yet.


Agility 50 / Re: Main jets... again...
« on: July 16, 2012, 11:33:56 PM »
I live in Denmark, flat as a pancake, and surrounded by water. I think its about 20 meters-40 meters but i'm not sure at all!

I'm over in Sweden and we are at 28m elevation.


Agility 50 / Re: Variator "Shifting"
« on: July 16, 2012, 11:30:44 PM »
Thanks for the suggestions/tips guys.

I finally got a few hours in the garage yesterday and I have plenty to report.  ;)

I replaced the 1000rpm contra spring with a 1500rpm spring and installed the 5.3g rollers in the variator. Before test driving the A50 I marked the variator face with a black marker (sorry I for got the mark the clutch pates). Took it for a test drive and as I suspected she quickly shot up to approx. 25kph and stayed there. When I removed the variator I can see that the drive belt stopped approx a cm from the end of the variator.

So from here I installed the 8g rollers and took it out again. This time she went up to it's new top speed of approx. 70kph. With the variator removed again, I can clearly see that the drive belt has moved further out to the end of the variator face with approx 1mm of marker remaining.

Changing to 8.5g roller and out again, this time about the same as with the 8.0g weights with the top speed being approx the same. With the variator removed I can barely see any ink left on the variator face edge.

I even changed the rollers to 9.0g weights and test drove that, this was where performance fell off, throttle response and pick up was sluggish..... I put the weights back in the case and gave up on them direct.  ;)

The above tests were with the 1500rpm contra spring, so I conducted it all again with the 1000rpm contra spring and the original spring. For me the 1000rpm contra spring felt the best but I do question the originality of the "original" contra spring. It's a black spring with blue paint down one side. The Naraku contra springs that I have, the 1000rpm spring is blue and the 1500rpm spring is yellow. So I'm wondering if the original contra spring was replaced at any time to a slightly stiffer one or is that the original colors for them?

I did check the drive belt and it's an Kymco original that has plenty of wear on it which measured 17mm across the top. Before work tonight the new Naraku drive belt came in the post, so she'll be installed tomorrow.

What really makes me scratch my head in disbelief is that I have to go to heavier weights to get any solid performance where others here on this forum go with lighter weights.  ??? I've not owned the A50 for a month yet and have no idea what the previous owner has done but I'm working in the direction that I want.

I also changed the main jet to an 88 yesterday but I must admit I've not really noticed a huge difference from the 82 that I installed 2 weeks ago. And even that, the 82 didn't really make any seat of your pants difference either from the 80 that it replaced. The old chinese scooter I had, I used a 92 main jet in that and that really worked well. So I'm up in the air if I should go a bit larger with the jet or go down smaller?

In the mean time, lets see what difference the new drive belt will make.


Agility 50 / Mirrors ?
« on: July 15, 2012, 06:41:08 AM »
The A50 that I recently bought has replacement cheap mirrors on it. So checking various wrecker sites I can see that there are plenty of "Right hand side" mirrors but hardly any lefts. :o This got me thinking, aren't these guys doing these ads wrong? I'm of the thought that the mirror heads are fully adjustable so that they are useable for both left and right sides, can somebody please confirm or dispute this?

Thanks in advance.


Agility 50 / Re: Variator "Shifting"
« on: July 13, 2012, 11:44:08 PM »
Thanks to the rain, the Land Rover is drier so the A50 is parked. >:(
I did see though, when I was testing the various roller weights that the markings on the outer drive plate indicated that the belt was climbing higher on the disc. I would say stopping about an cm from the top.

Yes, I have been pleased with Naraku stuff in the past so I'll see how they do with the A50.


Agility 50 / Re: Variator "Shifting"
« on: July 12, 2012, 05:16:34 AM »
Be sure to check it,different manufacturers use different codes to measure/list them. Ive bought 729mm long belts that were only 716mm and 720mm long when i measured it. the best thing is to order OEM stock Bando belts to be sure they are correct,or do the magic marker thing too.

Quality parts I see. Well last night I ordered the Naraku V/S belt for the A50, which they claim is made by Bando.  Time will tell for sure.  When I have the variator apart again, which will be soon I will do the magic marker trick. With that said, I can comment that I could see already that the belt is travelling further up the variator face after removing the restrictive boss.


Agility 50 / Re: Variator "Shifting"
« on: July 11, 2012, 11:26:02 PM »
Very true and often underestimated or temporarily forgotten !! We can not repeat this often enough !

I've learnt in a lot of hard ways that I should stick to this principle, even when I'm sure it won't be neccesary this time haha...  ;D

Thanks for the advice guys, I will hold off for now.  ;D

In the mean time I've ordered a new drive belt that I should have next week. I have no idea when the previous owner changed it, if they did at all.  ???


Agility 50 / Re: Variator "Shifting"
« on: July 11, 2012, 05:38:09 PM »
As for the belt, seeing how the rest of the A50 has been I'll have to assume that it's never been changed.

I do have a 1500rpm contra spring maybe this weekend I'll give it a try. Plus I'll shave a mm from the boss.


Agility 50 / Re: Variator "Shifting"
« on: July 11, 2012, 01:51:12 PM »
Its sluggish because your using 8g rollers  :o

Stock weight is only 6.5g so your way over that. All that does it shift your gearing quicker so youre getting into high gear before you should be and losing the sweet spot. I could not ride my A50 on anything heavier than 5.5g-6g, even that is too heavy for me, i use 5.1g rollers and im on a 1500rpm torque spring where youre only on a 1000rpm one!!! Lighten the rollers bigtime and mayne even go to a 1500 spring too.

Also did the boss come with the variator or did you buy it seperately? You may benefit from shortening the boss down a touch. Best thong to do is draw a line on the variator face with a magic marker, from the centre out to the edge, go for a ride at full speed and see how far up the variator the belt rides, as it rides up it will rub off the marker so if theres any marker left the the belt is not travelling to itsoter limit and youre losing top end speed.

I run 5.1g rollers, 1500 torque spring, race variator, shorter smooth boss = 45-48mph on flats, 30-40(ish) mph up hills, 50-52mph downhill.

Like I wrote earlier and again now, the lighter the roller I went (both 5.0g and 5.3g) the A50 would indeed get up to speed fast but it hit the wall at 25kph! By going up in weight I gained my speed back. I do admit that changing the contra spring does confuse the matter at hand.

The boss that came with the Naraku kit is 38mm long. Is that too short? Something is telling me that possibly 36mm is the ideal length?


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