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Topics - Syl

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Xciting 500 / Kymco Getting More Popular According To:
« on: June 28, 2012, 10:33:46 AM »
My dealer now has a row of Kymco Scooters along with a couple other brands which is much more than when I started with them 2 years ago. I am seeing more of all types of scooters old/new on the roads now and I am happy to see that. Many places I go, my scooter becomes a topic of discussion meaning they really like the looks etc. I am not a salesperson but I do push the scooters.....Kymco that is!

Xciting 500 / Always Take Your Camera
« on: June 27, 2012, 10:37:10 AM »
Being retired from the news/photography, without my camera is like without my pants or other important item!! The box on the back gives me the ability to carry it, cold water, couple tools etc. I have found one camera which I purchased giving me all in one little unit. I won't advertise that here not knowing if that is a good idea but Pro Gear is really not needed. For the price and abilities of this camera are outstanding that's why I feel lost without it. I realize people have their own choices but when it comes time of camera expense & size..well. Attached is just one quick shot I was able to snap even though it was approximately 900mm away from me. That is with optical zoom by the way and very sharp. Further I carry a small camera attached to my belt for faster access than having to get to the box. 16.1 and 14 mp are enough ability I need.

Xciting 500 / About The Front Shocks
« on: June 25, 2012, 08:19:00 PM »
How are the front shocks to react when hitting the brakes? I ask this for this reason to know how solid they are supposed to be. If you are moving just barely into a parking area like just pulling up a bit for example and you apply both brakes tightly and the bike dips forward on the shocks and they go all the way down till you feel the  shocks bottom this the normal reaction of the shocks to run their full distance? Again, as another man stated, I am 240-250 6'1" so I am not light. As far as mileage, I have but 875 miles on my unit. By the way... I have used nothing but 93 octane fuel at the pump and so far no problems running. I know this is another topic and I dont wish to start it here!

Xciting 500 / Larger Hand Grips
« on: June 21, 2012, 12:28:03 PM »
I have an appointment to have larger better hand grips installed this morning. I have large hands and long fingers and the stock grips for me are like gripping a broom stick.
Not ashamed to say, I didn't want to tackle this myself being several things involved in doing this would task my ability. Further, the right hand grip has to be attached to the throttle cables and glued in final position. I don't know anything about that. The new grips weren't cheap but I believe it will help my concern with stock just to small in diameter. I was told that a air hose can be used to loosen the old grips much easier and I have no access to that. The new ones aren't cheap!

Xciting 500 / How Close Are We?
« on: June 15, 2012, 10:23:56 AM »
I often think and wonder about all the scooter owners as to where we are from each other, "how close are we"? So far I have found 2 scooter owners only several miles from my location. One owns a Burgman 400 and another a Yamaha 550. We've met and rode and talked over our units which proves interesting in many ways. So, with all the riders on this site, it would be good to find more area riders. I am located 23 miles N.E. of Pittsburgh, Natrona Heights near the Allegheny River. 3 miles from me is my dealer and service center, Gatto Cycle. I don't know how other scooter size Forums could read this sort of questioner but if any know how please pass on. Maybe if enough fairly close riders are within a certain area, we can get something going.

Xciting 500 / My Quick Reference Card
« on: June 13, 2012, 01:26:37 PM »
At times when I go to find information on a certain part of my X500, I hate going through the pages when I am in a hurry! So, made up this card for myself. I'm sure things can be added to or taken away from it but mean while....

Xciting 500 / Back Shock Adjustments
« on: June 13, 2012, 11:24:15 AM »
I haven't experimented with the "back shock adjustments" and looking for the experienced people opinions. I weigh 240 at 6' 1" and my shocks are set at 5 from day of purchase. If others have set theirs to a lesser number at near or my weight, what would they consider a good setting? When breaking or going over bumps the front can be felt cushioning such has when braking at times also. Is there to be a cushioning feeling on the back shocks as well? I haven't seen anything previously posted on this subject and would appreciate others input. Again, mine were as were upon purchase.

Xciting 500 / Results of My First Large Group Ride
« on: June 11, 2012, 11:26:56 AM »
At the meeting place 9 AM, there were over 200 bikes ready to go. We were broken up into groups and hit the roads. Self and friend only two visible scooters stayed together and had no problems in keeping up. 55 to 65 mph was no problem at all keeping in position. Some speeds exceeded those in the areas of passing were no problem also. This being my first sustained high speed was a bit concerning at first but shortly became easy to handle. I didn't wear my gloves being I found my hands were getting too warm and sort of falling asleep! Wore My helmet with the pull down shade and clear pull down face guard which I found was a must. It was a very hot sunny bright day and the bugs beat up the face mask! Some of them sounded like rocks striking. The run was called a "Poker Run", "Ride for Homeless Vets" ending up at 117 miles and it took 2 gallons of gas giving to 60 mpg with 600 miles on the unit. I'm glad I had the oil and filter change before the ride, seemed to run much smoother. Heat gauge stayed exactly the same during the entire trip at about mid-gauge. Got scared once going around a right curve when I went too close to the middle and got into a tarred section of the highway which divides the pavement at 55 mph. Sort of froze up at first and than started thinking how to get out of this, slowing down a bit and hoping to find a smooth tarred section to get over to the right before meeting any on coming traffic. This was my first big learning experience in hitting the big roads and I didn't feel belittled with all the big bikes...The X500 stood up to all!

Xciting 500 / Me and a friend with a Burgman
« on: June 09, 2012, 09:11:01 PM »
A friend of mine has a 2009, 400 Burgman, Silver, ABS. We went for a 50 mile ride, me with my Xciting 500 and his 400 Burgman. Have to admit, the Burgman even though a 2009 is a nice looking/riding unit. He had it for approximately 1 year buying it used at 4,000 something. I understand from what he told me that a new one, 400 would run around 7,500 or so. He further said they don't make a 500 but go to a 600 or 650 costing up to 11 something. Mine new was 6,200 and I'm very happy with it. My 500 would cost a bit more if it had ABS. He added that he wouldn't own anything without the ABS. Well, I am not familiar with the ABS on a scooter but I imagine someone on here is familiar with them.

Xciting 500 / Now I Have To Learn How To Ride In Very Large Group
« on: June 05, 2012, 12:23:02 AM »
This ride coming up will have 2-300 riders and of course they will be broken up into groups. I will be new to this type of ride as many others will be also. This is a great place to learn as always for me and would like some Tips and Pointers in doing so. It's going to be an all day venture as I placed the reason for it on another post here if anyone cared to look over. appreciate thoughts from experience...thanks

Xciting 500 / Can't find 5w 50 for the 500
« on: June 04, 2012, 03:57:04 PM »
Several places don't carry the 5w 50 Syn. oil and after much talk etc. High Performance, Red Line 10w 40 Syn will be just fine. I don't know about oil and this was recommended by the dealer. Any thoughts or opinions?

Xciting 500 / What about a Flat Tire?
« on: June 03, 2012, 10:35:54 AM »
While still learning about scooters, I am wondering about all the options when one would happen to occur? My first thought least carry a can of fix a flat  to limp to better help, call a friend with a truck if known, use AAA if one has it, or ??? Depending on the type of flat, is it ok to use "fix a flat" and carry one with you? A while back, I inquired about AAA for scooter insurance for such an event but the price made me forget about it for awhile. Years ago, I had a hauling trailer (not for (scooters) but that is years ago before getting into this new hobby! The other thought I have is to ask the dealer if they have a hot number for such a situation but I look at that as having to take a loan out! Appreciate your thoughts.

Xciting 500 / Brake Light Kit Came in Mail
« on: June 02, 2012, 10:54:51 AM »
The GIVI "Brake Light Kit" came and I looked over the install photo's/info. Terrible diagrams as though run through an ancient Xerox machine where the black's are blocked up and the information is much to be desired. A person should be able to receive information in English.....period instead of several different ones a person has to jump around for. The luggage carrier rack came also and not too bad being a template for hole drilling is merely an outline. GIVI really needs to improve their diagrams into a decent gray tone in order to follow what they are attempting to show. I really enjoy the V46 Box but after that!!! When I went to the GIVI Site looking for better viewed diagrams, in reading comments, others remarked about how difficult it was to follow their install "photo's/info". Oh well, we'll get there eventually.

Xciting 500 / Rode In The Rain!
« on: May 28, 2012, 10:28:47 AM »
I wondered when it would happen and it did yesterday. With a friend on his motorcycle, we hit the road on a great looking day but than...."Rode In The Rain". I planned for the possibility so placed my wallet in a zip-lock, dry jersey in the box and my camera in the box in a large zip-lock just in case. The box is water proof. With the rain coming down and in a wooded area road way with no place to pull off but under trees we didn't chance the lightning and kept riding. Rain stinging and wetting but visibility good being I had rain-x'd my mask. It was so hot and the rain actually felt good and thought the only thing I am worried about is if the bike would quit. No, it went through the problem and we were but very careful on the curves so we wouldn't slip out. Yes I had a cheap poncho under the seat but felt what the heck...not going to use it. So, this was a good experience and no harm done. One member on here wrote to go ride it now and that I did!!

Xciting 500 / Reflective (Red) Tape or Paint for
« on: May 22, 2012, 09:17:07 PM »
For the vertical bars on the GIVI V46 box on the Xciting 500Ri. Does anyone know if there is such a thing as Red Reflective Paint? If not, going to look for a good (Red) Reflective Tape that will stick well on these vertical bars. They of course are presently black and I feel the above will be a good extra visual.

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