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Topics - Evil Knievel

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Downtown 300 / Malossi Multivar two different types
« on: July 29, 2016, 11:31:56 AM »
Hi there!

Im new on this forum and i have a question.

I have a DT from 2011 with 67.000KM with Dr. Puley 14gr sliders.

A couple of weeks ago my belt was exploded for the second time in 8.000km. Some research noticed that the torque spring, the torque driver and rear pulley needs to be replaced.

I orded a OEM torque-driver and a Malossi white torque spring.

I checked the Malossi site and the're two differents spring for the DT.

The big diferent is the diameter.

type 1: DT '09 - '11  diameter 67,4mm
type 2: DT '12 - '14 dimaeter 68,mm

I measured mine OEM  and it was 68mm. But Malossi said no you need type 1 with 67,4mm. But this won't fit very well over the inner tube of the clutch.
After i replaced the new part the DT have a big struggle with acceleration. I think that the vario needs to be replaced also.

I also want to order the Multivar 2000 but the're also two types.
He''re the diferents between them.

Set 1
Malossi type SK60 '09 - '11
partnr of the set: 5114238

3711338 3 SLIDERS for MULTIVAR 2000
66 9917.M0 6 HTRoll Ø 23x18 gr.18 For 200 cc   
66 9917.Q0 6 HTRoll Ø 23x18 gr.20 For 300 cc   
2514241B FIXED COVER for MULTIVAR 2000
2314242B MULTIVAR 2000 HUB (Ø 27x19,3x62,2 mm)
6611864B OIL SEAL Ø 27x35x4 € 7.93   Acq
2913316.WO WHITE VARIATOR ADJUSTER SPRING ext.Ø 67,4x107mm thread Ø 5,2mm 10,2k[b/]

Set 2: number 5114730
Malossi type SK60A 2012 -2014

The sets are the same except these three parts:

weight of rollers are different. These are lighter....
66 9917.E0 6 HTRoll Ø 23x18 gr.15 For 200 cc
66 9917.M0 6 HTRoll Ø 23x18 gr.18 For 300 - 350 cc   

vario part number is different, don't know what's diferent.

6114731B MOVABLE HALF-PULLEY for MULTIVAR 2000 € 99.55   

different size of torque spring.

2914712.W0 WHITE VARIATOR ADJUSTER SPRING ext.Ø 68x120mm thread Ø 5,2mm 9,9k

Because i already orded the torque spring from set 1 that won't fit mine torquedriver, i was wondering if somebody can give me an answer wich type do you use and can i use set 2 on my 2011 DT?

Thanks so far!

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