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Topics - intercode

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People 50 / Starter wheele came loos
« on: April 11, 2016, 06:29:58 PM »

Hope some can help me. First, sorry for my bad english.

i have just got a 2005 People 50 scooter.  It can not start.
neither from the kick starter or from the electric starter.

i have taken the kickstarter off, and i see that when i turn the starter, the starter wheele is comming loose.

i have attached a picture from the service manual.

the engine can turn for a short period, before the starter jams, and i have to revind it, s it gets where it shuld be. but everityme i sturn the starter, the wheele pops out, an jams the other whele in the picture.

i think the problem is located to the shield for the kickstarter. but carnt see how to fix it.

anybody can help please?

thank you


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