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Topics - Syl

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Xciting 500 / Home Photo Xciting 500 & Soul!
« on: May 19, 2012, 11:18:56 PM »
When I carry my camera around everyday I also shoot a few home photo's and thought I'd submit this here! I just came back from a shooting project after about 200 shots. I take the scooter to do these shots and it is easier to park although difficult to store items without my box.

Xciting 500 / Rained on!
« on: May 17, 2012, 08:35:35 AM »
Took a chance on a 20 % rain probability and rode to work...well the sun was shinning and a great looking day but the rain did come down later in the afternoon before getting back to the parked unit! This is the first my scooter or myself with one got caught in the rain which I was concerned about but I guess there is/was no need to be. I used the key cover closing the key slot and I guess that helped! The seat was not soaked or was the inside the unit even though the back rest is movable. From now on am not going to worry about the scooter being in the rain just whether I have some dry cloth's or don't mind riding wet!

Xciting 500 / Service Manual for X500Ri
« on: May 17, 2012, 08:27:54 AM »
The other day I asked at the dealership if a "Service Manual" is out yet for the X500. I really didn't wish to buy one being I downloaded the one for the 300i & hope to do the same. Anyway, was told that eventually manuals are going to be basically downloadable instead of over the counter or order purchase. Looked over the inter-net for that ability but didn't come up with a site for that yet. Anyone know any differently?

Xciting 500 / Rode 30 miles today
« on: May 16, 2012, 12:24:51 AM »
Ride was very comfortable with no problems. Will eventually get to the new windshield though as recommended. Shot a couple pictures before the V46 GIVI Box goes on of which I ordered the mounting bracket today. Going to put the two small side case on that I had on and showed with the 300.

Xciting 500 / Givi V46 Box Mount to Xciting 500Ri
« on: May 15, 2012, 07:54:12 AM »
E-Mailed a couple places about mounting hardware for the GIVI V46 Box. One reply was, I need a SR89 kit at $116.00. GIVI replied, I need a SR91 at $140.00.
I looked at some diagrams as to the mounting and first off didn't care for the vertical supports and 2nd, not sure if I am capable of mounting it myself from the looks of the way the vertical supports are mounted. Does anyone have experience with this attachment type and if so, will this look sort of cheap with those uprights? I had it mounted on my 300i and it didn't need the uprights therefore didn't look at all bad. This V46 is not cheap and I hope I can justify mounting it the way I see outlined in a small diagram. Appreciate your comments.

Downtown 300 / Wow, picked up my new 2012 Xciting 500Ri
« on: May 14, 2012, 10:09:20 PM »
As the topic now a proud owner of a new ride! Please check out my input/topic in the Exciting 500 Area.

Xciting 500 / WOW! Picked up my new 2012 Xciting Ri
« on: May 14, 2012, 10:01:08 PM »
Writing my experience: Anxiously finished all paper work and put out a few bucks...drove home to get the 300i and return in about an hour. Concerned about the rain, it was drizzling on and off all morning but rode into service while they prepared the new purchase. Finishing up putting it together out of shipment, I mentioned for them to attach a battery cable for my trickle charger. I noted that the area the cover covered to the battery was not completely water tight so one open area was the run for the cable. Scooter was serviced, checked thoroughly, few things explained and I was good to go! On with my helmet, leather coat, gloves and boots which were on I nervously pulled out. I couldn't believe the difference.."WOW"! 1. The great power increase, the smooth throttle acceleration..even at low speed slow jump in increasing throttle. Handling and cornering as if I rode this for months, well balanced, rounded curves and corners with ease and jumping when throttling up (smooth). Wanting to beat the rain home, I drove the X-Way which is 65 mph but never went over 45-50 up and down. Only went 4 miles on it and it was really controllable and anxious to open up but I would not. This unit is so well balanced and I immediately felt at home riding it. Right into my garage I went before the rain and stood there admiring it for 1/2 hour! I like the parking brake, flashers, movable back rest, LED rear lights, gas cap ease from the ignition switch and other differences. Am going to use 91 or better Octane as recommended.....

Xciting 500 / Said My Goodbye to 300i
« on: May 13, 2012, 11:10:30 AM »
Well, I stepped up in the world, I hope...and will pick up my new Xciting 500RI tomorrow. Have been with the 300i Forum for a time and hope to put my
layman comments and questions to 500i owners. Like a kid with a new toy, I can't wait to pick it up tomorrow and a white one at that. Looking forward to some of the different items of change especially the power and weight increase. My first question is from the 500RI owners, did I make a mistake in any way?
2nd, I have a V46 GIVI Box on the 300i, is there a mount available for it to the Xciting? Further...any advise, remarks would be greatly appreciated. I am a retired News Photographer (Photojournalist) and not a mechanic but am a tinker with things. Lookimg forward to meeting people here and reading the knowledge that one can obtain...

Downtown 300 / I went and did it!
« on: May 13, 2012, 10:59:34 AM »
Yesterday, I went to my dealer and decided to turn my 300i over for a Xciting 500RI ! What made me decide? Well, every year there are 2 rides for Homeless Veterans and I didn't participate being this large group ran the X-Way at 65 mph + or _ and I didn't feel totally secure with my scooter size. I realize many 300i owners run these speeds but I further will want to run with a rider now and than. Almost double the CC, another 100 lbs of scooter weight, larger tires, double front disks + other things made my decision. It is a 2012 and am looking forward to picking it up tomorrow.... I have a GIVI V46 Box on the back of my 300 and I have them checking if I can obtain a mount for the Xciting. I chose the color (white) but it is not a true (white) which grew on me a bit. At this point, I have to say here, I met 300i owners and put my layman 2 cents in and had great replies from you and I thank all of you for that. Like a kid with a new toy, I await my excitement with the new Xciting!

Downtown 300 / Wouldn't start until...
« on: March 15, 2012, 07:53:32 AM »
Yesterday in the 60's and had taken the 300i to work. Prior to going, rode around locally for about an hour. Parked at work on the center stand, sat for several hours. Went to start and it just turned over and nothing. Turned it over 4 times and finally after concern to try something, opened the throttle a bit and it kicked over right away. Never had a hard start before to do this therefore am questioning what happened here? Would it mean that the idle has to be set up more or.....  Appreciate advise or thought's.

Downtown 300 / Sales trying to talk me into a 500!
« on: March 07, 2012, 11:08:18 PM »
I should have my head examined even talking about up-grading. I only have 1700 miles on my 300i, 2011 and the base price was 5,500 while the 500 without ABS is priced at 6,295. Those prices are without all the extra add ons...Tax, Shp etc. Would be nice to have for two reasons....ride anywhere and two up if want or need be. Has anyone make such an upgrade and what is your gained knowledge of this. I went from the Peoples S200 to the 300 and now...again...just talking and not thinking too hard!

Downtown 300 / High Pressure Wash for my DT 300i
« on: March 06, 2012, 10:31:20 PM »
I would like to use the hand held "High Pressure Wash" for my scooter but am not knowledgeable if that can be done & if certain parts have to be covered or avoided. I have no idea of covering or avoiding anything other than covering or protecting the instrument panel. Do any of you practice this wash and how does everything work after doing so? Appreciate your knowledge of this.

Downtown 300 / Very Helpful & Interesting Hearing Others
« on: February 29, 2012, 08:58:26 AM »
My thanks to all on this Forum and the people that run it. When I first purchased my 200 scooter a while back, I felt all alone out there being no one around here (my home town) had the same of similar. Than I went into purchasing the 300i with a bit more confidence gained from the riders on here. Everything I learned to this point about scooter life was on here. It's just too bad all of you/us don't live close enough to group together as a club or just close helpful friends to each other. Again, thanks to all of you concerned in helping others.

Downtown 300 / Riding at Night & or With Passenger
« on: February 27, 2012, 09:10:25 AM »
I honestly feel that I may a bit chicken yet to tackle either one of these yet! I never gave it much thought but does this make me a beginner scooter enthusiast yet? I've had my 200 and now the 300 for approx. 1 1/2 yrs or so and had taken the PA Motorcycle Safety Course (which) I enjoyed and learned from). The instructors were very good with people and they knew their stuff. I would recommend new scooters to take such a course. What is it like riding the 300i at night and/or having a passenger? I weigh 245, should I still run a passenger? Where do most of you keep your spring adjustment? Thanks

Downtown 300 / Much Difference in the 2012 vs 2011?
« on: February 27, 2012, 09:00:56 AM »
I'm the type of person that attempts to look at upgrades and if there are, wish there was a way to move up! Of course I am not rich but an average scooter person and have to save or finance what I want. I need someone to tell me that I should be happy with what I have being there isn't much change to be worried about anything new! Further, is there anyone who just went from a 2011 to a 2012? If it wasn't such a large money difference in upgrading things, I would do so....saving or...!

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