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Topics - streido

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Had my Agility50 since just after new year. When i got it it was red and kind of boring so since it was nice and sunny this weekend i decided to paint it.
Just put it all back together this afternoon and now she looks fine, no more nasty red paint.
Already did a full de-restrict(cdi cut, Boss, 82 main jet) and get max speed of 47mph now on the clock using 5.5g rollers, 43mph on gps using my phone. Could use some better acceleration but once im finally up to top speed its fast enough for now. Waiting for a race variator and 7.5g rollers this week to try that out, then out to have some speedy fun hopefully. May try a 1000rpm spring later too.
Be good to hear what folks think of my work anyway so far, so all feedback welcome.

This it how it was before i started on it.

And after.

Agility 50 / Need better acceleration and uphill speed.
« on: April 23, 2011, 12:34:51 AM »
Ive had my Agility 50 for 3-4 months now and did a de-restrict from the advice i found on this forum.
Here is what i've done so far,

Changed the boss
Cut the CDi
Put in a 82 main jet
Put in 5.5g rollers

Im now getting around 47mph on the clock (43mph using gps on my phone) but it takes a while to get there and going uphill it drops to the 30mph mark on the clock. I think i was getting 3-4mph more with the stockrollers and have not noticed any real improvement using the 5.5g rollers.

Ive just ordered a race variator, couldnt afford malossi so ordered a chinese clone, and 7.5g rollers to try them to improve my top speed a bit maybe. Do you think i shold be putting in a 1000rpm torque spring too?And will this improve the acceleration?

Im pretty happy with the top speed just now but another 5-10mph would be great, if i can do it cheap enough. Im hoping the combination of the new race variator and rollers will improve performance but just not sure about the whole torque spring/clutch set up so any advice would be great.

Decided today to strip it down and painted the panels since it was sunny, laquer them tomorrow then get it back together on monday ready for my new parts arriving mid-week. 

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