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Topics - phatboy

Pages: 1 [2]
Agility 50 / Source for jets in USA
« on: May 16, 2013, 09:43:48 PM »

I can only find overseas sources, and kits that include an assortment of jets for $40.

also i can't figure out thread pitch on jets it seems there is a lot of variation. I have a stock carb.

Looking for a source where i can order a single jet at a time or a few of my choice (not pre packaged set) and not overcharged on shipping or wait forever for it to arrive.

also i see some are drilling out jets. I wonder since we are talking fractions of a millimeter that its not an exact science when done without machines even if you think youhave the "right" drill bit, . As I understand the only accurate way to measure holes like this is with a metric pin gage set and I cant find one less that $100. if you drilled out jets how did you do it accurately and how did you measure to be sure.

Agility 50 / what's the stock compression ratio
« on: May 14, 2013, 11:37:15 PM »
Hey, can't seem to find this information, all pages say N/A

I want to install a BBK and would prefer keeping it close to stock compression to avoid burning pistons or having to use special high octane gas (best pump gas here is 91).

I see a few different kits available, one appears to have a flat top piston and stock head, says "raises" it to 9:1 compression. Like this one:

So that means it's lower than 9:1?

Agility 50 / Tried and true 72cc BBK?
« on: May 13, 2013, 09:47:42 PM »

Bought a 2006 Agility 50 with 300 miles. I cut the CDI myself but I think it has a jet and variator boss upgrade, it goes 43 on flats (and i'm 280 lbs.)

what i don't like is that uphills aren't great. there's this long, 1 mile long steep uphill leaving my house, no way around it. Its a 25 MPH street but people like to go 30+, and the scoot chugs along at 20, car drivers get pissed and some pass dangerously. I don't need a big boost, if I could get 30 up this hill, the scoot would be perfect, not to mention safer.

I don't want to mess with lots of things that "might" work. I have no dreams of getting the scoot perfect all around with just weights and torque springs, and I read these can hurt top speed and I like the 43 MPH which is perfect for the 40 MPH road I will ride on, if springs/weights drop top speed to 40 or below then I wont feel safe on this road.

I've done lots of reading and I think a 72cc bbk is the answer. but with so many options I want a kit that is known to work, something others have tried.

i read that some kits use the stock head and increase compression, I want a stock compression ratio, I want to use pump gas and not worry about detonation. Regular here is 87 octane and premium is 91, anything more is really hard to find.

Now don't laugh at this next part but I don't want to be tuning this thing for life, just want a bolt on kit known to work, not piece things together and endlessly tweak stuff all summer long, but just a kit that comes with all parts I need and work pretty well out of the box. Want to use stock airbox, stock exhaust, stock carb, and CDI. I don't ride this a lot and its just a weekend toy, doesn't have to be the best stuff, I doubt I'll ride this more than a few hundred miles a year.

There are endless options some with and without heads, some with jets, some with cams, some with weights, on and on. THe simpler the better, i think. I want to buy from a reputable shop even if it costs a bit more (not ebay.) Im in the USA so would rather deal with USA supplier.

This is one I found

There's many more from searches but for some reason I keep coming back to the above kit. Anyone tried it or recommend something better?

Agility 50 / Is my scoot derestricted?
« on: May 13, 2013, 08:40:21 PM »
Hey guys,

I just bought a 2006 Agility 50, only 300 miles on the clock. The guy i bought from had 2, the other had 500 miles. Bought the 300 mile one. they were sitting 5 years so had dead batteries, neither would start but price as right.

in the 500 mile one I found a plastic bag with jet and variator boss. I asked if derestriction was done on either scoot and he didn't know. unfortuantely I don't have the parts so i don't know if they are upgraded or stock parts that were replaced.

Once home I took apart and cleaned the carb, drained and refill gas, change oil, new battery, cut the CDI, now it runs great.

now heres the question. yesterday i took the scoot out on a flat road and topped out at 43 MPH. i'm 280 lbs by the way. Is this possible with just a CDI cut or do you think this definitely has the jet and variator boss upgrade?

Have another question but will start a new thread.

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