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Yager GT 200i / PA riding weather
« on: April 18, 2011, 08:31:11 AM »
One out of seven riding days so far...d_ _ _. That could be either d_ _ _   or d_ _ _ ! If we have good weather one day as said here, wait till the next day for wind, rain and or cold. By the time it all settle's down, wait another day and it will come close to getting better but heck, wait another day and the bad will start all over again! I envy those living in year-round riding weather. People ask what's the weather forcast for today, my reply, wait an hour and it will change. Meaning...if a bit of nice come's in....look-out after an hour or so! Wonder how a convertible top would work and some of that engine heat directed toward the driver would work!! In ending here, it is definetly difficult to take the scooter to work because of this screwy weather!

Let's face it....we are in for close to $5.00 a gallon not too far in the future. Along with this, the people getting bombed with the high wind's, tornado's and all are putting people down to their knee's. Those people have my sympathy and I'm sure other's too. In stating the above, I have to say, at this point the way thing's are looking, my scooter is going to help greatly since we own a gas using pick-up which is going to sit as much as possible this summer. I am a retired news person in form of a photo-journalist and I almost hate to listen to the news anymore. Thing's are going bad in all area's.

General Discussion / About the Hammer Drill Noise I talked about
« on: April 10, 2011, 12:27:07 AM »
Visited the dealership today, had one of the mechanic's drive and check out my definition of the Hammer Drill action (as I defined it) in my DT 300i. It was said to be normal and with the power of this engine added to this, again, said to be normal and for me not to be concerned about it. I still don't have 500 miles on it, 270 right now. Some noise in the front end when on some small repeating bumps possible is the cable hitting...not sure yet. Doesn't sound like a metal noise at best definition. Mechanic never drove one of these yet and experienced and stated, this has very much power! He was very nice in spending time with me as we talkd about this unit. Spoke with my sale's rep. and said a couple more of these DT 300i's have been ordered. Further, which I should post in the appropriate post but.... I found that the Kymco 300i Quad is altogether a different filter than the DT 300i. K&N Filter's sell a MXU-300i filter for the Quad also not yet for the DT 300i.....yet. More I ride this DT, the more I like it. I find my jacket & Helmet couldn't be any better. Oh and instead of cycle boot's per say, I purchased a great pair of L.L. Bean Gortex boot's....most comfortable for me.

General Discussion / Kymco Quad 300i Air Filter vs DT 300i Filter??
« on: April 08, 2011, 08:59:08 PM »
In writing to K&N Filter's, they said they hae filter's for the Kymco 300i Quad. Is this by chance the same filter as the Downtown 300i?

Downtown 300 / Tire's on my New 300i.....your's?
« on: April 07, 2011, 02:13:00 PM »
Checked the tire make today after talk about tire's on here. I have front and back Maxxis Tire's.... Opinion's??

People 250 / Vehicle's Tailgating too close?
« on: April 04, 2011, 11:25:14 PM »
I am not an experienced rider nor do I know what procedure's (if any) one can use when some idiot's get so close to you that you fear in stopping or even slowing down? I haven't been riding that long and this is constant and it is especially the D_ _ _ Truck driver's. What the H_ _ _ are they doing. Are they playing games, trying to read something on us or the bike's or just wanting to pass or make us go faster? Oh yes, many women are as bad if not worse. Maybe put in a non noticeable spray gun on the bike somehow and puff a few squirt's of oil on the windshield...of course making one think it came out of the muffler! Of course it would have to be vaporized somewhat or misty! I used to vaporize bug spray off the muffler of my Wheel Horse tractor....looked like all smog!

Downtown 300 / Question About Tires, Scooter's
« on: March 31, 2011, 08:36:50 AM »
Running on only two wheel's down the highway at variable speed's, I always had a question about the tire's. I never looked at the manual's or tire's themselve's but wondered just how good the scooter tire's are?? May sound like a dumb question but I have good reason for asking. Is this a A1 rubber meaning a very good type of rubber tire? Are they rated such as vehicle tire's (car's etc.) A, B, C, D or ??? What I do know about car tire's is that if you have a C or D rated tire, you have a hard longer wearing tire but not as road worthy as a A rated which is a softer rubber and handle's much better. D rated (if I have that correect) and possible C are very hard tire's and in the winter, they get as hard as the pavement and not as good traction as A or B. As always, this is my basic knowledge not something I would say that people should find as fact's. Without looking, I am thinking that these scooter tire's are not a soft grippy type handling tire. Left to the more knowledgeable.........?? I did hear the softer rated tire's get much less mileage but are much safer...????

General Discussion / Now back to the weather! PA, USA
« on: March 30, 2011, 10:04:15 PM »
Figuring on the last 5 days, the average morning temperature at approx: 4 AM has been 24 degree's. The average afternoon weahter on these days went  41 degree's. Along with that, It has been snowing...flakes the size of quarter's but not accumulating. It has been doing so since 2:30 PM and is now 6 PM. So much for the weather! Last year for the past 5 days average morning temperature 38.2 degree's and average aftrernoon temperature 46 degree's. Year's ago I had a good Heath kit weather station which gace you much. Today, just a simple cheaper unit. And it is still snowing.....D _ _ _! Gonna have to go out to the garage and at least say hello....Downtown!

General Discussion / Driver's Seat DT 300i
« on: March 23, 2011, 09:55:52 PM »
I was told on here that I would have to put on some miles to get used to the leg room. Well, I am getting used to that but one thing I can't get used to is the little bit of back rest on the driver's seat. It is slopped like this \ and I just can't get my butt comfortable to this slope! I am hoping to find out if I can get that slop out of there to a l slope.
Gonna check out the upholstery on it!

General Discussion / Turn Signal's DT 300i
« on: March 23, 2011, 08:45:46 AM »
Went this far with my DT 300i (total about 200 miles driving) and never noted or looked at turn signal's. On page 7 of the owner's manual it show's #14 as TURN SIGNAL'S left and right. If this is in fact what they are, they do not and have not worked. The signal's on the mirror's work though. Tried everything to see if they work once this was noted and as said....."no work". Another thing to add to the every growing check list.

General Discussion / PA Road Condition's
« on: March 21, 2011, 08:39:45 AM »
Went for a long ride yesterday being the weather wasn't bad for a change...but the road's...don't want to use the language I mumbled while riding! I spoke of Pot Hole's & Gravel but didn't remark on the other road condition's. The horizontal concrete connection lines, well, they are raised/lifted to a degree in most spot's to knock the heck out of a enjoyable ride. Let alone not to mention trying to move from the left lane to the right lane, if one doesn't look very carefully at the right spot, you are going to enter into the open spacing between lane's. First thing you know, you have to slow down for sure and try for an angle cross as long as you are not pushed from the rear......the worst word I'll use on here is.......damn. Now I guess I have to try to understand how the scooter handle's these constant line crossing's with it's shock's etc. I am not exaggerating on this stuff, Hole's, Gravel, Line Bumps, Line Slot's, High Pot Hole Fill's and not to mention even the dodging of filled holes that appear like a Pot Hole from a certain distance away. I believe the Highway Department's and local's should be totally responsible for ill fated ride,s, car's or cycle's. With this condition, it is difficult to keep the posted speed limit or even a safe one at that.

General Discussion / Photo of DT 300i
« on: March 20, 2011, 03:45:53 PM »
Want to start something here that maybe DT 300i owner's will show their's also!

General Discussion / Use of the 300i glove compartment!
« on: March 19, 2011, 12:00:05 AM »
I know some of you will laugh at me here but...we all have something different going on in our mind's! Well, this was going on in my stomach which is, I was hungry and din't have time to stop prior to going to work. So....I stopped and ordered a large MD's french fry order and it fit just right in the ummm, glove compartment. Yes I was eating them on the way not even taking off my glove's! I alway's did this in the 4 wheel vehicle's going to work and I had to keep up my quick hunger fix! Oh yes, I had taken the back side roads to work while doing this! Thank's for reading this at least!

General Discussion / DT 300i Kick Start!
« on: March 18, 2011, 02:56:57 PM »
Why did I think the DT had a "kick start"? Yep, I was surprised that it doesn't. I guess since the S200 has one, I figured this automatically had one....Duh!

General Discussion / DT 300i Wouldn't Start
« on: March 17, 2011, 11:34:36 PM »
Great Day for a change 60 degree's so taken off trickle charge, out of the garage, no problem. Went to work, parked unit for three hour's and to go home, it wouldn't start....damn. I tried turning it over about 6-8 times making sure, stand up, kill switch set properly, brake handle compressed and plenty of fuel (about 3/4 tank). I sat there awhile thinking and sort of depressed due to only about 60 miles on this unit and this. Thinking I may have to call for a pick-up or otherwise, I also thought maybe try throttling up a bit. Unit seemed to sputter after so many seconds and finally kicked over. I sure hope this is no indication of little querk's happening with this unit....again...damn. Stopped at the dealership and of course you know, it started from problem. Last word, make a list of all this and when it is brought in after a bit more miles it will have a thorough going over....again..damn. Another crazy thing I noted and showed them. The front wheel is very slightly off in connection with the handle bars. Or the other way around, if the handle bar is centered as best one can to straight, the wheel is very slighlt off. I noted this today going down the highway and if I centered the handle bar the unit would start walking to the right....damn. Oh well gonna get enough miles on than into the shop where I want to be when it is gone over.....damn !!

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