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Topics - Syl

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Downtown 300 / Received My New Top Box For the DT300
« on: February 25, 2011, 10:57:54 PM »
Somewhere in one of my post's I stated that I was going to purchase a GIVI V46 but thought the lock was shaby and the Box Too Expensive. Well, I received my new GIVI V46 Box which I decided upon being it was the only logical mounting hardware that would attach to the DT300. I take back the words, shaby lock being I admit, I didn't know how to operate it correctly. The mounting hardware will be very strong, two lock down bolt's and a steel U shape bracket locking down the other end. The finish is great, I purchased the shiney silver top V4G730A, Lock Down Hardware SR92, and Backrest Pad E95S. I have no ownership in any of the above nor do I receive any compensation for this might be called a plug. I am just happy with my purchase and want to as this Forum exist for....pass on info and or experience.
I don't want to give address here or otherwise being not sure how far to go. If one was to contact me through my E-Mail, I would be happy to give any further information. By the way, I purchased the silver top box for my silver DT300!

Downtown 300 / My First Ride on the 300! wooooooo!
« on: February 13, 2011, 08:30:42 PM »
Anxious to get out for the first time, 45 degrees still spotty snow areas on the ground and very windy. Put on my Shift (backdraft) jacket with liner in and placed my silver helmet on my head, Shift gloves on and opened the garage door nervously! Thought to myself people are going to think, that guys crazy scooting in this weather. Figured the heck with people I hit the starter and slowly powered out of the garage. First thing I noted, good thing I had left hand on the brake this thing jumps! Just barely throttling the power is immediately noticed. Down the alley I went sort of like not gasing a vehicle enough with the clutch out.....jumping! First thing I noted was as being 6'1", it was a bit cramped at the legs and seat but the arms were extended in a comfortable position. My pant legs rode up a bit being the seating tendedd to give me so called rattle snake under wear! Stayed off the faster roads and drove around the neighborhood and town. Had a hard time getting used to the jump at first throttle from a stop...still have to get used to that. Nothing got cold other than my cheeks so it was not a bad day after all to ride around. I noted that the rear disk brake didn't appear to be as affective as the drum was on the S200 I had. Have to check if about a 1/4 inch turn on the throttle is normal before the unit is throttled up. Put on 13 miles and really enjoyed the ride. Back to the garage, I had a heck of a time getting it back in. Have to put it in perpendicular to the garage being not much room. Couldn't believe how heavy this thing is trying to get that back end in! It is definetly 400 lbs or so! Had many stares everywhere but I believe it was just due to all the Silver, scooter, helmet, jacket etc. By the way, the sun was out and making everything even brighter.

Downtown 300 / Want to ask 2011 Downtown 300i owner's
« on: February 11, 2011, 11:06:14 PM »
I have had someone explain with video on setting the 300i on it's center stand but just about ashamed to say, I have a rough time even doing it by way of the explanation. Do any 300i owner's find this difficult to do and have any advise? I don't believe it is lack of strength but I just can't get it going readily. Thanks.

General Discussion / Thought's and ideas
« on: May 25, 2010, 09:07:20 AM »
The more I ride my scooter....the more fun I have! At first it was making sure or at least doing all safe, logical things in riding. Now getting used to the particulars, I am enjoying going around seeing places and people I normally don't stop and talk to and places I like to see. I have been taking over my wife's garage though and that is the bad part! I have to get out of there and find a new scooter parking area! I like keeping things clean etc. and so with my scooter. Blackening the tires is not over-looked. I do that with a clear shine spray can. My dealer remarked about this and told me to be careful not to get the spray beyond the sideway ridge which rides the road on turns and curves...why, makes the tire smooth and possible not gripping. I'll heed that...never gave that a thought. Another thought, I have a scorpion ex0-100 helmet and got tired of the buckle system. I have taken off the 2 chrome rings and installed a quick release...what a differnece. The rings were such a pain in the ......

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