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People GT 300i / replacing the mirrors (new to forum)
« on: April 28, 2016, 05:07:56 PM »
Hi all! New to the forum...

I'm an old scooter guy, no matter how much my motorcycle riding friends want me to convert. As a teen, I started riding on a 70s Vespa (a 100?) that belonged to my mom (my mom and dad had ridden Vespas in the 50s and 60s in Europe), upgraded to a Honda CB550k, stopped riding for 20 years after a horrible accident, started again a few years ago with a Honda Elite 80, then a 150D, then a 250 (lovely machine, honestly), and just recently got a People GT 300, which is an AMAZING ride. I love this thing! SO much fun to ride, WOW!

But I have an issue. I am 6'4" and the mirrors on all my scooters have always been too short to serve my needs well. Roughly 70% of the mirror is me, and I only see a little sliver of the lanes behind me. It doesn't matter how I adjust them, they're just too short for my size. (I have a similar problem in cars, with rooflines coming down far enough that don't see sky unless I slouch or lean forward. Sigh.) I'd like to extend the mirror arms in some fashion, and am asking for help with folks who know more than I do.

Any recommendations on where to find good, longer mirrors that help me solve this problem? I'd love to just screw the existing ones out and screw new ones in, keeping the mount in place, and would love suggestions on what the best options are. Thanks!


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