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Topics - Komboloi

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Like 150i Subforum
« on: October 14, 2018, 08:38:22 AM »
Hello, I am Komboloi, the owner of a brand new blue Like 150i, and I'm happy to have found this forum.  I live in Southern Nevada, and I put a lot more miles on my two-wheeled friends than on my four-wheeled vehicle.  I ride year round and intentionally keep my grocery list short so that I have an excuse to go more often on a motorcycle or (now) my new scooter.  Being retired, I don't commute, but there is usually some place I need to ride.  If not, I make things up.

Anyway, the only thing I can see that this forum really needs is a Like 150i subforum.  I've seen several posts suggesting this.  But it seems the Kymco USA website has no dedicated page of accessories for the Like 150i and has no online owner's manual for the Like 150i, so I'm feeling a little disrespected all the way 'round.

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