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Messages - Bayowolf

Pages: [1]
Downtown 300 / Re: Jazzing up the Downtown 300i
« on: July 24, 2013, 10:11:40 PM »

I will eventually be making write-ups as to how most of the mods were done so please hold off on too many questions for now.. <grin>


Please, please, please.....really..LOL We are taking possession of our new 300i this Friday and would LOVE to have  the "instruction" on how to do this :)

Downtown 300 / Re: Downtown Top Case
« on: July 18, 2013, 10:49:18 PM »
Do I really need to buy a Kymco 300 shad case mount to be able to put a top box onto my new DT-300? Or can I somehow use the mount the box comes with? This is the box I am getting

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