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Topics - liquidblackracing

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I made these quick links hopefully it will be useful to everyone.  Everyone should have access but only moderators will have access to edit.  (stig feel free to shoot me a pm and I'll get you edit rights)

LIKE 200i / Replacing the speedo cable
« on: May 26, 2020, 04:01:52 AM »
Hello all,
Sorry, it's been a minute I got called back into work so I've had less time to work on the bike.  So when I bought it the speedo cable was broken and I couldn't see how fast I was going.  After pulling the cluster out and getting to the cable the inners of the cable that spins was able to come out entirely.  (some bikes are made that way however the like has an internal clip of some sort that holds it in.  I found that the wheel side component was still good after lifting it and spinning it.  So I ordered a cable and here's the following procedure how I did it.

Hardness level:  4 out of 10. 
There are no special tools needed and fairly simple just don't pull to hard when pulling the cable threw.

Step one:
Remove the top plastics near the cluster.
       >This has 2 Phillips and 2 8mm bolts
       > once removed remove the plastic holding in the speedo cluster to access the cable.  There should be 3 clips. 
          similar to Stigs post found here

Step two:
Remove and inspect cable.
        > on the back of the cluster is the speedo cable you can see the fitting screws off and you can see if the inner of the
           cable pulls out.  if it pulls out then the cable is no longer working correctly and will need a new cable.
Step three:
before buying a new cable make sure that the speedo drive unit is still working correctly
         > you can do this two ways.  you will need to pull the cable out of the speedo drive which is connected to the wheel with one bolt (i believe a 10 mm may have been and 8 :/)

         >Then you can do 2 things.
                    a.  Put it on the center stand and spin the wheel to see if the drive unit is spinning
                              > tech tip if you put your bike on the center stand push down on the back and put some wood in between
                                  the kickstand then the front wheel will stay off the ground. 
                    b.  get an assistant and push the bike forward to see if it's spinning
         > if it still spins then you don't have to replace it but its a good time to check

Step four:
once your new cable comes in you can do it the hard way and pull off all the plastics and have a hell of a time or you can do what I did which is a life hack for sure.  I do this process a lot with wiring and it worked pretty well with this speedo cable as well
         > So after the cable has been disconnected from the cluster I used electrical tape to tie the two cables together (the
            cluster end of the old cable and the drive end of the new cable.)

                >You want to make sure that you wrap the cable several times on one side then bring it back to the other.  I did
                  this 3 times just to ensure that the tape will not break while pulling the cable threw.

Step five
Pulling the cable threw
         > disconnect the bolt holding the cable onto the shock. 

                     > there is also a tab that needs to be pried underneath the front wheel fairing.  I took mine off because I
                        couldn't see it at first but I believe that this could be done with the fender on.

         > after taping the 2 cables together securely you are going to pull from the wheel side. 
                     >Warning if it gets snagged and it's too hard to pull makes sure you pulled that tab out.  pulling too hard will
                        break the tape and you will have to pull all the plastics to find where it snagged. 

step six
Alignment of the cable.
        > once the cable is pulled threw align the cable v into the drive unit tooth.  sounds complicated but its really not your
            just aligning the cable up with the drive unit.

        > once aligned place bolt back into the speedo cable that holds the cable into the drive gear.
        > bolt back the bolt from the cable bracket to the shock

step seven
insuring of cable alignment
        > to ensure this is done correctly you must spin the wheel to see if the cable at the top is spinning. if this is the case
           then you can start putting everything back together

step eight
reconnect the cable back into the cluster
         > after reconnecting the cable into the cluster reinstall the plastics holding in the cluster and secure the 2 Phillips
            and 2 8mm hex bolts

Step nine
Test drive.
          >  after putting it all back together, test ride the bike to make sure that your speedometer is now working correctly

Step ten
          >  after verifying your fix give your self a pat on the back and have a beer :) you are now finished. 


LIKE 200i / Introduction and things to come
« on: May 04, 2020, 03:03:46 AM »
Hello all,
I didnt see a introduction/new member spot on the forum so I figured i would post here.

About me:
I have two motorcycles: 94 cbr600  streetfighter/cafe racer, and a 02 vfr800 sport touring

Just purchased a 2018 Like 200i for my girlfriend. So she can get into biking.  So far shes liking it :)

So brings me back to why im here.

So every time I work on projects I try my best to document my work and post up what Ive learned.  So here is whats wrong with the bike that Ive found so far.

Speedometer gauge not working.
    Found that the cable had snapped and the speedo drive seams that it may have locked up.  it dosnt twist when the front wheel turns so I will have to replace both.

Missing center stand.
   Im a fan of centerstand and want to put it back on.   also i feel like the regular kick stand is quite tall and feel like it would be better if it was shorter.  not sure if any one feels the same or if any one has modified theirs.  (I have a welder so i might cut and weld the stock one.

Left mirror was broken. 
  the scooter was droped and busted the left hand mirror.  haven't decided if it wasnt to go to an after market mirror or try to find a stock one. 

Im sure there will be more things that I will fix but its a good start.



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