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Topics - pimaCanyon

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / buying a new scoot!
« on: December 03, 2009, 09:26:22 PM »
Hello Kymco Fans,

Last weekend I test drove the Buddy 150, the People 150, and the Sym HD200.

I just got back from test riding them all again, and I have eliminated the Buddy from my list.

Between the Buddy, the People 150, and the HD200, the Buddy's ride felt the harshest. I could feel more of the motor vibration under the seat than with the other two. Also bumps on the road.

So now I'm trying to choose between the People 150 and the HD200. If price were the same, or within 2 or 3 hundred bucks, I'd go for the HD in a heartbeat. But the out the door price is 1000 more for the HD-- 4100 for the HD, 3100 for the People. So now I'm wondering whether the HD will be worth that extra grand to me.

I'm 6 feet tall, under 150 pounds.  I plan to use the scoot for in town riding, maybe occasional weekend short trips to Madera Canyon or up Mt Lemmon (I live in Tucson), maybe occasional 2 up riding.

Any comments or feedback will be most welcome!

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