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Topics - Syl

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General Discussion / Vibration, Downtown 300i
« on: March 14, 2011, 08:22:45 AM »
Elsewhere in this Forum, I posted that I had taken my DT to the dealer and discussed the running. While sitting still and running, at normal idle, they noted that the windshield had a slight vibration...looking at the top of it. With the brakes depressed and throttled slightly, it was noted that the Windshield vibrated considerably. With the engine idling or throttling (not smoothing out) I was told to bring the unit in this week,,,giving them a chance to talk with the Kymco representative and service. At this point it is not know exactly how the unit should respond. Also, one can sit on the unit and feel the non-smooth operation. Again, understandable not many miles on it 50 some but it has to be determined whether this is normal or a mal-funtion.

General Discussion / Givi Box Installed on DT 300i
« on: March 13, 2011, 11:08:38 PM »
Even though too cold out 38 degree's, went out to the garage to install the Box. It will be a good size for carrying etc. Not to mention how good it looks on the Silver Bullet! No problem installing other than had to put glue on one finger to hold a nut's to get into a tight area.

General Discussion / One Reason Purchased a DT 300i
« on: March 12, 2011, 02:51:20 PM »
Am only repeating what I heard during a phone conversation when I was looking to purchase a Peoples S250 trading in my Peoples S200. First of all I phones quite a few places and no Peoples S250's, year 2011 were available. There were some 2010 year's available but I didn't want anything but the 2011. Anyway, in asking when they (2011's) will start coming in and this particular large place in the South stated, "we are not getting in any Peoples S250's, 2011 being they are not going to ship these out readily anymore. Hmmm, that was enough to make me question this and decide to look at something else. I went to a dealer with my sight on a Vista but there just was not enough room between the handle bars and the seat, this left that one out. The dealer than stated we just got in a 2011 Downtown 300i and haven't had time to place it on the sales floor yet. We went downstairs to the storage and assembly area and there is sat.... a silver DT 300i waiting for me to sit on it! My wife and I immediately really liked the looks and feel of this and we were sold very quickly! I guess this also give's the dealer initiative to get more of these in. Am going out to my garage today to visit with it!!

General Discussion / Kymco Scooters Automatic, what else is Automatic?
« on: March 12, 2011, 01:05:15 AM »
As far as "Automatic" goes, I know Kymco Scooter's are. Seing many different types mentioned in the forum's, I am wondering what other names etc. are "Automatic? Of course the Automatic Kymco is the reason I went with Kymco but never checked on anything else. Why automatic, I have a bad (3 time) operated on left knee and for me "Automatic" is the only way to go. Too many sport's! Was Kymco the first to start with the automatic? I guess I should ask more specific also, are scooter's all more so "automatic"?

You Scooter's in the good climate area's, I envy you. This winter has and still is down right NASTY. Since November 2010, we have had snow that didn't melt until 2 week ago, cold, wet, snowy weather since than. Yesterday, rained on and off all day, today rained all day, went to 54 degree's and now at 46 degrees at 5:30 PM with rain going to change to snow tonight and 4-6 inches by morning....with definite flooding Pittsburg Warf area, creeks all around flooding, water in basement's coming through the wall's due to saturated ground. It seems like Spring will never get here and hopefully this is not an indication of what the summer may bring. I'll have to trailer my scooter South to warm climate just to ride it! Either that or invent some sort of top for it to ride in the rain! Disgusted Here

General Discussion / Wheel Sizes
« on: March 09, 2011, 09:38:37 AM »
When I purchased my S200 and kept it a short while, I was told the larger 16 inch wheel's is the way to go. But than when I was interested in my present scooter, was talked into it even though the tire size was really not an issue. Ok, I now have of course the Downtown 300i and it run's the 14 front and the 13 rear. I've seen 15 - 14 on other unit's so it bring's me to the technical question....why the difference. Is it due to height, width, weight or what? Is the 16 inch in fact safer as I was led to believe at one time? My mind is always working and appreciate this Forum!

General Discussion / Scratches and then there are scratches
« on: March 09, 2011, 09:24:30 AM »
General Discussion therefore "scratches".... I had some minor scratches on my truck and even these little ones bother me. So, I had taken the bottle of Scratch Doctor and some rags to work being several worker's were also interested. Cleaned the area, shook the bottle (hard) and rubbed it on with a soft rag. Left it dry several minutes, rubbed it off and minor scratches...gone. Recommended to use the same brand polish/wax over the same area...will do later. Now then there are SCRATCHES (Large Ones), well, I have no experience with that yet other than touch up paint if deep. Has anyone used the type of scratch filler that can be used on any color? Don't know what the name is but heard of it? Don't know if permitted to use the name of the scratch doctor here, Guess I'll be told if not....Nu-Finish. Further, I was told not to spray the black side-wall tires with Blacking due to any of it spraying over to the road gripping rubber due to possible slippage. Anyone use anything Special on the Black Plastic /Vinyl to clean and blacken without too much shine to it? All in preparation for Scooter Time!

General Discussion / Gas Price, Scooter, Weather Hurry and Change!
« on: March 07, 2011, 10:09:47 AM »
We own a Truck and use Regular Gas and the Scooter requires 91 octane or better! Already over 4 bucks a gallon for regular, the High Octane is out of site.
Hopefully this winter goes by the waste side quickly in order to use the scooter (68 mpg) when possible. From the looks and sounds of the world condition, fuel price is just going to get worse and stay there for awhile. Good thing I ordered a fairly large box to carry grocery's. The center fold out hook on the DT will be usefull too as long as one can get a bag that will fit over the center hump. Maybe these are off beat post's on the scooter's but they are a part of our everyday life the way it look's. Am glad to have the scooter now!

General Discussion / Helmet's Full Face or Other
« on: March 05, 2011, 01:57:20 PM »
I am a new scooter rooter for about well weeks and my helmet is not the Full Face. As I venture through photo's etc. I see many Full Face over the plain helmets that just curve around the ears and some not that way. I purchased a helmet that doesn't curve around the ear's with the helmet part but with the leather that provides better hearing. It has the drop down shield either the clear or tinted. I'm sure there are many pro's and con's on styles and am anxious to hear opinion's. My helmet is: Scorpion EXO-100 Solid Open-Face and I paid about 100 buck's. My Reason: tried on other types but I felt it was cutting off my hearing which I feel is very inportant as long as the wind doesn't get to you. So far even though limited in use due to weather, I feel comfortable with it.....SOME THOUGHT'S/OPINION'S

General Discussion / Back Post Interesting Reading
« on: March 03, 2011, 10:02:54 AM »
I went back to read some earlier post's and one that was interesting is "Just Wondering How Do You Defend Your Bike Against Theft"? Some different ideas in there and further, something to think about when it comes to repair's.

General Discussion / WOW, A 2011 DT300 on E-Bay?
« on: March 03, 2011, 09:49:18 AM »
I just happen to look down at the pay-pal area and read about the bidding on a 2011 DT with 990 miles on it. I paid twice as much for my new one and one has to be very curious as to why such a price and reason to get rid?? The unit looks new. hmmmmm?

General Discussion / Cigarette Lighter socket
« on: March 02, 2011, 11:29:33 PM »
I read that it is for cell phone charging and haven't found any particulars beyond that. Does anyone know what the output wattage capability is if in fact there is a wattage spec. Would be great if there was a capability of a heavy duty battery for these units.....unless there is?

General Discussion / anxiety/nervousness or what before a ride!
« on: March 02, 2011, 10:20:08 AM »
I admit I am a newbie to riding a motored two wheeler which I nerver was with a non-motored two wheeler so I have to ask! Does anyone else get that anxiety, nervousness, excitement or what when you helmet up, place on the golve's, push out to a starting position and all, I do! Once I go a block or so it seems to go away and all of a sudden I am really enjoying moving out on my own and on my scooter! I really am a Scooter Rooter of course and wonder what other's feel on count-down!

General Discussion / A Strip of Reflector Tape
« on: March 01, 2011, 10:50:46 PM »
I purchased a Strip (package) of reflector tape, 19 inches long by 3 inches wide consisting of Pliable Reflector tape....Red & Silver, several strips of each in this package from Wal-Mart. I used a good bit of it when I had the Peoples S200 with the Shad SH40 box and it worked out great. One can cut any of it to fit whatever they are planning to use it on. I recommend cleaning the area very well and possibly use some 91% alcohol last to clean the area not leaving any residue. This alcohol can also be used on cleaning VCR Equipment and more.

Downtown 300 / Photo's of GIVI Box and Hardware for DT300
« on: February 27, 2011, 05:15:14 PM »
If anyone is interested in the SUBJECT please give me your E-Mail and Name and I'll be happy to forward to you. I spent a bit of time trying to show all the best I can without having access to a Studio. I will further shoot pix's after it is mounted on my DT300 as soon as weather let's me get into the garage!

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