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Topics - yawning_cat

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Newbie cruiser owner
« on: March 15, 2011, 08:09:32 PM »
Hello all,
Here for Evesham in the UK and am now the proud owner of a 2005 Kymco Cruiser 125cc, im so pleased with it and it came at a really good price, it does need some work to make it perfect, so im hoping you'll all be able to advise.
Firstly there is a really odd and quite loud mettalic type rattle coming from the top of the engine area, it needs more investigation, maybe some of you may have come across it? Also need a front fender and some side panels (just below the seat) as theyre all broken, are there any other parts that will fit of can I find replacements anywhere?
Aside from that I love it, cant wait to get the niggly bits sorted and get out on the road - it will be lovingly named woody.
Great to find a forum, and hope you all can help,

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